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Star Wars RP: A Galaxy At War Forum » OOC (Out of Character) » OOC Forum » Deralia (A History)
Lucius_AureliusDate: Monday, 29 Jun 2009, 9:03 AM | Message # 1
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((A work in progress))

The People
A nomadic, hunter-gatherer people, the Seraphs were essentially humans, only with heightened senses and an almost wolf like mentality and instict more suited to their hunter nature. Although they travelled as a large groups, they were still reknown for their independence, and each tribe still retained its own culture. At the same time, this situation provided the perfect balance within which they were bred with an unbreakable loyalty to one another.

After the Battle of Fate, which concluded the Taung-Seraph War, they soon ceased to be their own species and quickly became known as Deralians.

The ancestors of the Mandalorians, these grey skinned warriors originally resided on ancient Coruscant. When the Taungs fled, after defeat at the hands of the Humans, they landed on Mandalore. However, one colony ship had a malfunction and its course crash landed it on ancient Deralia, a fertile world of open plains and grasslands, with mountains, rivers, and wide oceans in the mix.

Although originally believing they were the only ones present, the clans of the Taung soon discovered the Seraph pathfinders, who generally scouted ahead of their Tribes before a move. The Taungs quickly killed the unaware pathfinders, but soon faced the entire might of the Seraph Tribes. The Taung Clans went to war, knowing that they were seperated from their people and not wishing to forced off yet another world. They were surprised by the fierceness of the Seraph people, and soon found that the locals were their match in warfare. After the Battle of Fate, the Taung people of Deralia soon ceased to be their own, independent species, becoming the Deralians.

Coming Soon

The Seraph People
A loose confederation of tribes, the Seraphs stuck together over a general wide area...enough to give each tribe its own distinctiveness and culture as well as allow independence, but still breeding strong ties of loyalty to one another. They weren't known for spreading themselves too far apart over Deralia, as they moved as one large group from area to area, trying to stay within the harvest periods of each hemisphere.

When the Taung-Seraph War ignited, it was the first time the Seraph people truely stood together. They formed a Council of Chiefs, and worked as a whole rather than several different groups, and effectively kept their war with the battle hardened Taungs even. When the daughter of the Lord Chief was soon found to be in love with the son of the Chief Warrior of the Taungs, the Taung-Seraph War went to a scale comparable to a holy war, until one fateful day. The two children in question stood in between the two massed armies at a location now called the Plains of Fate, and refused to give up their ground, forcing their fathers to finally sit down and talk. That night, the two children wed and began a process of inter-breeding that led to the Deralian People.

The Taung Warriors
The Taungs followed a strict system of clans, each clan being led by a Chieftain. Many of their ways and traditions live on in their descendants, the Mandalorians.When the Taung-Seraph War ignited, the Taungs figured it would be easy to annihilate the Seraphs, however the locals soon proved themselves to be equals to the battle hardened Taungs. When the daughter of the Lord Chief was soon found to be in love with the son of the Chief Warrior of the Taungs, the Taung-Seraph War went to a scale comparable to a holy war, until one fateful day. The two children in question stood in between the two massed armies at a location now called the Plains of Fate, and refused to give up their ground, forcing their fathers to finally sit down and talk. That night, the two children wed and began a process of inter-breeding that led to the Deralian People.

The Deralian Tribes
A hybrid of both cultures, the clan system of the Tauns would lend to the fierce family independence seen to this day throughout Deralia, while Tribal system of the Seraphs was adopted as a government system. While a Chief led each tribe, under him sat the Clan Chieftains. At the government level, the Deralians maintained the Seraph Council of Chiefs, led by the Lord Chief. The Taung leadership role of Chief Warrior was adapted as the head of the warrior legions of the primitive people. Over time, the Tribes began to find their own religion, which exists to this day, and began to settle their homeworld. Soon, several city-states took the place of roving villages, and while they tried as hard as they could to maintain their government system, in the end, independence was the only workable option.

The Deralian City-States
Over time, the tribal ways of the Deralians were forgotten, and a city-state existence popped up. The clan system still existed, and in a way the Tribal government lived on as each City-State had their government modelled after their former system. The tightly bred loyalty to one another soon faded however, and soon it became a time of each city-state for itself. This lifestyle would end by 25,000 BBY, but exist once more between 22,000 BBY and 8,000 BBY.

The Mithra Union
In time, the Deralians unified themselves in together, as the space age dawned upon Deralian in 25,000 BBY. The Mithra Union soon explored its region, interacting with worlds such as Muunilinst, Borosk, and Yaga Minor. Quickly it became a leader amongst the other young planets, and formed the Systems Alliance. For the first time, it was commonly referred to as simply Deralia by its peers. During the Unification Wars, Deralia led the Systems Alliance in a fight for independence from the young Galactic Republic. Once the threat had subsided, the Systems Alliance was disbanded. The Deralians soon had their unsettled differences descend upon them in peace, the Mithra Union quickly fell apart, regressing the people out of the stars, and back into a city-state existence.

The Deralian Empire
One man, Raven, remembered the old ways...the way of loyalty to one another. As the space age descended upon the Deralians, he knew that if they stood a chance, they must stand united. He briefly brought war upon several major city-states by unifying several smaller ones, but was beaten back into a fortress he had secretly constructed. Raven's Gate, the city surrounded Raven's Keep, the fortress itself, was never penetrated. Raven merely waited, until the allied major city-states, the Seraphim Alliance, quickly dissolved and began fighting amongst themselves. One of the most powerful surface storms in Deralian history hit the region around the Ravenna Mountain Range at this time, and almost as if guided by the Gods, Raven stepped out alone from his fortress, and the storm ceased. The impressive timing garnered, out of reverance, absolute loyalty from the Seraphim Alliance...and yet again, Deralia was finally united and headed back into the stars.

The Kingdom of Deralia
At times authoritarian, the Kingdom was a nationalist, totalitarian monarchy, which soon became a oligarchic monarchy. It brought Deralia into the Republic around 4,500 BBY, but by 3,500 BBY, the Kingdom had fallen in place of the aggressive Revanchist Empire. The Kingdom would rise again though, in 1,000 BBY and up until 4 ABY, would reign over Deralia once more. It's fall was mainly due to the fall of the Empire, as few knew what to do, and essentially aside from a few standing bodies, Deralia lacked an organized government until the rise of the NIO. It would briefly come back as a government form between the fall of the NIO and establishment of the NUD

The Revanchist Empire
Formed during the time of the True Sith's war upon the Republic, the Revanchist Empire was only briefly a Deralian government. It soon became a regional power, ruling over the worlds of the Systems Alliance with an iron fist until 1,000 BBY, during which the Empire fell in the cataclysm of the Republic and Sith Empire both collapsing around the same time. Although the Republic rose back up, the Revanchist Empire never rose against. The Kingdom of Deralia was established once more, and briefly re-established the Systems Alliance to help the other worlds recover from the collapse. When recovery was finished, the new Kingdom aided in setting up the War Treaty, which kept the SA/RE worlds in alliance with one another.

The War Council Era
Up until recently, despite the NIO briefly serving as the planetary government, the War Council has essentially been Deralia's leadership. Due to various incidents, the War Council has been in power for over thirty years, rather than a monarch. Due to the Imperial reform of the pre-Clone Wars government, when the Empire fell apart, so too did the Deralian government. The War Council, along with the legislative bodies of Deralia, took over, working hard to attempt to form another government, until the NIO showed up, and picked up the pieces.

New Imperial Order
Originally starting on Deralia, like the Revanchist Empire, the NIO had several roots within the history of Deralia's governments. History would tell this tale however.

Deralian Provisional Union
The government that rose in place of the NIO, as its name suggests, it is a provisional government, working upon what standing structure there is.

Government Leadership
The Throne
although there hasn't been a seated regent since the reign of Xavier XXV, who died just before the Clone Wars in 25 BBY, since at the time of the displacement of Xavier XXV, their was so much controversy over who should truely be seated that the Council of Lords refused to choose the heir. Although traditionally following a rite of succession, as a formality, due to attempts to democracize the monarchy, the Council of Lords was given the ability to choose a successor, but usually out of reverence of tradition they always choose the heir apparent, however half wished for the heir apparent, Kerraylo Park (father of Jaron Park) who supported continued Republic membership, and half supported Wilhelm Tesqo, who supported succession. Ever since, the War Council has served as the executive of Deralia. The War Council has pledged to name a successor to the Throne by 25 ABY.

The War Council
Five of the most powerful Deralians sit on the War Council. Whenever one leaves the Council, the Council selects a new member. The War Council, originally created to aide the Emperor in decisions during the Mandalorian Wars, has survived countless regime changes, and has moved from being an advisory body to the top legislative branch of the government. Since the controvery over Xavier XXV's heir, the War Council has acted as Regent In Abstentia, becoming the executive of Deralia. During the rise of the NIO, Jaron Park returned took his father's seat on the War Council and began spreading his ideals. It wasn't until he obtained control of the Council that the NIO actually set itself up on Deralia, merely being a political movement before hand, displaying the power the War Council wielded, and the respect its people had for it.

The Council of Lords
A collection of Lords of each noble family of Deralia, which acts as the legislature of Deralia. It is in fact the oldest body of government of Deralia, existing since 8,000 BBY during the reign of Emperor Raven, who established the Council as an advisory body to prevent a noble insurrection against him.

The Senate
A product of begining of the young Saren XIII's rule in 200 BBY, the regent before Xavier XXV, the Senate is a body of elected officials from each province of Deralia, and acts as the people's voice towards the nobility. Although the Council of Lords has on several occassions used its power to trample over the Senate, by now the two bodies have come into a good working relationship working for the betterment of Deralia rather than the displacement of one another as they were infamous for throughout the first two hundred years of working with one another.

Major Cities
Imperial City
Although in this day and age, many outsiders would believe Imperial City to be a construct of the New Imperial Order's reign. However, the city dates back to long before the NIO, being built in 3,500 BBY. It appears more or less like Imperial-controlled Coruscant, although at this time it is still war torn.

The capital of the planet, Mithra is one of the original city-states of ancient Deralia, and this is apparent within its architecture. Unlike Imperial City, the people of Mithra have gone to great lengths to preserve its ties to history. Here, the Senate, Council of Lords, and all-powerful War Council hold their everyday sessions to run Deralia, and the government is completely headquartered out of the city. The Royal Palace also resides here,

Raven's Gate
The Cult of Ravenna exists within Raven's Gate, maintaining each temple that exists within the anciet city... and an elite group, named after the legendary Revan's ideals which later became the basis for the longest ruling government on Deralia, the Revanchists, watch faithfully over the Tomb of Revan, with entry allowed only to those of his bloodline. Raven's Keep is also an important location within the city, as it serves as a masoleum of Deralia's history and it ancient, and mysterious, past. The monks of the Ravenna Cult are the only "modern" beings in the city however, believed as guardians from the Gods by the locals, primitives whom never advanced beyond the stages of Raven's Empire. Anyone who enters the city either never returns, or never speaks of what they have seen out of holy reverence. Few even know of its existence.

Although many throughout the Galaxy practice a relgion essentially based upon The Force, Deralia is a world steeped in rituals, and adherence to those beliefs. Although several of the world, especially those who have been throughout the Galaxy for several years, have abandoned the Old Ways in favor of the modern Force religion, a majority of Deralians practice a hybrid of both religions in the modern times. The Deralians worship several Gods, each dedicated to a facet of life itself, with several devoting their worship to a specific God, but believing in all none the less. Each God has their temple, somewhere on the planet, however what is lesser known is the ancient city of Raven's Gate, a city that served as both religious center and impenetrable fortress to the first Emperor of Deralia, Raven. Within Raven's Gate exists a Temple devoted to each God of the religion, with the ultimate of Temples, the Temple of the Gods, sitting atop the mountain into which Raven's Gate sits, Mount Ravenna. The only Temple of Revan also exists here, the center of the Cult of Ravenna

Revan- Lord of the Gods (little known)
Deral-God of Deralia
Seraphim-God of War
Mithra-Goddess of Peace
Aphrosia-Goddess of Love
Zephyr-God of Thought
Talisman-God of Prosperity
Gaia-Goddess of the Earth
Tyche-God of the Sky
Celest-Goddess of the Stars
Calypso-Goddess of the Seas
Cerberus-God of the Underworld
Paladin-God of Protection
Hana-Goddess of Fertility

List of Regents
Unknown before this date
Emperor Raven-8,000 BBY to 7,945 BBY (died)
Emperor Kaiden-7,945 BBY to 7,867 BBY (died)
Emperor Rayden-7,867 BBY to 7,794 BBY (died)
Emperor Saren-7,794 BBY to 7,701 BBY (died)
Emperor Kain-7,701 BBY to 7,648 BBY (died)
Emperor Kerraylo-7,648 BBY to 7,587 BBY (died)
Emperor Orion-7,587 BBY to 7,494 BBY (died)
Emperor Apollo-7,494 BBY to 7,408 BBY (died)
Emperor Ares I-7,408 BBY to 7,346 BBY (died)
Emperor Mordain-7,346 BBY to 7,281 BBY (died)
Emperor Georges-7,281 BBY to 7,224 BBY (died)
Emperor Kelrain I-7,224 BBY to 7,041 BBY (died) [Jedi]
Emperor Kelrain II- 7,041BBY to 7,003 BBY (assassinated, overthrown) [Sith]
Emperor Ares II-7,003 BBY to 6,901 BBY (died) [Jedi]
Emperor Malcolm-6,901BBY to 6,812 BBY (died)
Emperor Zai I-6,812 BBY to 6,555 BBY (died) [Jedi]
Emperor Zai II-6,555 BBY to 6,321 BBY (died) [Jedi]
Emperor Zai III-6,321 BBY to 6,004 BBY (died) [Jedi]
Emperor Ashla I-6,004 BBY to 5,788 BBY (died) [Jedi]
Emperor Ashla II-5,788 BBY to 5,412 BBY (died) [Jedi]
Emperor Ashla III- 5,412 BBY to 5,000 BBY (died) [Jedi]
Regent Dai-5,000 BBY to 4,986 BBY (Steps down, Ashla IV comes of age)
Emperor Ashla IV- 4,986 BBY to 4,686 BBY (died) [Jedi]
Emperor Kieran-4,686 BBY to 4,602 BBY (died)
Emperor Xavier-4,602 to 4,505 BBY (died) {Last Emperor to use his first name in his title}
King Xavier I-4,504 BBY to 4,431 BBY (died)
King Xavier II-4,431 BBY to 4,397 BBY (died)
King Xavier III-4,397 BBY to 4,381 BBY (died)
King Xavier IV-4,381 BBY to 4,303 BBY (died)
King Xavier V-4,303 BBY to 4,225 BBY (died)
King Xavier VI-4,225 BBY to 4,117 BBY (died)
King Xavier VII-4,117 BBY to 4,111 BBY (died)
King Xavier VIII-4,111 BBY to 4,063 BBY (died)
Queen Avina I- 4,063 BBY to 4,038 BBY (died)
King Xavier IX-4,038 BBY to 4,020 BBY (died)
King Xavier X-4,020 BBY to 3,996 BBY (died)
King Xavier XI-3,996 BBY to 3,963 BBY (died)
King Xavier XII-3,963 BBY to 3,953 BBY (died)
King Revan-3,953 [Jedi] {Honorary Title}
King Xavier XIII-3,953 BBY to 3,908 BBY (died)
King Xavier XIV-3,908 BBY to 3,874 BBY (died)
King Xavier XV-3,874 BBY to 3,856 BBY (died)
King Xavier XVI-3,856 BBY to 3,845 BBY (died)
King Xavier XVII-3,845 BBY to 3,833 BBY (died)
King Xavier XVIII-3,833 BBY to 3,812 BBY (died)
King Xavier XIX-3,812 BBY to 3,745 BBY (died)
King Xavier XX-3,745 BBY to 3,698 BBY (died)
King Ashla-3,698 to 3,500 BBY (assassinated, overthrown) [Jedi]
Emperor-Darth Judicar-3,500 BBY to 3,480 BBY (assassinated, overthrown) [Sith]
Emperor Tirkan I-3,480 BBY to 3,400 BBY (died)
Emperor Tirkan II-3,400 BBY to 3,334 BBY (died)
Emperor Tirkan III-3,334 BBY to 3,281 BBY (died)
Emperor Tirkan IV-3,281 BBY to 3,182 BBY (died)
Emperor Tirkan V-3,182 BBY to 3,140 BBY (died)
Emperor Tirkan VI-3,140 BBY to 3,067 BBY (died)
Emperor Tirkan VII-3,067 BBY to 2,999 BBY (died)
Emperor Tirkan VIII-2,999 BBY to 2,944 BBY (died)
Emperor Cross I-2,944 BBY to 2,865 BBY (died)
Emperor Tirkan IX-2,865 BBY to 2,783 BBY (died)
Emperor Tirkan X-2,783 BBY to 2,707 BBY (died)
Emperor Tirkan XI-2,707 BBY to 2,600 BBY (died)
Emperor Tirkan XII-2,600 BBY to 2,534 BBY (died)
Emperor Tirkan XIII-2,534 BBY to 2,496 BBY (died)
Emperor Tirkan XIV-2,496 BBY to 2,491 BBY (died)
Emperor Tirkan XV-2,491 BBY to 2,402 BBY (died)
Emperor Tirkan XVI-2,402 BBY to 2,370 BBY (died)
Emperor Tirkan XVII-2,370 BBY to 2,298 BBY (died)
Emperor Tirkan XVIII-2,298 BBY to 2,250 BBY (died)
Emperess Tirkan I-2,250 BBY to 2,215 BBY (died)
Emperor Tirkan XIV-2,215 to 2,150 BBY (died)
Empress Tirkan II- 2,150 BBY to 2,130 BBY (died)
Emperor Park I-2,130 to 2,084 BBY (died)
Emperor Park II-2,084 BBY to 1,998 BBY (died)
Emperor Park III-1,998 BBY 1,912 BBY (died)
Emperor Park IV-1,912 BBY to 1,860 BBY (died)
Emperor Park V-1,860 BBY to 1,801 BBY (died)
Empress Park-1,801 BBY to 1,730 BBY (died)
Emperor Cross II-1,730 BBY to 1,700 BBY(assassinated, overthrown)
Emperor-Darth Paxis-1,700 BBY to 1,350 BBY (assassinated, overthrown) [Sith]
Emperor Alenko-1,350 BBY to 1,300 BBY (died)
Empress Benezia-1,300 BBY 1,220 BBY (assassinated, last of her family name)
Emperor Vakarian-1,220 BBY, 1,120 BBY (died)
Emperor Arterius-1,120 BBY to 1,000 BBY (assassinated, overthrown)
King Xavier XXI-1,000 BBY to 991 BBY (died)
King Xavier XXII-991 BBY to 914 BBY (died)
King Xavier XXIII-914 BBY to 881 BBY (died)
King Xavier XXIV-881 BBY to 804 BBY (died)
King Garus I-804 BBYto 710 BBY (died)
King Garrus II-710 BBY to 660 BBY (died)
King Garrus III-660 BBY to 610 BBY (died)
Queen Avina II-610 to 600 BBY (died)
King Vigil I-600 BBY to 525 BBY (died)
Queen Mira-525 BBY to 500 BBY (died)
King Nihilus I-500 BBY to 400 BBY (died)
King Nihilus II-400 BBY to 300 BBY (died)
King Nihilus III-300 BBY to 200 BBY (died)
King Saren XIII-200 BBY to 145 BBY (died)
King Garrus IV-145 BBY to 100 BBY (died)
King Xavier XXV-100 BBY to 25 BBY (died)
NOTE: There hasn't been a regent since Xavier the XXV for the reasons above. Also, any usurper, unless they have rebelled and overthrown a tyrannical leader, are not listed among the Regents.

Governor Lucius Aurelius

Message edited by EndarTirkan - Monday, 29 Jun 2009, 11:03 AM
Star Wars RP: A Galaxy At War Forum » OOC (Out of Character) » OOC Forum » Deralia (A History)
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