thats what you fail to understand it seems, that everything will have chemicals in it whether you want to claim so or not. Cotton has to be treated before it is ready to be sewn, the dyes contain coloring chemicals inside of them. Just about every single method of creating something basically involves chemicals at some point. And if these were so common they wouldn't be called 'luxury items.' The same is true of ANY world player created or not. It doesn't matter basically the person who controls the planet makes the rules. You want to change that then every single person would have to give up any planets they control which would make it a pain in the ass to be a senator, because then you WOULDN'T be able to say that your people are in support of a measure.
And not to mention having one character blindly back another, not only being against the rules and such but would be interesting considering that its supporting Vjun, which really wouldn't be represented in the Imperial Senate anyway, does so at times when it would be against its own best interest. Anaxes for example is a MILITARY world, it benefits from having strong independent forces to guard it.
So before you start criticizing other rpers look to yourself and shut the f**k up.