The podium swung forward, on it was Marcus Zane, the current speaker for the InterGalactic Mining Core in Dannil's absence. "It has been brought to the Board of Trustee's attention that Code XT490.6 is a Code passed by the legislation of Coruscant outlawing pit racing, a prominent industry (albeit illegal) on Coruscant. With respect, gentlecreatures, I confess that the Board has discussed the necessity of such a legislation and found it to be slightly lacking. Pit Racing is a dangerous game, more people die playing it then actually succeed in passing the course. Therefore, I petition the Senate to review Code XT490.6 and create an alternative safer method for these racers to exhibit there skills that won't cost their lives.
I can only conclude by saying that the illegalization of this form of racing has done nothing to stop it, and if anything has taken away any Republican galactic control that could have been attained by the issue."
The podium swung back to it's seat to allow other members of the Senate to speak