Beings of the Senate, I would like to propose a devolution of power from the Central Government to the Sector Assemblies in order to scale back the powers of the Federal Government.
How much will the Sector Assemblies not be able to do?
It can make laws relating to "devolved matters". These are:
agriculture, fisheries and forestry
economic development;
food standards;
local government and planning;
social work;
some transport policy, such as Sector ports and roads;
What about tax-raising powers?
Sector Assemblies will have the right to change the income tax rate by up to 3 per cent.
What happens if the Senate wants to make a law that will affect these devolved matters in the Sector Assemblies?
Theoretically it will be able to overrule the Sector Assemblies. But the New Republic Government intends to create a convention whereby the Senate will have to consult Sector Assemblies before making new laws that affect devolved matters.
Which policy areas will still be controlled by the New Republic Centrally?
The New Republic Federal Government will retain control for policy in "reserved matters". These are:
the constitution;
foreign affairs;
environmental matters;
financial and economic matters on a Galactic Scale.
What if a devolved matter and a reserved matter overlap - for example, planning permission for a NRDF station, or a change in shipping charges?
The General Ministry of the New Republic will decide which category such issues fall into. But in principle, Sector Assemblies will be able to make laws relating to devolved matters even if they also affect reserved matters.
Would The Senate ever be able to intervene to stop a piece of Sector law?
Yes - if that law
would conflict with an "treaty obligation" of the New Republic;
would damage the New Republic or cause a break in social cohesion;
would damage national security or defence;
would adversely affect a law that applies to "reserved matters".