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Everyone please read.
Jace_VaritekDate: Thursday, 21 Mar 2013, 1:31 PM | Message # 1
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2245
Awards: 4
Reputation: 21
Status: Offline
That the dispute regarding Alyn Stark's capture and captivity is consuming all the oxygen in the RP is fairly obvious. Jaron, Karth, and I are of the belief that an auto'd conclusion to these events is necessary for the good of the site and, indeed, for the continued existence of the RP. I don't intend to place blame for this predicament on anyone; it wouldn't be helpful to do so and, moreover, there is more blame here than can be reasonably put on any one person. Rather, the auto'd version of events that follows is meant to resolve the current dispute and also to cure certain conditions in the RP that contributed to the dispute in the first place. Management is unanimous in asking all parties to the dispute to read and respect and following:

1.) 6 (in-character) months have elapsed, during which time:

• Alyn Stark has remained in Trandoshan captivity.
• He is declared dead.
• Rumors about him being a Jedi, or having a Jedi among his bodyguards, remain only rumors.
• The forged version of his will is invalidated as Stark is determined to have not been of sound mind at the time (no signature nor reference to his son, etc.).
• Because of the ambiguity, however, the Empire appropriates Stark's assets (companies he owns, shares in other companies, etc.) on a sector-by-sector basis.
• Moff Shirnoq returns Stark's Kanz Sector-based assets to the government of Lorrd to honor Stark's will.
• The government of Lorrd returns Stark's money, rights to his designs, GalacticAid, and shares in Vigilance Technologies, Inc. to a Stark family trust controlled by Ana Stark.
• However, with the urging of House Garth, the government sells Stark's shares in his remaining companies to the Empire to help repay the planet's war debt.
• A successor (non-playable character) has been selected to be Lord of the Kinyov Province in accordance with whatever process Lorrd has for choosing a successor.
• Alyn and Ana Stark's son, Jackson Riley Stark, is born.

2. Time out. There shall be no RP by, of, or pertaining to Alyn Stark or Tssk for a period of 30 (out-of-character) days from the time of this post.

3. At the end of this time:

• Alyn Stark's prompt release shall be contrived by the agreement of the various parties concerned.
• Upon his release, he may re-claim assets held in the Stark family trust (see above).

This is asking a lot of certain players, and it is doing so in the interest of keeping the RP alive and lively. We feel it's a reasonable sacrifice for players to make for the good of the site we all want to enjoy, but understanding that it is a sacrifice, management is prepared to reciprocate in the following respects:

• Jaron, Karth, and I shall make respective efforts to be more involved with all of you in the RP.
• New and exciting storylines shall be put into motion in the coming days.
• Timely consideration of requests shall be resumed forthwith. A new manager may be considered to assist with this.
• Rule 1.3 regarding character deaths shall be expanded to include "significantly altering a character in mind or body".

On a personal note, I'd like to add that I was feeling overwhelmed by this yesterday morning and, frankly, I lost my cool. I'd like to think that you've all come to expect more of me than the kind of rudeness that I showed to a couple of players yesterday. I do apologize for this, and I'm grateful to Jess and also to Jamie for, on the one hand, admirably enduring my antics on that morning and, additionally, "talking me down" as it were. Having cooled off and given this a think, and consulted Jaron and Karth, I believe this auto is the best and fairest solution to the problems that have plagued the site of late and I'm feeling optimistic now about the RP.

And now, the magic dance from Labyrinth:

Jace Varitek
Manager/Administrator from January 2003 to Present
My recent posts here, pre-2009 archives here

"When my information changes, I change my opinion. What do you do, sir?"
—John Maynard Keynes

Furthermore, a dancing Wookiee:
Jace_VaritekDate: Thursday, 21 Mar 2013, 1:48 PM | Message # 2
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2245
Awards: 4
Reputation: 21
Status: Offline
(That was my 2,222nd post!).

Let's see how that top 10 is looking now:

1. Jace_Varitek: 2,223
2. Alyn_Stark: 1,350
3. Karth_DeQora: 1,156
4. Ilanah_Thanatos: 883
5. Tremaine_Fowlkes: 881
6. Rath-Deschain: 856
7. Bernard_Oriel: 802
8. Senator_Cambrist: 760
9. LomenRyuun: 692
10. Sate_Pestage: 634

Pretty tight 3-way competition for 4th place!

Jace Varitek
Manager/Administrator from January 2003 to Present
My recent posts here, pre-2009 archives here

"When my information changes, I change my opinion. What do you do, sir?"
—John Maynard Keynes

Furthermore, a dancing Wookiee:
General_AdennDate: Thursday, 21 Mar 2013, 2:29 PM | Message # 3
Group: Users
Messages: 41
Awards: 0
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
Few more posts and I'll have beaten you all.
Ana_StarkDate: Thursday, 21 Mar 2013, 2:38 PM | Message # 4
Major general
Group: Users
Messages: 474
Awards: 0
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
Quote (General_Adenn)
Few more posts and I'll have beaten you all.

You're burning up the boards, buddy.  Slow down a bit....  wink
Karth_DeQoraDate: Thursday, 21 Mar 2013, 3:34 PM | Message # 5
Colonel general
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1157
Awards: 1
Reputation: 17
Status: Offline
I'd like to echo Jace's sentiments regarding feeling overwhelmed by all of this. I realize that, as a manager, our duty is to work out disagreements and broker compromises; but my overall enthusiasm for this position and for the RP as a whole has been quashed as of late. This isn't the fault of any one person, and my personal life has factored heavily into this as well, but it's proven more difficult lately to log on to AGW or even get into messenger and have to hear about the newest disagreement, or get a bitching from someone about someone else. It wears on a person, and I only have so much of my energy to give to this place. So I've been burnt out, to put it bluntly, and I hope to re-energize and return soon.

But this petty squabbling has to stop. We're all adults here, we're certainly capable of communication and putting aside old grudges. At least, I hope that would be the case. Rather than dragging each other into personal arguments or vendettas, then letting these things fester until it spirals out of control as it has, I'd hope we would be able to, collectively, move beyond it rather than spend weeks escalating things and then leaving it to management to sift through the shit. And yes, it's been shit, that I'm quite frankly sick of sifting. Jace has the patience of a saint, bless him, be thankful to have him as the head honcho here.

I don't have that patience, not anymore. I hope to work with you all in moving forward in this, but if not, I'm going to start putting my foot down. It ends here, period, that's it. We're adults, let's act like it. I love you all, and I'd hate to have to hang up my hat because I can't deal with any added stress.

Man, Myth, Administrative God. Also plays a mean kazoo.
Jace Varitek: In Northern California we just have gangs of vigilante interior decorators.
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