Duchess, I would be happy to propose a treaty of friendship and equity between our people.
I propose the following text be applied.
Yours Sincerely,
The New Republic-Kalevala Accords
It having pleased the Divine Providence to dispose the hearts of the most serene and most potent New Galactic Republic, and of the Planet of Kalevala, to forget all past misunderstandings and differences that have unhappily interrupted the good correspondence and friendship which they mutually wish to restore, and to establish such a beneficial and satisfactory intercourse , between the two countries upon the ground of reciprocal advantages and mutual convenience as may promote and secure to both perpetual peace and harmony.
Article 1:
The New Republic acknowledges the said Planet: Kalevala to be free sovereign and independent, that treats with them as such.
Article 2:
The New Republic will henceforth allow free passage, (without let or hinderance) to the Citizens of the aforementioned planet of Kalevala, also of the goods and other exports thereof. The Planet of Kalevala will reciprocate in allowing New Republic Citizens and produce free ingress and egress from their territories.
Article 3:
It is agreed that no Federal Taxation will be imposed upon the trade between Kalevala and the New Republic.
Article 4:
Kalevala will assume the New Republic Credit Standard as its currency.
Article 5:
The New Republic concedes to Kalevala the right to host the Mandalore Sector Assembly on their world should it become a full member of the New Republic.
Article 6:
The Government of Kalevala declares the warlike ways of the "Old Mandalorians" to be repugnant, and as such cast aside all their vices, such as militancy and slavery.
Article 7:
There shall be a firm and perpetual peace between the New Republic and Kalevala, and between the citizens of the one and the citizens of the other.
Article 8:
The navigation of the Space around Kalevala, from its source to deep space, shall forever remain free and open to the citizens of The New Republic and the citizens of Kalevala.
Article 9:
The Planet of Kalevala solemnly covenants to either make a treaty of peace with the Imperial Remnant or become a signatory to the Bastion Accords in order to foster the spirit of Galactic Peace. These talks are to be mediated by the aforementioned New Republic.