If you hold these views Mr Stomwell? Why are you here? In fact, don't answer that, I am beyond caring for your opinion. "I do not want Force users mucking about with the populace" you say, and yet the Duke of Baltimn is an Rogue Jedi? And also the very same individual you want to send to Dantooine? I scent a rat here. Sergeant At Arms. Remove Ambassador Stomwell from the Chamber. He has been called to order, and warned a second time. It is not acceptable for those who are not members of the New Republic to be so obtuse and rude in this chamber. You may return to this chamber at such a time as you resolve to contribute constructively, and express such to me in a letter or after 24 hours has passed, whichever is longer.
*The stout Calibop Sergeant at Arms nodded to a pair of Senate Guards, who stood ready at the doors of the Baltimn box to escort them from the chamber. Their microphone was severed as they were taken off the floor*