A Statement to Chief of State Gavrisom
From Imperial Minister of State
Walther Thaddeus Fiske
The Galactic Empire commends Chief of State Gavrisom's intent with his "Peace First" proposals. Especially laudable is his proposal to unilaterally dismantle significant portions of the New Republic Warfleet, which has long been a force of coercion and conquest and an obstacle to true peace. We also support a demilitarized zone in principle, but will reserve judgment until Mr. Gavrisom formally proposes such an arrangement in more detail. However, the Empire does not support the Chief of State's proposal for a tribunal to prosecute violations of the peace treaty. We simply do not trust the competence and the ability of New Republic officials and politicians to come to informed, reasoned and unbiased judgments on Imperial soldiers. Instead, we offer the following counter-proposal; the Galactic Empire and the New Republic shall have access to each other's courts, to prosecute breaches of the treaty and also to mediate trade disputes, and so on. This is truly the most equitable solution. The Republic's citizens shall be tried in Republic courts, and Imperial subjects shall be tried in Imperial courts.
We request that Mr. Gavrisom submit this measure to his Senate for consideration along with his others.