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Talri Nikani
Talri_NikaniDate: Tuesday, 28 Sep 2010, 2:54 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 54
Awards: 0
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Status: Offline

: : [ T h e b a s i c s ] : :
:: [ Name ]:: Talri Nikani
:: [ Title ]:: CEO
:: [ Age ]:: 31
:: [ Race ] :: Human
:: [ Race Traits ]:: None
:: [ Occupation ]:: CEO of Phoenix Inc
:: [ Current Location ]:: Raxus Prime
:: [ Alignment ]:: Good
:: [ Allegiance ]:: Neutral
:: [ Language(s)] :: Common, Wookie, Galactic Basic, Twilek
:: [ Quote ]::

[:: T h e a n a t o m y : : ]
:: [ Gender ]:: Male
:: [ Height ]:: 6'2"
:: [ Weight ]:: 220 pounds
:: [ Hair ]:: Black
:: [ Eye Color ] :: Emerald Green
:: [ Skin ]:: Slightly Tanned
:: [ Physical Condition ] :: Athletic but Lean
:: [ Tattoos ]:: None visible.
:: [ Jewelry ]:: None
:: [ Misc Description ]:: None Currently
:: [ Piercings ]:: None
:: [ Handed ] : : Left

[ : : T h e c h a r a c t e r : : ]
:: [ Place of Birth ]:: Coruscaunt
:: [ Place of Raising ]:: Coruscaunt
:: [ Personality ]:: Strong leader with tactical thinking
:: [ Marital Status ]:: Single
:: [ Sexual Orientation ] : : Straight
:: [ Philosphy ]:: The republic was flawed because man is flawed, the more we recognize that the more we can work to correct it.
:: [ Affiliations ]:: The true Republic
:: [ Force Sensitivity ]:: Yes
:: [ Midichloreans ]:: Normal for a Latent Force User(5,500)

[: : Family : :]
+ Immediate Famly +
::[Wife]:: None
::[Son]:: None
::[Daughter]:: None
::[Father]:: Deceased
::[Mother]:: Missing
::[Brother]:: Unknown
::[Sister]:: Deceased

[:: t h e b a t t l e i n f o ::]
:: [ Armor ]:: Special atmospheric protective suit/armor
:: [ Items ]:: Rebreather and D-15 Blaster Pistol
:: [ Skills/Specializations ] :: Very Highly skilled with Blaster Pistol, Excellent Leadership abilities

::[ T h e W e a p o n s ]::

:: [ First Weapon ]::
DC-15 s Side Arm Blaster
Maker: BlasTech Industries
Size: Blaster Pistol
Capacity: 70 rounds, 7 per second or 1 at a time

::[ Second Weapon - Rarely used, Kept on belt strap - ]::

[ : : T h e H i s t o r y : : ]

Talri started early in his life growing up between Coruscaunt and his fathers secret ship, the Shadow One, where he followed his father around and learned the trade of spying from one of the best. That is until his father was killed by General Grevious after he was caught trying to collect information on the General’s flagship. Talri took over ownership of the Shadow One when he was just 12 years old. He kept the ship going, and took on a few droids to help him.
This continued until he was 17 years old, and he then started taking over some of the old contacts that his father dealt with, and started getting the information highway going, and started getting some of his own with the rebel forces, and he started expanding his holdings, selling information and gaining a rather large bank account, and plenty of friends on either side of the war.
That was until he turned 29 years old, when he stumbled across the find of a lifetime, a long lost Seperatist Naval testing site. Where he found a Lucrehulk Battleship in good enough shape to salvage and put to good use. He moved the thing after clearing out the naval site of all the usuable salvage he could find, he jumped the ship to his base on Raxus Prime, where he disassembled the ships engines, put the ship into stationary orbit and started to reprogram the droids onboard and reactivate them to do his bidding.
Specifically the transformation of the former Battleship into a ship construction yard.

His ships:

Message edited by Talri_Nikani - Thursday, 30 Sep 2010, 6:44 PM
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