As he climbed to the top a stormtrooper would grasp his arm, twisting it behind his back painfully so he could barely move. An almighty crack went up from the ship, and the child who had spoken to Dustil fell to the ground in a haze of red, his life pouring onto the durasteel and running onto the sand. Gemmell handed the hunting rifle back to the guard next to him "Sights are set a little high Percy, I was aiming for the rapscallion's belly." he looked back to Dustil distracted having been shooting "No Champagne for you then young boy!"
Three of the other Stormtroopers began to fire on the group on the Durasteel, Dustil being held and forced to watch as all the adults, but no children, were picked off.
"Think its time to put you back in your cell now Mr Sushere.."