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Slimy slugs...
Ponc_GavrisomDate: Friday, 20 Nov 2009, 1:15 PM | Message # 31
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A high priority text message arrived from Coruscant to Oriel.

Ponc Gavrisom
Chief of State

Message edited by Ponc_Gavrisom - Friday, 20 Nov 2009, 1:19 PM
Paul-GemmellDate: Friday, 20 Nov 2009, 1:18 PM | Message # 32
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Oriel got a beep on his communicator and looked down, reading the message before exclaiming outloud "OH MY GOSH CALE! SOMEONE HAS PUT A 8 MILLION CREDIT BOUNTY ON YOU!" exclaiming it loudly enough for people around to see. He made sure he kept pace with Cale, still smiling. "Perhaps I should come to Baltimn and take a look around? There must be some clues as to why someone would want you captured."

Paul Gemmell

Lieutenant, IntCon, Internal Organization Bureau, Imperial Intelligence
Player of Lutes
Rath-DeschainDate: Friday, 20 Nov 2009, 1:25 PM | Message # 33
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Cale grunted sourly. An eight-million credit bounty? Well, that was certainly a decent sum, if nothing else. "I'm glad you decide to announce that to everyone else in the immediate area, Paul. We are on Nar Shaddaa, after all, in case you forgot, and I'd not like to have to defend myself from a crowd of people trying to get rich." Suiting his words, he sped his pace up, moving onwards towards the docking bay, which wasn't far now, thankfully. He could be rid of his annoying young companion.

"Perhaps you shouldn't come to Baltimn, Paul. I left the Jedi Order because I liked my peace and quiet in some regards. To that end, I do my best to keep too many Jedi from flitting about on Baltimn. As such, I'd ask you politely not to come. Besides, I have my own business to attend to there. You have yours here." The beep on the communicator wasn't missed either. It meant that Oriel was telling someone that he'd met or seen Cale here. This meant leaving rather quickly indeed. Once more, Cale picked up the pace to a good speed walk.

Rath Deschain
High Inquisitor
HavocDate: Friday, 20 Nov 2009, 7:44 PM | Message # 34
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Havoc grinned, he was getting annoyed. "There are a lot of thugs in the world, Njon... I highly doubt that they will be associated with you." It was all he could say really. The Hutt was indeed careful, and Havoc smirked. "For someone who wants him dead, you surely act like a coward about it." Walking around a little, he stops. "How about I turn the sharp edge away from you... give me the men, and I'll equip them myself... sound better?"

Njon_the_HuttDate: Sunday, 22 Nov 2009, 0:49 AM | Message # 35
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"The coward in this analogy is the Jedi Knight who is afraid of killing a 'slimy slug,'" Njon was quick to correct him, his smile vanishing as he pronounced the last term with scathing sarcasm; the sort of sarcasm that only one who was supremely confident in the superiority of his own species could say. Anjiliac was convinced that the widespread hostility exhibited to the Hutts was pure jealousy. Humans were famously prone to petty emotions such as these. Alas, Njon reminded himself, this was not the time to debate the merits of species.

"However," he raised a stubby hand to preempt the Jedi's protests, "I will help you because in this instance we are apparently united by a common purpose, albeit for very different reasons." He raised his brow conspicuously as he spoke this last remark, as if subtly questioning Havoc's motives or, even, his sanity. The Jedi certainly had bloodlust—this much was clear from his butchering of the bar (which, incidentally, had also convinced Njon to his satisfaction that Havoc couldn't possibly be working for the Jedi as a mole; the Jedi could be heavy handed, yes, but they were not murderers and most certainly wouldn't condone what he'd done and, moreover, what he had yet to do).

"I will not provide you with men," he said up front, "You will find, Mr. Stallone, that Hutts are not as foolish or impulsive as humans, and I will not risk my livelihood for a simple vendetta. However, I will provide you with credits so that you may purchase weapons or hire mercenaries to accompany you, that is if you feel that you need them. You will tell no one that we've made this arrangement, and in return, the footage of your massacre will never see the light of day. Do we have an agreement?"

Njon Anjiliac (alias "Njon the Hutt")
■ Owner and CEO of Anjiliac™ brand Spiced Wines, Ltd., known leader of the Anjiliac crime family, suspected leader of the Hutt Cartel.
■ Suspected of grand larceny, embezzlement, extortion, and trafficking in slaves, spice, liquors, and weapons.
HavocDate: Sunday, 22 Nov 2009, 1:11 AM | Message # 36
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Havoc nodded as Njon made the offer. To know that his video would never be shown made him somewhat at ease, but then again nothing would put him at ease. "I agree to it, Hutt. Arrange the funds to be put somewhere secure and just contact me on where it is..." He would give a half-bow towards the Hutt before he would walk away towards the back exit that was opened for him. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend, Hutt. Your people have a hard time remaining loyal... but remember that..." His hood flipped up over his head as he proceeded into the cooridor of the hidden exit. A lot of comotion would of been attracted towards the bar, so Havoc would attempt to avoid the area. As he came to another set of doors, it opened up into the street. As he stepped into the open, his force signature still masked, he scanned his surroundings real quick. The bar was obviously a few blocks down, and where Havoc needed to go was the other direction. Tapping his ear piece, he connected to GP. "Get the engines warm... we'll have to do this quick." He mentioned as he walked down the sidewalk towards the hangers. "The Control Tower has fined you for Indangerment... and apparently for a new shirt." GP shot back over the comm as he proceeded down the street. Havoc could only grin as he proceeded down. He could see the hangers in side and made a run for it.

As he got to his designated hanger, the x-wing was in sight. Fully fueled and restocked, it was ready to go. As he got to it, Havoc jumped up into the nose and walked towards the canopy of the vessel. GP was in the first seat and Havoc stepped over it and took his seat behind it. Once he got in, he closed the viewport and sighed. "Well...?" GP asked as he continued to do more checks on the fighter. Havoc nodded his head. "Well, we have some credits to work with... we'll have to do some recruitment..." Havoc strapped himself in, as he would await the call from Njon about the collection of his credits. "Mercenaries arn't cheap at all... they will want sign-up bonuses for this kind of mission..." Havoc shook his head. "Well, what Njon doesn't know... I have a back-up plan. Set a hyperspace coordinate for I*****." Gp came to a freeze. "What's there?" Asked the Droid, and Havoc would toss over a datapad to him. "Read."

The droid continued to read and Havoc leaned back in the seat a little. It took the droid a few seconds, then gave it back. "The Wolfenstein's grave?" GP asked, and Havoc nodded. "An Imperial General was growing to kind hearted for his own good as he saved a civilian transport from a pirate attack. Unknowing to him, was a spy ship in orbit of the planet though." Havoc took a pause. "Seeing this act as a weakness, the warlord bombarded the Star Destroyer, killing both the General and everything on board. I***** was the location of the Wolfenstein..." GP shook it's head. "So what's important?" The Jedi sighed. "This General had a lot crew members that respected him, and I hear a few of them survived... if we can persuade them to fight for us... we may be in luck." GP turned his head straight to the front this time. "And how do you purpose on doing that?" Havoc shrugged. "We will have to get there."

All that was left was for Havoc to collect the credits. He would sit in the X-wing and await Njon's call.

Njon_the_HuttDate: Sunday, 22 Nov 2009, 4:09 PM | Message # 37
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Havoc recieved the transmission from Njon's people approximately thirty minutes later; the cash had been left in a green, durasteel dumpster behind a secluded warehouse only a few blocks from the spaceport. He was given the coordinates, while Njon's people intervened on his behalf with ground control to make sure that his ship wasn't tracked or followed (apparently, Havoc had made some people at ground control angry when he buzzed the tower; they saw reason, however, when Njon reminded them that a few shattered windows were nothing compared to a few shattered bones, and that coffee stains came out of shirts much easier than blood did). With that, the Jedi was on his own.

Njon Anjiliac (alias "Njon the Hutt")
■ Owner and CEO of Anjiliac™ brand Spiced Wines, Ltd., known leader of the Anjiliac crime family, suspected leader of the Hutt Cartel.
■ Suspected of grand larceny, embezzlement, extortion, and trafficking in slaves, spice, liquors, and weapons.
HavocDate: Sunday, 22 Nov 2009, 4:21 PM | Message # 38
Lieutenant general
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Just as the Jedi was about to fall asleep, his commlink went off. This automatically woke him up as he listened to the transmission. "Let's go" Commanded Havoc as he fired up the engines fully and brought the X-wing up into the air. Raising the landing gears, he flew the X-wing in towards the location in which the money was located. Granted he was breaking rules by doing so, but he had a gut feeling that Ground Control would overlook the action. It took Havoc a few minutes to arrive at the location and opened up the canopy window up. When Havoc did such, a rush of air overtook his face but it was something was use to. The roars of the engines were louder as Havoc unclipped himself and climbed out and climbed onto the nose. "Keep it steady!" He ordered as he rolled over the edge and would land on the ground, using the force to 'cusion' his fall, but it was still bumpy. Running over, he went to the dumpster to collect the credits. Once it was in hand, he looked up at the X-wing and called upon the force and used it to power his legs as he lept up. GP lowered the X-wing a little so that Havoc could land a bit easier. Landing on the nose, Havoc carefully made his way back towards the canopy and dropped the money in GP's lap as he took his seat behind him. Closing the viewport, he took control and blasted the X-wing towards the sky. It was so long Nar Shaddaa.

As they made their way out of the planet's automosphere, the fighter was in clear distance to make the jump. It took a few seconds for Havoc to pull out the coordinates for the Gravesite of the Wolfenstein and it's crew. "Ready to make history?" Havoc asked before he made the jump. GP just nodded as Havoc pulled the lever down and the vessel went off into Hyperspace. Njon had done him a service... which was rare for a Hutt.

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