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Legalization of Pit Racing
Appeal Code XT490.6 and Legalize Pit Racing?
1. Yes [ 1 ] [16.67%]
2. No [ 4 ] [66.67%]
3. Abstain [ 1 ] [16.67%]
Answers total: 6
DannilBoVarDate: Wednesday, 28 Jan 2009, 3:11 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
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The podium swung forward, on it was Marcus Zane, the current speaker for the InterGalactic Mining Core in Dannil's absence.

"It has been brought to the Board of Trustee's attention that Code XT490.6 is a Code passed by the legislation of Coruscant outlawing pit racing, a prominent industry (albeit illegal) on Coruscant. With respect, gentlecreatures, I confess that the Board has discussed the necessity of such a legislation and found it to be slightly lacking. Pit Racing is a dangerous game, more people die playing it then actually succeed in passing the course. Therefore, I petition the Senate to review Code XT490.6 and create an alternative safer method for these racers to exhibit there skills that won't cost their lives.

I can only conclude by saying that the illegalization of this form of racing has done nothing to stop it, and if anything has taken away any Republican galactic control that could have been attained by the issue."

The podium swung back to it's seat to allow other members of the Senate to speak

Dannil Bo'Var
InterGalactic Mining Core and Subsidiaries

Message edited by DannilBoVar - Wednesday, 28 Jan 2009, 3:11 PM
Eli_FitzgeraldDate: Saturday, 31 Jan 2009, 4:47 PM | Message # 2
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I'm usually of the opinion that if someone wants to throw their life away on something so useless as pit racing, its not mine or the government's business to stop them. However, I don't think we should be condoning the use of municipal property (garbage pits) for this "sport," and lets not forget that obstructions to garbage pits have been known to cause catastrophic, toxic contamination of entire districts (such as the Desrini incident), and so the law should be taking some action to prevent it.

But more to the point, this is an ordinance passed by Coruscant, and as you all know, I don't believe it's the role of the Senate to be overruling local measures and impose its judgment on our planets. I have consistently supported autonomy and self determination for our worlds, and if Coruscant believes this Code is in their world's interest, then I oppose this motion to repeal it unless Coruscant decides to.

Eli Fitzgerald
Chief of State

Eli Fitzgerald
Senator of Ralltiir (10 BBY—Present)

"I was elected to do some flamethrowing in the Senate. To a light a fire under those Senators and make it hot for them."
Senator_CambristDate: Sunday, 01 Feb 2009, 11:11 AM | Message # 3
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Likewise opposed, although I'm curious as to why "pit racing" on Coruscant, a scantly known pasttime, is of any interest to the Intergalactic Mining Corps of all organizations?

Senator Cambrist, Brentaal

Jory_CarsonDate: Thursday, 12 Feb 2009, 9:33 PM | Message # 4
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“I’m afraid that without having a written and proposal detailing exactly what safety measure will be in place to prevent atrocious accidents, what revenue will be spent in retrofitting these tracks, and what possibility there is in attracting a following of the sport sufficient to, both entice sponsorship, and how, and when the government would be paid back for its involvement in the activity; I cannot support this legislation.

“Further I would like to ask, if your suggestion that the government does take immediate and direct control over the sport, and frankly I se no other alternative given your desires, how much in the way of taxation of the sport would be returned to the government and what allocations would be placed on it?”

Jory Carson

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