The Tax Relief Act of 20 ABY
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Eli_Fitzgerald | Date: Sunday, 22 Nov 2009, 9:56 PM | Message # 1 |
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Messages: 355
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| Although I remain strongly opposed to the Chief of State's radical and irresponsible defense cuts, and his scrapping of ships and firing of New Republic crews and soldiers, it must still be recognized that as a result of these cuts the New Republic is now anticipated to achieve a budget surplus[1] (for the first time since 11 ABY, I might add). It is shameful that a good result, such as this, should come through such despicable means; that President Gavrisom has resorted to seriously endangering the safety of New Republic worlds in order to achieve what the Republic once achieved through simple, fiscal discipline. But, it is what it is. I do not trust this administration to spend this budget surplus wisely, nor do I think this should be an excuse to bloat government bureaucracy with new programs. I propose that the general tax rate (that is, the overall tax on our memberworlds) be cut by 2.5%. This would save all of our worlds billions of credits a year, and would allow them to spend their money on their own citizens as they see fit. Afterall, each world knows its own circumstances and its own needs far more than the Republic possibly can. It is my hope, also, that worlds will be able to absorb the savings from the Chief of State's defense cuts in order to compensate for them and invest in expanding their own defenses, for self protection. But of course, the savings could equally be used for education, agriculture, and so on; whatever each world decides to spend it on. I vote in favor. The New Republic is desperately in need of fiscal conservatism at this time, and not return to the liberalism and the oppressive taxes and "tributes" of the Empire. Furthermore, it has now been 11 days since I challenged Senator Kruus to back up his accusations with facts. He has not done so.
Eli Fitzgerald Senator of Ralltiir (10 BBY—Present)
"I was elected to do some flamethrowing in the Senate. To a light a fire under those Senators and make it hot for them."
Message edited by Airstrike_Fitzgerald - Sunday, 22 Nov 2009, 10:04 PM |
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Ponc_Gavrisom | Date: Monday, 23 Nov 2009, 7:33 AM | Message # 2 |
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| Mr Fitzgerald. I hope you will read my proposed spending plan for these tax cuts, including a rebate to the people themselves, who I think you will agree are better placed to spend this money than Government at any level. We will also boost the shipping industry and stimulate the economy as a whole while leaving a sum in future for prudence's sake. This is a vastly more sensible measure than your across the board tax cuts which will hit many offices very hard and will result in massive job losses across the New Republic.
Ponc Gavrisom Chief of State
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Eli_Fitzgerald | Date: Monday, 23 Nov 2009, 1:10 PM | Message # 3 |
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| President Gavrisom, you are knowingly lying to the Senate. The New Republic has passed measures identical to this one in the past, unanimously, with the endorsement of the Economics Council. It is absurd to say that any offices will be adversely effected, or any jobs lost (other than the courageous beings of the military who you've thrown out of work). Your glib accusations are nothing but fantasy. Honestly, Mr. President, I expected you to resist fiscal discipline, but I didn't expect you make things up in order to sabotage it. Also, your "spending plan" could cost more than it saves. How exactly do you propose the distribution of funds for the purpose of this rebate of yours? It would require a new, big government bureaucracy. The fact remains that a cut to the general tax rate (which is not "across the board," it is a proportion of gross planetary product) is the only realistic way to cut taxes. And while I am easily one of the most conservative members of the Senate, even I realize that there are certain things that planetary governments can do that individuals cannnot; individuals cannot give incentives to businesses or banks, individuals cannot invest in infrastructure, agriculture or defense, and so on. There is a role for planetary governments, Chief of State, and here once again the New Republic is telling them that they can't run their own affairs because Comrade Ponc knows better than them and wants to be benevolent to their people. Not to mention, your measure also bribes the Economics Council by giving it a slush fund of credits that, under my plan, would go directly to the planets and not to Senator Kruus's "discretion." That is a power grab if I've ever seen one. Mr. President, your plan is a farce. This is the sensible measure, and I urge the Senate to support it.
Eli Fitzgerald Senator of Ralltiir (10 BBY—Present)
"I was elected to do some flamethrowing in the Senate. To a light a fire under those Senators and make it hot for them."
Message edited by Airstrike_Fitzgerald - Monday, 23 Nov 2009, 1:37 PM |
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Simon_Levi | Date: Monday, 23 Nov 2009, 2:06 PM | Message # 4 |
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| I would add here that the Economics Council has rejected this motion, and finds it to be economically imprudent to take money from departments other than Defense when Defense is where the surplus is coming from. The gavrisom motion would be enacted through the currently existing Income Tax system. And individuals can give boosts to banks or businesses, they can invest in defense stocks, governmental bonds or agricultural futures... its known as the free market. It does not make sense to pass a motion that will harm the budgets of say, the Science Committee, Monuments Committee, Education Department etc in order to compensate planets for a saving made in Defense. Five hundred extra in everyones pockets would not go amiss! Essentially you believe, Senator Fitzgerald, that Government can spend the money saved better than the individuals who paid the tax in the first place? This seems a very large divergance from your stand on individual rights in the past. The other motion on the table (Tabled by President Gavrisom), is vastly more prudent, and also allows for the individual to benefit. We also highlight that the discretionary fund's use would be pending a vote of the Ruling Council, and would be primarily there to provide future rebates should no other pressing use be found for the money. As such the Economics Council rules this motion to be Imprudent, and Urges the Senate to Vote against this motion, think about your people, and put some cash in their hands, rather than that of Planetary Government. Following this advice I vote against this motion.
Moff of the Tammuz Sector
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Eli_Fitzgerald | Date: Monday, 23 Nov 2009, 3:22 PM | Message # 5 |
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| It's no surprise that the Economics Council does not approve of this motion, since, unlike the Chief of State's proposal, this one doesn't contain a slush fund specifically for that Council. I'm curious, however, what exactly are the Council's projections on how many people will spend their free, 500 credit rebates on government bonds? Honestly. But in any case, the fact remains that the Chief of State's measure circumvents the planetary governments freely elected by their people. If the general tax rate is cut, as I propose, these worlds can then choose to institute their own rebate programs if that is what they choose. However, it might happen to be that some worlds are in dire need of investment in other areas, perhaps to repair infrastructure, fund hospitals, or recruit or equip police and fire fighters. For Senator Kruus and President Gavrisom to say that they know better than New Republic worlds on these matters is not only presumptuous, it is wrong. The will of the people should be respected, and so should the proper constitutional order of these things. The measure that I propose is the prudent and sensible one. Vote for this measure, not for Senator Kruus and Ponc Gavrisom's radical, presumptuous power grab. The New Republic needs responsible, fiscal conservatism, not brazen spending (and certainly not a slush fund for Senator Kruus to spend at his "discretion," without consulting the Senate). Senators, please, let us not waste this opportunity to do what is right, and what has been done in the past. The measure I proposed is a simple one; the measure that the Chief of State has proposed is meant only to distract from it, to bribe voters, and to grant privileges to his Senate allies at the expense of the constitution.
Eli Fitzgerald Senator of Ralltiir (10 BBY—Present)
"I was elected to do some flamethrowing in the Senate. To a light a fire under those Senators and make it hot for them."
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Ponc_Gavrisom | Date: Tuesday, 24 Nov 2009, 3:48 AM | Message # 6 |
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| Mr Fitzgerald. Perhaps you mis-understand my motion. My motion is giving money directly to the people in the form of a rebate. Your motion is giving money to their governments. Giving money to the people is just. It is the people who have suffered under the war, it is the people who can best benefit from the fruits of peace, and I firmly believe it is the people who can best spend this, not government. If people do not wish to invest in Government bonds, perhaps that is a sign, Mr Fitzgerald, that they dissapprove of Government! Another point failed to address is that the money rebated would mostly indeed be, from the Federal Income Tax, rather than planetary governments, so why would we give money, collected Federally back to Governments who did not even have anything to do with its collection instead of back to the people who sweated and worked to earn that money, and contributed it to their Federal Tax payment. I feel you may have lost sight of this in the above. The Discretionary Fund would be under the full executive control of the Ruling Council, and as such if any head of the Economics Council wished to use it, he would have to present his plans to us. This would be a well organised and regulated matter, and as with all decisions would be open to a Senate hearing on its spending, should it be required. Mr Fitzgerald, I will firmly stand by the people, for the people. I will not support a measure to increase Government spending at the expense of the People in the way you seem to be doing.
Ponc Gavrisom Chief of State
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Jory_Carson | Date: Wednesday, 25 Nov 2009, 10:32 AM | Message # 7 |
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| “It is good to see that some members of this Senate still function morally. I give my SUPPORT to this measure.”
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Tremaine_Fowlkes | Date: Wednesday, 25 Nov 2009, 12:17 PM | Message # 8 |
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| I vote in favor of Senator Fitzgerald's proposal. Tremaine Fowlkes, Senator of Mowgle
Tremaine Fowlkes Senator of Telos IV
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Jamie_the_Hutt | Date: Wednesday, 25 Nov 2009, 6:00 PM | Message # 9 |
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| I agree with this act, and I thoroughly disagree with Chief of State Gavrisoms proposal. In this act as planetary Governor I will have control over this huge sum, and I will be able to spend it, generously, I will distribute it proportionately to each landowner on Dantooine, meaning every being who owns his own land will of course Jamie the Hutt appeared to have spent his share of this tax cut in advance, and was so dressed in an elegant aurodium necklace and headpiece valued at several million credits, of course this was the benefit of owning 99% of the land on Dantooine, meaning 99% of this tax cut would be sliding gently into the corpulent Hutt's own pocket. He began to laugh to himself gently "Hoooo Hoooo Hoooo" he said with pleasure as he slid the leg of a Mon Calamari into his greedy maw.
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Ilanah_Thanatos | Date: Thursday, 26 Nov 2009, 5:11 PM | Message # 10 |
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| Senator Fitzgerald, I do worry about some of the more ah....corrupt...governments and the possible mis-use of money that should be going to the people. I can say with certainty that Chandrila would take this money and re-distribute it to the people. I can also say with certainty that not all governments would do as such. So in a way, your proposal could either be a bane or a burden to the people depending on the individual governments. Does your proposal account for such things? Are their any guidelines for which these governments can spend the funds? Or is it to be a free-for-all?
Ilanah R. Thanatos Senator of Chandrila
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Eli_Fitzgerald | Date: Thursday, 26 Nov 2009, 5:20 PM | Message # 11 |
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| Lana, or, pardon me, Senator Thanatos, you've raised a good point. Unfortunately, I can only say that as a Republic that is founded on democracy, the people of each world have the governments that they themselves have chosen. Sometimes, in certain instances that we can easily think of, we don't agree with those governments or their decisions, but I think that is sadly a problem that only those worlds can solve for themselves. However, in the meantime I do believe that a few bad cases shouldn't be a reason to penalize other worlds with good and responsible governments, such as Ralltiir and Chandrila. Otherwise, there would be many similar bills that we could never pass, because we're obligated to treat each world equally.
Eli Fitzgerald Senator of Ralltiir (10 BBY—Present)
"I was elected to do some flamethrowing in the Senate. To a light a fire under those Senators and make it hot for them."
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Jamie_the_Hutt | Date: Thursday, 26 Nov 2009, 5:28 PM | Message # 12 |
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| "I agree with Senator Fitzgerald. Hoo Hoo Hoooo. I Vote in Favour. Hooo Hoooo Hoooo" "Just because some worlds are corrupt *cough*Ryloth*cough*, some worlds, such as Dantooine can be trusted with their funds, and can be counted upon to reward their landowner with the money they deserve with this tax cut. Hoo Hoo Hoooo" He was now painted from head to tail (except his belly) in paint made from gold powder, he sat shimmering beautifully as he spoke, he had really gone to town with spending his planet's tax cut money.
Message edited by Jamie_the_Hutt - Thursday, 26 Nov 2009, 5:30 PM |
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Ilanah_Thanatos | Date: Thursday, 26 Nov 2009, 5:32 PM | Message # 13 |
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| That in mind, Eli, why not combine both of the bills. Cut taxes and distribute rebates to the citizens of the New Republic, but also the governments of individual worlds. This way, the people can spend credits to boost the economy or pay down individual debt. The government would also get additional funding to either pay off planetary deficit or fund education programs, build hospitals, or upgrade planetary defenses. I know that it is not a complete proposal, but I am sure some sort of compromise could be reached if both you and President Gavrisom would be willing to consider working together to help the New Republic and the best interest of its citizens.
Ilanah R. Thanatos Senator of Chandrila
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Jamie_the_Hutt | Date: Thursday, 26 Nov 2009, 5:34 PM | Message # 14 |
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| I would not oppose Thanatos's plan, in exchange for a kiss of her rosy red lips. Hooo Hoooo Hooooo
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Eli_Fitzgerald | Date: Thursday, 26 Nov 2009, 5:35 PM | Message # 15 |
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Messages: 355
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| :: Considering that property taxes were, of course, collected by planetary governments, and considering that Senator Tiure simultaneously owned most property on Dantooine and collected taxes on that land, it would be counterintuitive for those taxes to be particularly high and, thus, Dantooine would not likely be recieving much money with this tax cut in the first place. There were, after all, only 300,000 people on the entire planet and thus its tax contribution was among the least of New Republic worlds. In other worlds, it was not particularly affected by this legislation one way or another. :: "I would be quite willing to combine this bill with the Chief of State's, in the hopes of salvaging his bill which is, as I've said, very flawed. However, the Chief of State has not made this offer to me and, in fact, has been rather argumentative on the subject in contradiction to his usual style of compromise and mediation."
Eli Fitzgerald Senator of Ralltiir (10 BBY—Present)
"I was elected to do some flamethrowing in the Senate. To a light a fire under those Senators and make it hot for them."
Message edited by Airstrike_Fitzgerald - Thursday, 26 Nov 2009, 5:42 PM |
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