Mr Fiske, I most heartily apologise for the deaths of your crewmen, who were presumably discharging their duties in-line with orders. This is quite unnaceptable. I shall have an investigation launched into this torrid affair and attempt to diving what posessed New Republic Crewmen to fire upon an Imperial Ship during a time of Peace.
We must re-iterate this is not the policy of the New Republic Military, and not a failing thereof, simply (seemingly) a very serious mistake by an officer of our fleet, which will be invesitgated to the most stringent standards.
I can assure you that Mr Nadia will apologise for his actions to yourselves, in writing. This affair is most torrid and unfortunate. The crew must, of course, be released at the earliest possible conveinence, and should you wish to, I would support you being allowed to present a prosecution to the Courts against Admiral Nadia for actions (possibly ammounting to piracy) against a government who we are not in a conflict against. While I am poorly placed to make a legal judgement, after an investigation I would suggest taking legal advice.
Now, we must come to an agreement regarding their release, what terms do you propose?