WHEREAS, Force-sensitive individuals possess extraordinary abilities and the potential to do catastrophic harm to the public, to persons, and property, and
WHEREAS, the Jedi and Sith Orders, and former and dissident members thereof, are proficient in the application of these abilities for the purposes aforestated, and
WHEREAS, these abilities have, in the past, been so applied as aforestated, by the individuals aforestated, in a nefarious and clandestine manner, and
WHEREAS, the manner aforestated, and the extraordinary abilities of the individuals aforestated, often confound the attempts of law enforcement to protect the public, and persons, and property, from catastrophic harm,
THEREFORE, Force-sensitive individuals of the Jedi and Sith Orders, and former and dissident members thereof, and other individuals with the abilities so described, are hereby discouraged from visiting, vacationing, or otherwise residing on the sovereign and beneficent world of Eriadu and, should they do so, shall be regarded as "persons of interest" by judicial forces and shall be subject to questioning, to searches of the individual's person and effects, and to detention or deportation, for the purposes of
1.) preventing catastrophic harm to the public, to persons, or property,
2.) preventing harm to the individual in question, or
3.) otherwise preventing disunion or disorder on Eriadu,
by the decree of His Renown, the Most Beneficent Governor Johannes Bates Oswaldt of Eriadu, on the twenty third of Elona, 20 ABY, with the advice and consent of the Eriadu Legislature and the House of Egalitry.