And Into the Fire
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Captain_Holt | Date: Sunday, 25 Oct 2009, 10:16 PM | Message # 1 |
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| "Pinnacle Keep" Detention Facility Gellefon, Korness System, Outer Rim Holt's uniform was stained with his blood. So was the floor, the table, even the walls. His hair—once black, but having since begun to fade from age—was matted with sweat and fell messily upon his brow. His nose and several ribs were broken and his jaw had been fractured, although he did not yet know this. The pain, at least, was over. It had been an inconcievable pain that did not occur in nature, but was, rather, synthesized in a laboratory and administered intravenously. Holt had withstood it all, and told them nothing. It had not been easy, but he'd reminded himself that the most important thing to resisting interrogation was to remain singularly focused on one thing (that is, one thing other than the pain). Thus, he counted the number of times that he was asked, "Where is the Magnum?" He counted the number of times he'd been punched or kicked, and when he lost count he started counting again. He counted the number of times he was injected with a new substance, and tried to guess what they were from the effects (he correctly identified xebonica, skirtopanol and titroxinate, which were never meant to be combined even for the purposes of torture). Throughout the torture (which lasted perhaps thirteen or fourteen hours, if Holt had surmised rightly) he'd not said a word. In truth, he'd spoken little over the last nine years, let alone the last few hours. In the New Republic's custody—which was, in retrospect, considerably more pleasant—he'd spoken only to himself, reciting literature or poetry from memory, or reading aloud passages of the memoir he'd written and refined over those years. When he was finally released, he'd said only two words to the Imperial officer who'd come to retrieve him and who was, shockingly, not Human but rather a Duros or, worse, possibly a Neimoidian. "The war?" he had asked, wondering how his release had been possible and already having deduced the worst. Then they'd told him about the peace treaty and the prisoner exchange, and he fell once again into silence. He had no more to say to his new captors than he'd said to his old ones. The Imperials had been polite at first, but soon lost patience and resorted to more dramatic means of questioning. Holt had escaped Scylla only to be devoured by Charybdis. One might wonder why the Remnant, which had over two hundred Star Destroyers already, should be so concerned with the whereabouts of one. But to Holt, the Magnum was all that mattered now; it was apparently the only thing that had remained the same—that had remained uncorrupted—over all his years in prison. The Empire itself was now suspect. Disra was dead. Harrsk was dead. Teradoc was dead. Daala was dead. Pellaeon (who, as far as Holt was concerned, had done more to lose the Battle of Endor than the Rebellion had done to win it) was now in command. Now that Pellaeon had "made peace," Holt would never again take orders from this man. The Magnum, now, was the only way to prosecute the war that he'd promised himself for the last nine years that he would prosecute. This was why he'd hidden the ship in the first place. Perhaps the Remnant understood this, and was why his interrogation was so vigorous. But it was Holt's conviction that sustained him throughout the ordeal. Now, as he sat numb in his chair under the flourescent lights of a small room with duracrete walls, he still maintained his poise and his posture, and his head was held high (bloodied though it was). He would leave this room or he would not, but he would not divulge the Magnum. Apparently, however, he would leave the room. He was told, eventually, to ready himself to go; the Hutts were going to collect him and, it was promised, they would dispose of him in a manner far worse than the Empire possibly could. Within the hour, he was bound with stun cuffs and standing, once again, outdoors on a landing pad waiting to be retrieved, and flanked on either side by a stormtrooper and also the same Duros/Neimoidian officer (who was now decidedly less polite than he'd been before). Holt made a note of them, where they were standing, and where their weapons were as they waited for the ship. If an opportunity to escape presented itself, he was going to take it.
Captain Gordon Holt Star Destroyer Magnum
Message edited by Captain_Holt - Sunday, 25 Oct 2009, 10:53 PM |
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Kyrum | Date: Tuesday, 27 Oct 2009, 12:15 PM | Message # 2 |
Group: Users
Messages: 27
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| The call had been made and the prisoner was in place. this was beginning to be like old times. with the cordinates locked into the ship. the guardian began to take off for the detention facility. the ship had under gone some much needed modifications and upgrades since last time which made tracking much easier. whether or not he was expected or not did not matter much but he was prepared for both. Kyrum had recently aquired the codes needed from an unknown source. as the ship entered hyperspace once the destination speed had been reached he looked to his scanners only noticing a few blips here and there that came from various sources but nothing to be seriously concerned about. as he came out of hyperspace and towards the planets core, a slight chill came through the air as if an unknown source was watching him from the distance. the facility ahead wasn't anything Kyrum had expected it to be,but the expectation had ended once he landed on the platform. upon stepping out of the ship, he met the guards at the gate ."I am here to pick up the prisoner" the chill that had been in the air took its place again as the storm trooper stepped just directly behind him just as a guard approached him. they exchanged glances before he motioned the trooper on his way. with a smirk, Kyrum looked to the guard. "smart move, take me to the prisoner." with a nod to the hunter, they walked through the facility to the cell block where Holt was beig held. as Kyrum walked through the door,he noticed the blood that had been on the table as well as the floor and stood to greet him. "I take it you have been treated well" he said sarcasticly. "lets go"
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Captain_Holt | Date: Friday, 30 Oct 2009, 3:53 PM | Message # 3 |
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| The bounty hunter was about what Holt had expected him to be. He had no animosity toward the man—that is, until his sarcastic remark at Holt's expense. So, apparently he was the sort who enjoyed his work. Whether or not he succeeded in killing this man, Holt would at least have no hesitation to try. But not here. He looked over either shoulder at the stormtroopers, who wisely kept their blaster rifles close. No, not here. There were too many of them, and Holt shuddered at the thought of being hit with a stun blast when his body already ached and every step caused him pain. Besides, it was better to make his move when he was on the hunter's ship so that he'd already have a vessel in which to escape. He would wait, for now. He shot the bounty hunter a venomous glare, but said nothing to him. He merely followed the procession to the man's ship with a sort of quiet indignity, as he thought of the most practical ways to kill him.
Captain Gordon Holt Star Destroyer Magnum
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Kyrum | Date: Friday, 06 Nov 2009, 2:44 PM | Message # 4 |
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| The troopers kept their blasters handy and didn't rest them at ease until they both reached the ship. Kyrum had found that amusing as they didn't seem to trust him any more than their prisoner. once the two men made it to the ship and on board, he led Holt to the Holding cell and placed him inside of it and watched as the shield closed as he placed him in. "enjoy the ride imperial, it is going to be a while before we get there." Kyrum then walked to the cockpit of the ship and prepared it for takeoff. the simple part of the job had been done with minimal effort. perhaps,too minimal. this would be one he would definately keep his eyes on even though the ship itself was secure, there was always a way to find a security flaw that to the naked eye wouldn't be there. now came the delivery.
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AradDominin | Date: Tuesday, 17 Nov 2009, 11:38 PM | Message # 5 |
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| At the waypoint at Nar Shaddaa, a Beta-class ETR-3 Escort Transport was lying in wait. When it was known how Captain Holt was being transported, they were shipped off to a spot near Hutt Space, where they waited. Now that they knew where his was popping out at, they could set up their trap. Four Y-Wings were also set up with the Transport, a distance away. Aboard the Escort Transport were the ten field operatives of the elite Nightmare Team. Backing them up, merely on a as-need basis were two squads of Imperial Commandos. However, they were not dressed as such. Perhaps it could be noticeable that they all had military backgrounds, however they were all plain clothes, with the appearence of mercs. Even their ships looked mercenary, externally at least. Internallty they were in premier shape. When Kyrum dropped out of hyperspace, the Escort Transport, which was facing him head on, immediatly fired upon his turrets with turbolaser, laser cannon, and ion cannon fire, while targetting the ship with its warheads. Meanwhile the four Y-Wings sweeped in from behind, hammering at his engines and rear quarter with their ion cannons, hoping to disable him flat right away, weaponless, engineless, and powerless. After this first attack, a message would be broadcasted to his ship. "Hand over the prisoner or you will be killed, this is your only warning." said a very stern voice, coming from a man that seemed to have spent too many years in the military and its special forces.
Moff Arad Dominin Carrion Sector
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Kyrum | Date: Thursday, 19 Nov 2009, 9:32 AM | Message # 6 |
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| Gunfire was not something Kyrum expected when he dropped out of hypoerspace, but immediately returned it as he began to dodge the fire that aimed for his turrets and dove his ship down barely missing the Ion cannon fire as he began to activate the front and rear deflector shields. "well,well isn't this interesting." he thought to himself as he manuvered the ship to slip in just behind the Y-Wings that were comming at him and began to fire upon them. Turbolaser fire threatened the wings seperately as he pulled back to give them distance but was close enough for contact. "if it is a firefight you want, it is a fire fight you are going to get. but this one is mine." he thought to himself and waited for the next move from his opponent before going any further.
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AradDominin | Date: Sunday, 22 Nov 2009, 10:45 PM | Message # 7 |
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| The reaction time of the pilot was remarkable, one that caused a momentary freeze amongst two of the Y-Wing pilots, who had the YT-2400 pull in on their rear, however the other two were unphased and braked to compensate for the manuevere and continued to pound the rear of the ship with accurate Ion Cannon fire. They were highly trained pilots, all four of them, in fact the best their master had, all of whom had mountains of combat experience, and knew their way around a flight stick well, as did their gunners, who were also the best at their game. The Ion Cannons on the Y-Wings being chased, proceeded to return fire towards their attacker, although nowhere near as ferocious as fire against the rear was coming, as they were taking careful aim to make sure they didn't hit their wingmates, while the firing arcs of the rear Y-Wings were sure to not hit the front Y-Wings. Meanwhile, the Assault Shuttle came in behind the YT-2400 now, adding its Ion Cannons to the considerable, and probably inescapable amount, of Ion Cannon fire the ship was under.
Moff Arad Dominin Carrion Sector
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Captain_Holt | Date: Monday, 23 Nov 2009, 2:42 AM | Message # 8 |
Group: Users
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| At least some of the barrage of ion cannon fire must have hit its mark, because a sound like pouring gravel was suddenly heard throughout the ship, which trembled beneath Holt's feet (he had awakened and stood when it became clear that the ship was under some sort of attack). The lights flickered and then failed completely, plunging the interior of the ship into complete darkness except for putrid green hue of Nal Hutta outside. Even Kyrum's monitors and navigations consoles would go dark and, most importantly of all, the energy field around Holt's cell was down. Everything came back on in a matter of seconds, as the YT-2400's redundant generator hummed to life. But as the lights and the energy field went up again, it revealed that Holt was nowhere to be seen. Not that Kyrum would have been able to see into the galley of the ship anyway; the cockpit in a YT-2400 was secluded from the vessel proper and situated out of view of the rest of interior. It was, in fact, an interior that Holt had plenty of time to study on the long flight to Nal Hutta. By the time this event occurred, he knew exactly where the escape pod (and the weapons locker) was. As much as he wanted to kill the bounty hunter, however, Holt resisted the temptation to go strangle the man with his stun cuffs, or shoot him with one of his own blasters, or stab him with one of his own vibroblades and, instead, opted for the escape pod. He would take his chances planetside, and hopefully there would be time for revenge later. Kyrum, struggling at the controls, would undoubtedly hear the hissing of the door that closed behind Holt, and the clank of its lock. Powerless to stop it without sacrificing his whole ship, he would certainly feel the vessel shudder around him as the escape pod blasted free of it and propelled itself at tremendous speed toward the planet below (faster, even, than any of the skirmishing ships).
Captain Gordon Holt Star Destroyer Magnum
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Kyrum | Date: Monday, 23 Nov 2009, 5:45 PM | Message # 9 |
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| as the ship 3was being pummeled upon by the range of fire that had been hitting it Kyrum growled slightly "Shit!" was all he said momentarily before the backup system came back on. the sound of the escape pod taking off made him sigh as he halted back for a moment when the power came back on. his thrusters had been hit seriously by the cannon fire> but with a flick of the switch,quickly regained power. Kyrum had decided within his mind it was now time for payback. they would all deal with what had been dealt upon the ship that day. Kyrum knew just who to call and as the transmission system regained its power he placed a call out to Aramier who was the type of personality who would welcome a firefight this would enable him to go after the pod.
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Crimson_Darkscythe | Date: Monday, 23 Nov 2009, 5:50 PM | Message # 10 |
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| Aramier had jus come off of a spice run when the transmission was recieved. "ahh Kyrum long time no talk. fortunate for you I am still in the skies. he grinned as he had heard in the background what was going on and made a note of the location in his navagational computer. "don't worry, they won't know what hit them."
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Kaos | Date: Monday, 23 Nov 2009, 10:46 PM | Message # 11 |
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| The Shadow of Intent moved at lightspeed through the coiling tunnel of hyperspace. At the end of this blue maelstrom was his deployment zone near Nar Shadda. According to the contract between Kaos and the bounty hunter, he would make safe his journey and his cargo. The Dark Jedi was in the meditation room, a room shrouded in darkness. A shrine was built into the wall, the small orbs and holocrons on it glowed with an eerie blood red. Kaos levitated above the floor by a meter, his legs crossed and his hands resting on his lap. He concentrated on the steady flow of the universe. While he meditated, the galaxy was in motion. He saw hints of many different events through his visions. He concentrated on Kryum's dilemma, trying to interpret the images he was seeing. From his first impressions, things were not going well. Kaos opened his eyes and glanced about the room. He reached out to the shelve and a data-pad sprang into his palm. He accessed the communications systems and send a transmission to one of his agents. Deven, Darth Flare would have to recover from his wound before he could serve Kaos properly. Still, he should call him as well, but not before he first activated his agent closest to Kyrum.
Message edited by Kaos - Monday, 23 Nov 2009, 10:56 PM |
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AradDominin | Date: Monday, 23 Nov 2009, 11:52 PM | Message # 12 |
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| The moment the escape pod launched, and the ship continued evasives without contacting them, the two pursuing Y-Wings, as well as Escort Transport, turned all of their weaponry loose on the YT-2400, the Escort Transport also firing its two Proton Torpedoes, as well as the Y-Wings letting loose a pair each. The YT-2400 now had 4 Turbolasers, 6 Laser Cannons, and 10 Ion Cannons firing upon him, on top of six Proton Torpedoes now chasing his craft, being targetted to it. Only if the man was Force Sensative, and trained as such, could he escape with at least his craft being downed and crash landing on Nal Hutta, if not being destroyed entirely. After launching the Proton Torpedoes, the group immediatly broke off, heading down towards the surface of Nal Hutta, tracking the Escape Pod.
Moff Arad Dominin Carrion Sector
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Darth_Obscyurus | Date: Tuesday, 24 Nov 2009, 2:55 PM | Message # 13 |
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| The dark jedi who had been too young at the time where the Disciple of Ragnos was destroyed, had been stored away somewhere being trained in the ways of the dark side. He had been patient, searching for ways to avenge the Disciple of Ragnos' deaths. A while back, his opportunity was presented. Kaos had approached Darth Obscyurus, not because he needed an apprentice but because he simply needed an agent to work with. Darth Obscyurus had gladly taken this opportunity, hoping that this is the best way to avenge the Disciple of Ragnos. The dark jedi was inside a x-wing starfighter he had recently purchase off the black market, though a very...persuasive means. He didn't mind the R2 unit that was within the x-wing starfighter. The droid was beeping, but merely because he was letting the dark jedi know that Kaos had contacted him. His x-wing was floating still in the space behind Nal Yeshu, the planet that's an orbit ahead of Nal Hutta. This could explain why the men attacking the bounty hunter didn't find his ship on the radar. Darth Obscyurus would grin evilly when he was contacted, and didn't bother to hear what Kaos was saying. He knew he was being needed, "I'm on it." All of sudden, the engines were revved up and he had pushed the speed to maximum. Indeed, he was in a hurry to get to the attackers as well as the prisoner. He had moved the x-wing out of the orbit and headed for Nal Hutta. By now the attackers would have sense the x-wing on their radar. He was prepared to take them on. The truth be said, he loves space combat. It is one of a few hobbies that would put him at ease. Indeed, he's twisted that way. The dark jedi was waiting for his weapons to be in range. His intention was to take on the y-wings, while and hopefully, Kaos would use his ship to concentrate on disabling the armed transport. A very few people knew of his identity, and he plans on keeping it that way.
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Crimson_Darkscythe | Date: Tuesday, 24 Nov 2009, 3:08 PM | Message # 14 |
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| Kyrum's ship was undergoing heavy fire as Aramier arrived on the scene he immediately returned the enemies fire before they broke off hitting at least two of the Y-wings with Ion cannon fire. the dark jedi that arrived on the scene were in waiting position which gave him some to think about his moves on the escort frigate. he himself would be facing fire pretty soon and he knew that but a missile placed just directly in the right spot of the escorts rear engine would give him some thinking time.
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Kyrum | Date: Tuesday, 24 Nov 2009, 3:16 PM | Message # 15 |
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| Kyrum noticed the ships returning fire and manuvered the ship to dodge what fire he could. the Ion cannon fire however,was a bit of a different storyas it had begun to take out one of the stablizers. even though he was still in control of the ship,he was losing it and fast,and it would take a while for a backup reserve to repower itself due to the ammount of fire upon it. while the transmission field was still working. he sent a message out to Kaos with the tracer number of the escape pod. Kyrum then heard something like an explosion happen within the air. he had only hoped that wasn't from his part of the ship, but quickly found out from the signals that Aramier had made it just in time in the middle of the fight. Kaos, there are ships still to the right that are beginning to break off. and you are being joined by someone else out there as well." Kyrum sent the message through encryption before speaking to Aramier. " ok just get me out of here."
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