"With all respect Chief of State, the InterGalactic Mining Core would like to make a simple inquiry that may or may not have any value in the determination of the PDS and its branding as a rogue mercenary group that is trying to destroy the Republic. However, in lieu of such information the IMC will proudly and soundly defend the Chief of States movement and motion to approve the detainment of any and all PDS and affiliated groups that are in league with such a dangerous group. However, as aforementioned, perhaps the NRI or this administration has come to some conclusion as to which Imperial faction is responsible for being in league with the Patriotic Defense Services, or some such as they are called. While I agree that the PDS are a problem given there attack on Dantooine, I recall the battle report as listing that an Imperial battlegroup was attached to the PDS. My question is thus, which group is responsible? If we do not show our strength to whichever Imperial dog backed the PDS then we are simply showing that the Republic will not engage Imperial forces and instead attack the smaller of the task force that blatantly soiled the planet of Dantooine. We must show strength to both the Galaxy and the Imperials, that the Republic will exact justice to both.
I ask again Chief of State if there is any information pertaining to which Imperial force was backing the PDS."
Marcus Zane
Speaking of behalf of Dannil Bo'Var
InterGalactic Mining Core