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Proposal to Dissolve the Sector Assemblies
Johannes_OswaldtDate: Sunday, 07 Feb 2010, 1:27 AM | Message # 1
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Senators, the New Republic's "experiment" with Sector Assemblies has proven to be a disaster. It has taken the problem of one dysfunctional legislative body and multiplied it into many dysfunctional legislative bodies, many of which have become mired in petty, provicinal politics. This system doesn't work, and moreover, the galactic government should not cede its power to its planets, for then what is the purpose of a galactic government?

I propose the Sector Assemblies be abolished, and replaced with Regional Governors who answer to the General Ministry, directly, and indirectly to the Chief of State. The Republic needs more centralized power, not less. We must not repeat the mistakes of the Old Republic.

Johannes Oswaldt
Senator and Governor of Eriadu
Cul-utaanForteDate: Sunday, 07 Feb 2010, 9:30 AM | Message # 2
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Senator Oswaldt, you have a talen for bringing true problems to the floor of this body. Problems that many of us want to deny our system has, but are still present. Sadly, this is one of the more prominent of problems we face. As many know, I am one who supports a stronger federal government and centralization. I believe another of the similar camp was former Representative Drayson Loran, a man respected by all us during his tenure in the Senate nine years ago. Our Sector Assemblies are failing, and if you want any evidence of that than look to the recent Corellian Crisis. While misguided, and misunderstood in intent by a majority of the Senate, Corellia seeked to create stronger ties economically and politically between its neighbors, proposing a new sector-wide union, perhaps with intent to eventually replace the Sector Assembly, because they felt that their Sector Assembly was not working in this capacity. There are many opinions on this matter, but the fact remains, is our members felt the need to replace their Sector Assembly because they felt it was not working.

Yes, this is an isolated case...and I will perhaps be demonized for speaking on this matter, and speaking in support of this...but my friends, I must reach out to you. Our job is make the Republic a better government than our predecessors. Our job is to improve the bureaucracy, and streamline it. Our job is to make this galaxy a better place. Our job is to be the galactic government. I am shocked that Senator Oswaldt has come up with a bill that makes sense to me, but it does. I praise him for this. And to point those that may argue against this, we have already begun a position in other sectors similar to this, called Governor-General. This is an effort to streamline this trend, and the sector governance system all together. However, I believe some implied intent, and some resemblence to previous positions, require the following ammendment.

The Forte Ammendment
The newly established position of Regional Governor, shall be democratically elected by majority vote of the citizens of the governed sector.

Should this ammendment be incorporated, I vote In Favor of this legislation.

General Cul'utaan'forte
Forte's Legion

Message edited by Cul-utaanForte - Sunday, 07 Feb 2010, 9:32 AM
Simon_LeviDate: Sunday, 07 Feb 2010, 10:09 AM | Message # 3
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Beings of the Senate,

I am frankly appauled by this motion, which sets out to abolish a democratically elected parliament for each Sector, de-centralising power and preventing tyranny, and replacing it with an unelected (or elected) Moff.

Mr Forte is an un-patriotic being who has set out to again display this. Governor Oswaldt and Senator Forte are proposing no less than the re-introduction of Moffs. When these powerful Moffs are put in to governorship, what stops the Senate's "temporary" suspension and then the re-introduction of the Empire?

This is a not-so-subtle attempt to restore an Imperial Institution, and one that must not be allowed to stand. I am appauled it was proposed, and frankly more appauled that a Senator has voted for it. I vote against this travesty of a motion.

Moff of the Tammuz Sector

Message edited by Senator_Kruus - Sunday, 07 Feb 2010, 10:10 AM
Ponc_GavrisomDate: Sunday, 07 Feb 2010, 10:25 AM | Message # 4
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Beings of the Senate,

I very strongly oppose this bill. To do so would be to turn back the clocks and re-make the problems of the Empire, not to rectify them, or the Problems of the Old Republic. The Sector Assemblies have served as an important check and balance and have taken a huge weight off the center pertaining to legislating.

I would cite an important example of this being the Corellian Crisis we recently had, where the Sector Assembly effectively provided a check to the rise of the attempted dictator of the Corellian Sector, Orion Karath, and has kept power out of the hands of one world.

Gentlemen, while a larger government may be useful at times, putting one single being (vunerable to being misled etc) in power of a Sector would be a step back 20 years in time, and would be putting back something we have all fought to stop. I would not have another Tarkin.

The centralising role of this Institution is no longer fully nessesary, thanks to the sector assemblies. No more does the New Republic need to be a monolith. The war is over gentlemen. While I envision the New Republic being important as a night-watchman, the Sector Assemblies can now legislate, the Sector Assemblies can now run individual sectors. The New Republic must not be expanding its role to become a New Empire, instead we must become a hand on the tiller, regulating affairs, from the distant perspective. We must trust to local people, and democratically elected assemblies, to run things. Instead of a cabal of un-accountable Sector Moffs ruling with impunity.

Naturally, I vote in favour of Democracy, and I vote against this motion.

Ponc Gavrisom
Chief of State
Tremaine_FowlkesDate: Sunday, 07 Feb 2010, 2:00 PM | Message # 5
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I am against this bill in every way possible. I vote against this bill.

Tremaine Fowlkes,
Senator of Mowgle

Tremaine Fowlkes
Senator of Telos IV
Cul-utaanForteDate: Sunday, 07 Feb 2010, 7:33 PM | Message # 6
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I would like to restate, ammendment to this bill.

The Forte Ammendment
The newly established position of Regional Governor, shall be democratically elected by majority vote of the citizens of the governed sector.

There are very few who can truely doubt my patriotism and devotion to the Republic. I vote merely out of wish of making the Republic more efficient and a better galactic government. I again emphasize that I am for this Regional Governor position should it be democratically elected.

General Cul'utaan'forte
Forte's Legion
Senator_CambristDate: Sunday, 07 Feb 2010, 8:19 PM | Message # 7
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Senator Forte, if you will please entertain a question; you fought for the Separatists during the Clone Wars—why was this? Surely, the measures you champion here would, to them, be considered quite obtuse since, as I understand it, they believed themselves to be rebelling against government control. One assumes the Separatists would have been quite fond of Sector Assemblies. However, I concede this is mere curiosity on my part. With respect to your words ("There are very few who can truly doubt my patriotism"), the record will show that the Senate has voted on not one, but two occasions to censure you for unpatriotic conduct. But again, I digress.

I am opposed to this motion. It does appear to be an attempt to reintroduce an Imperial style of governance that, I believe, is not warranted at this time.

Cul-utaanForteDate: Sunday, 07 Feb 2010, 8:52 PM | Message # 8
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Ah, so my background is not lost upon some. When I was a seperatist, I was fighting not necesarrily against government control itself, but government control by a corrupt and broken system. That is why I fight against the Republic becoming a corrupt and broken system. And I do admit, my beliefs today are not similar to my beliefs of then. I can not recall the name, but I believe a famous Senator of the Old Republic said once, "To be conservative while young is to be be liberal while old is to be stupid."

General Cul'utaan'forte
Forte's Legion
Senator_CambristDate: Sunday, 07 Feb 2010, 9:22 PM | Message # 9
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I believe the quote you refer to is from Senator Boldwater of Tatooine, c. 1,964 BBY. I feel it should be pointed out, however, that you are presently advocating a liberal measure and thus the quote would seem to suggest that you are "stupid." But returning to the subject, I will assume from your words that you agree with Governor Oswaldt, that the Old Republic was not strong enough? Considering this, would it be fair to assume that you found the Empire preferable to the Old Republic?

Tremaine_FowlkesDate: Monday, 08 Feb 2010, 5:01 AM | Message # 10
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I can see where this is going. If Senator Forte was truly a Separatist, then why wasn't this brought up? You may correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I knew about the Clone Wars, the Separatists may be fighting against a corrupt government but didn't they fight in a questionable method? The Separatist had committed several atrocities and their leaders were a Sith and an infamous cyborg General bent on galactic domination. In my view, they weren't much different from the Empire except that they had a droid army. Perhaps it wasn't a stretch to believe that Senator Forte would be in favor of dissolving the Sector Assemblies.

I am getting away from the point here. I do not think it is necessary to have Regional Governors representing Sectors. Senator Oswaldt may very well be proposing that the Republic turn away from Democracy and move toward totalitarian democracy. We already have Senators and Representatives representing planets. I believe Regional Governors would have more power over a Senator. We do not want to allow that to happen. If we allows this to pass, then this could be where the path to Dictatorship begins. We do not need another Galactic Empire. Once again, I must vote against the proposal and the amendment made by Senator Forte.

Tremaine Fowlkes
Senator of Telos IV
Cul-utaanForteDate: Monday, 08 Feb 2010, 4:04 PM | Message # 11
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Senator Fowlkes, all this measure does is take the power invested into a council of beings that can become inactive and stagnate into one being, which can be democratically elected and replaced if they seem to be veering away from democratic ideals or going beyond their power. And Senator Cambrist, while taking the quote literally may show that I am "stupid", it seems that the liberal wing of the Senate these days are in favor of big government, peace, etc. In other words, yourself, or Senator Kruus, or President Gavrisom. While the conservative wing is for smaller government, centralization, etc. So, while it takes complex thought on the issue...the quote is relevant.

General Cul'utaan'forte
Forte's Legion
Senator_CambristDate: Monday, 08 Feb 2010, 4:40 PM | Message # 12
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My thinking must not be complex enough, since I'm afraid I still don't understand you. It is true that "big government" could be said to be a liberal principle, but I remind you that you've declared, in the past, that you are "in favor of big government, per se." This would seem to suggest that you are liberal on this issue, would it not? Also, centralization of power is not a conservative principle, it is a liberal principle. Since you are, in fact, in favor of this measure, would this not seem to suggest that you are liberal? War, also, for the reasons that you advocate it—a belief that the Republic must "spread freedom" or "end oppression"—is quite liberal. Would this not seem to suggest that you are a liberal, Senator? I also seem to recall an occasion on which you were quite willing to raise taxes, hardly a conservative principle.

Again, as I understand it, the quote from Senator Boldwater declares liberals to be stupid, in which case it is rather damning of yourself.

However, please do correct my primitive thinking if I'm mistaken. I shudder to think (although, I suppose, not as much as you shudder to think) that you are one of us liberals. But it appears to be so, except that in this case the conservative principle in favor of Sector Assemblies is, clearly, the proper one.

Johannes_OswaldtDate: Tuesday, 09 Feb 2010, 1:43 AM | Message # 13
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This is all genuinely amusing, but none of it has anything to do with the measure I've proposed. Whether you're a liberal or conservative doesn't make you stupid. Voting against this measure does.

Johannes Oswaldt
Senator and Governor of Eriadu
Mical_de_CrionDate: Tuesday, 09 Feb 2010, 4:17 PM | Message # 14
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Senator Oswaldt...or is it Governor? My apologies, I just can't seem to recall at this moment your preferred title of address. My question on this bill, is should the Sector Assembly be abolished, what are the powers seperated between the Sector Governor and Senator...and what powers are shared? And if I may be so bold to speak on behalf of Senator Forte here, I believe he is aspiring to streamline the Republic, in search of a better term as he seems to be doing so.

Mical Léo de Crion
Director, All Stars Burn As One Foundation
Chairman, Urban Youth College Fund
Owner, Château Hiver Rivière
Johannes_OswaldtDate: Wednesday, 10 Feb 2010, 1:17 PM | Message # 15
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I prefer Governor Oswaldt.

Should the Sector Assemblies be dissolved, planets would have broad latitude to legislate for themselves, determine their own laws, etc. The Regional Governor would have, primarily, two responsibilities; 1.) to strike down planetary laws that conflict with the Senate's laws and decrees, and 2.) to strike down planetary laws that conflict with the interests of the Sector, as concerns law and order, commercial harmony, and so on. The Regional Governor may also appoint as many subordinates as he requires to accomplish this. Senators would continue to function as they do now, proposing measures to benefit their particular worlds or Sectors, which the Regional Governors would be required to enforce.

It is a streamlined system, far more efficient than the Sector Assemblies. Nowhere does the word "Moff" appear in it. The Regional Governor would be a public administrator, not a dictator. However, I don't think the Regional Governor should be elected because he should be concerned only with the will of the Senate and not be influenced by politics. He should be able to do what is necessary for the good of his Sector, not simply what is necessary to be elected.

Johannes Oswaldt
Senator and Governor of Eriadu
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