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Legalization of Spice
1. Yes [ 5 ] [50.00%]
2. No [ 5 ] [50.00%]
Answers total: 10
Artemis_VandenDate: Thursday, 19 Nov 2009, 9:12 PM | Message # 1
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I must clarify, at once, that I do not introduce this measure because I am at all an ethusiast on this matter. I propose the legalization of certain varieties of spice, rather, because for too long have we perpetuated a system in which otherwise law-abiding citizens are forced to turn to criminal syndicates such as the Hutt Cartel, supporting these organizations with their money in return for drugs that are not legal and, thus, not available in the New Republic. Senators, this system encourages violence, smuggling, piracy and slavery.

Therefore I propose that certain spices that are not addictive and are, in fact, relatively harmless be legalized; that is, the possession and use of these drugs and the refinement of it for personal or medical—not commercial—purposes, for sentients of the standard legal ages of each world, and each species.

The following varieties of spice would be legalized under this legislation (listed here by most common terminology):
▪ Crash n' Burn
▪ Firespice
▪ Giggledust
▪ Gree Spice
▪ Gunjack
▪ Gy'lan
▪ Lumni Spice
▪ Muon Gold
▪ Neutron Pixie
▪ Tirefin
▪ Thruster Head

The following are already considered illegal, and would remain illegal under this legislation:
▪ Booster Blue
▪ Carsunum
▪ Collafa Spice
▪ Glitterstim
▪ Glitteryll
▪ Gannarian Narco-Spice
▪ Red Rage
▪ Ryll
▪ Tempest
▪ Yarrock

The following varieties are currently considered legal, and would be affirmed as such under this legislation:
▪ Andris
▪ Avabush
▪ Grey Gabaki
▪ Kassoti
▪ Pyrepenol
▪ Ryll Kor
▪ Sedative H4B
▪ Shenir

Naboo does not encourage the use of any of these drugs (with the exception of Kassoti, one of our exports), nor do we defend them; some of these, I admit, are quite unpleasant. However, the risks one chooses to take with one's health are one's own, and he/she/it should be free to take those risks without also encouraging a host of illegality, and supporting organizations, such as, again, the Hutt Cartel, which are far more unpleasant than the spices that I propose to legalize.

I vote in favor, and urge my colleagues to do likewise to deeply cut into criminal profits that come at the expense of law and order.

Artemis Vanden
Representative of the Naboo

Message edited by Artemis_Vanden - Thursday, 19 Nov 2009, 9:13 PM
LomenRyuunDate: Thursday, 19 Nov 2009, 9:27 PM | Message # 2
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It is a close jump from medical use to commercial, Senator Vanden. I must admit, you made a bold and radical move putting such a motion before the Senate, and I give you credit as such. Indeed, I applaud the spirit in which you bring forth this measure. I believe that the losses will not be worth the gain. If the 'legal' spices are sold legally, then the cartels will simply undercut legal businessmen.

As such, I must vote against this measure.

Lomen Ryuun
Senator, Doldur Sector
Senator, Druckenwell
Representative, Monor II (10 BBY - 9 BBY)
Representative, Geridard
Representative, Boranall
Representative, Therenor Prime
Vice-chairman, Defense Committee (Temporarily suspended)
Controlling Shareholder - Druckenwell Arms Corporation
Jory_CarsonDate: Friday, 20 Nov 2009, 9:41 AM | Message # 3
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“Do I misinterpret, or are you proposing an ‘if you can’t beat em, join em’ ideology? I understand that we have already adopted that philosophy wherein the Remnant is concerned but must we further our risks with the idea that bad bills spawn bad bills?

“I must agree with Senator Ryuun that, while you may cull some few users the vast majority will remain in the shadows; it is, has been, and will remain the lifestyle of criminals to undermine and undercut the government but that certainly should not mean that we give up.

"I vote AGAINST this bill."

Tremaine_FowlkesDate: Friday, 20 Nov 2009, 4:35 PM | Message # 4
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For the reasons Senator Ryuun stated above, I vote against the proposal.

Tremaine Fowlkes,
Senator of Mowgle

Tremaine Fowlkes
Senator of Telos IV
Artemis_VandenDate: Saturday, 21 Nov 2009, 9:24 PM | Message # 5
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I hope that Senator Fowlkes will reconsider his vote, and Senator Ryuun for that matter, because respectfully I believe Senator Ryuun's reasons are incorrect. Notice, please, that the measure does not legalize the sale of these drugs, only their use, possession, and cultivation. There is, therefore, no fine line between medical or personal use and the sale of spice for commercial purposes (some of which, however, is already legal for this purpose).

Senator Ryuun is also mistaken on his second point. The spice producers of Naboo favor this measure because they know that people will not turn to Cartels for legal drugs. Despite what Senator Carson says, there are many good, decent and otherwise law abiding citizens—perhaps misguided in certain respects—who would never turn to a cartel or syndicate except that they are faced with an unreasonable, prohibitive legal system. The drug cartels exist to supply drugs that are considered illegal; with more of the harmless varieties legalized, the incentive to deal with Hutts or criminals is drastically undercut, and so are their profits.

Senators, please do not see this measure as "giving up," as Senator Carson has said. There are 10 varieties of spice specifically listed here as illegal (these are the truly addictive, harmful varieties). The rest are mostly harmless, and many of them can be refined or synthesized in one's own home or starship. This measure is simply an acknowledgement of reality that these drugs will be used, whether or not we agree with this, and in doing so we are also striking a blow at criminals who prey on the weak and the addicted.

By no means is this a substitute for anti-criminal or anti-drug efforts, but as law enforcers will tell you, this measure assists those efforts. I ask, respectfully, that Senators who have voted thus far reconsider their votes.

Artemis Vanden
Representative of the Naboo
Senator_CambristDate: Sunday, 22 Nov 2009, 2:13 AM | Message # 6
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I vote in favor of this measure, and what's more, the Commerce Council has endorsed it unanimously at this morning's session. Senator Vanden is correct that this measure will, to a certain extent, disincentivize the purchase of "harder," illicit drugs from the Hutt Cartel and, thus, will indeed curb the smuggling of such substances. It will not be a significant impact, mind you, but the Commerce Council believes that any measure that could mitigate smuggling is a part of the solution.

While we have not done a full study (this will take time, in order to consider social circumstances and drug use statistics), there is reason to believe that a heavily trafficked world such as Brentaal, for instance, could potentially save as much as a billion credits in a year, on fees and tariffs that would otherwise be unpaid on account of smuggling. I prepared some graphs on this matter before I came to the floor, for the Senate's consideration (see below). Figure 4, in particular, illustrates my remarks.

Message edited by Reuke_Cambrist - Sunday, 22 Nov 2009, 2:15 AM
Ilanah_ThanatosDate: Sunday, 22 Nov 2009, 1:51 PM | Message # 7
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Respectfully, I am inclined to agree with Senators Carson, Ryuun, and Fowlkes in regards to the aforementioned bill. I do not believe that the legalization of spice will do anything except cause more of a drug problem in our worlds. I vote against this measure.

Ilanah R. Thanatos
Senator of Chandrila
LomenRyuunDate: Sunday, 22 Nov 2009, 2:00 PM | Message # 8
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Senator Vanden, your words rather bewilder me. I understand full well that this bill legalizes use, possession and cultivation, but it's a simple jump from there to illegal sales. Too simple a jump for me to be comfortable with. Of course the spice producers on Naboo would agree with the bill because it puts more money in their pockets, at least as far as I can see. The only difference is that they gain wealth and the cartels might lose some. We have already seen the effects of violence with the recent spice incidents on Taris. I'd rather not risk that elsewhere.

Senator Cambrist's initial figures are indeed expansive, but as he states, Brentaal is a world that is heavily influenced by trafficking. Not all worlds see the same ebb and flow of spice as Brentaal. I still stand by my measure. Just because the Commerce Council endorses and backs this bill does not mean Druckenwell can or will in good conscience.

Lomen Ryuun
Senator, Doldur Sector
Senator, Druckenwell
Representative, Monor II (10 BBY - 9 BBY)
Representative, Geridard
Representative, Boranall
Representative, Therenor Prime
Vice-chairman, Defense Committee (Temporarily suspended)
Controlling Shareholder - Druckenwell Arms Corporation
Senator_CambristDate: Sunday, 22 Nov 2009, 4:29 PM | Message # 9
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Senator Ryuun, I have prepared a graph to illustrate the effects on Druckenwell as well (below). While, indeed, this measure would not be as commercially beneficial to Druckenwell as it would be to Brentaal, I think you'll see that it is, nonetheless, quite beneficial in the long term. These calculations are informal, but I would estimate Druckenwell (especially being primarily an export economy) could save as much as 2 billion credits in a six-year period, with a steady savings in the following years.

Also, while I am not informed on Druckenwell's particular situation, I am told by Brentaal's law enforcement officials that Senator Vanden is correct insofar as this measure could allow them to reprioritize and use more of their resources to combat more serious drug offenses, rather than insignificant ones. As a result of these conversations I am further convinced to support this bill.

Eli_FitzgeraldDate: Sunday, 22 Nov 2009, 9:34 PM | Message # 10
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I'd like to propose an amendment that, I think, solves the reservations that other Senators have mentioned thus far. Of course it's no secret that I believe in a limited role for government, largely because of the distrust of centralized power that many of us still have from the days of the Empire. I've always promoted policies that make the New Republic responsive and responsible to its people, but which do not tell the people the decisions they must or must not make, and how they must or must not live their lives. As a result of this, I am sympathetic to this measure because, ultimately, it is a matter of individual responsibility.

However, I also recognize that a federal bill requiring the legalization of these spices on all worlds is, equally, a use of government power. Thus I propose that planets have the ability to place further restrictions on these drugs if they feel it is appropriate to the circumstances on their own worlds. That way, no planet is forced to legalize these substances and, at the same time, they are not told that they can't do so if they choose. In other words, legalize these spices on a federal level and let our member planets make additional regulations as they see fit.

I vote in favor of the bill, with such an amendment included.

Furthermore, it has now been 11 days since I challenged Senator Kruus to back up his words with facts.

Eli Fitzgerald
Senator of Ralltiir (10 BBY—Present)

"I was elected to do some flamethrowing in the Senate. To a light a fire under those Senators and make it hot for them."

Message edited by Airstrike_Fitzgerald - Sunday, 22 Nov 2009, 10:02 PM
Artemis_VandenDate: Monday, 23 Nov 2009, 3:32 PM | Message # 11
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It is not the intention of this bill to compel any world to do what it does not wish to. I see that there is more opposition to the provisions here than I had expected or, frankly, than I understand. Therefore, I agree to Senator Fitzgerald's amendment, so that planets can indeed choose if they wish to further restrict these spices rather than the New Republic decreeing that they must be restricted. I do hope, as the Senator has said, that this amendment will accomodate any reluctance that other members have voiced thus far.

But Senators, please take note, that the recent incident on Taris only illustrates the compelling need for legislation such as this. There might well have been no such incident if legislation of this sort had been passed; if legal, harmless varieties of spice were available, there simply wouldn't be as much demand on Taris, or any other world for that matter, for the sort of hard substances that the Hutts and, apparently, also the Lucian Alliance were importing there. This bill is needed now, more than ever.

Senators, please reconsider your votes especially in consideration of the new amendment.

Artemis Vanden
Representative of the Naboo
Simon_LeviDate: Tuesday, 24 Nov 2009, 7:38 PM | Message # 12
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I will support this bill in whatever form it takes. These moves are nessessary and represent the changing cultural zeitgeist as well as political need.

Moff of the Tammuz Sector
Jamie_the_HuttDate: Thursday, 26 Nov 2009, 12:26 PM | Message # 13
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*Jamie the Hutt shifted uncomfortably as the two keys settled in his pouch, not its intended use he supposed, but it seemed to be as good a place as any for them.*

I vote in Favour of this.

Artemis_VandenDate: Monday, 30 Nov 2009, 1:19 AM | Message # 14
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I am very disappointed that the Senators who voted against this measure did not, apparently, even consider changing their votes despite the inclusion of the Fitzgerald Amendment which specifically addressed their concerns. I find this disrespectful to the measure, to Senator Fitzgerald, and to myself. Despite this, I am glad that there is an apparent consensus in favor of the bill and I ask that the Chief of State bring the voting to a close. This is a common sense bill, and I am pleased that the Chairbeings of both the Commerce and Economics Councils are in support of it. Let us now implement it, Mr. President.

Artemis Vanden
Representative of the Naboo
LomenRyuunDate: Monday, 30 Nov 2009, 9:54 AM | Message # 15
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I am not at ease condoning any drug usage, Senator Vanden. Things that start out harmless often have a way of growing dangerous. Senator Fitzgerald is a more relaxed man than I am, I can only assume, so while his amendment has merit, I cannot back this proposal. Druckenwell's stance has always been that spice is illegal, and it shall remain this way.

Lomen Ryuun
Senator, Doldur Sector
Senator, Druckenwell
Representative, Monor II (10 BBY - 9 BBY)
Representative, Geridard
Representative, Boranall
Representative, Therenor Prime
Vice-chairman, Defense Committee (Temporarily suspended)
Controlling Shareholder - Druckenwell Arms Corporation
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