As a gentleman who does not patronise sex workers I cannot comment. On the matter of natural environs, they are the most sheer matter of random chance, but I admit they are pretty.
But don't let us distract you from your schoolwork Carl! Senator Hubert Ordan __________________________
Senator of the Azure Sector Foreign Minister of Anaxes Captain-General of the Azure Interest Protection Squadron Deputy Chairman of the Ethics Committee Worshipful Master of the Most Loyal and Honourable Company of Blockadeers Archtreasurer of the Vault of Pols Anaxes Autocrat of Selgon Owner of Azure Durasteel Systems Admiral (Ret) Order of the Canted Circle
A certain someone needs to post on a certain thread, regardless of whether or not you feel it's appropriate. Even if it's about one of your crewmates taking a crap on a ship, something! (Ya, this is going to you!)