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Taizen Sai
TaizenSaiDate: Wednesday, 29 Sep 2010, 3:38 PM | Message # 1
Group: Blocked
Messages: 21
Awards: 0
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Status: Offline

Real Name: Taizen Sai

Name Known As: Tai

Home-world: Outer Rim prison camp

Place of Residence: Danttoine


Age: 15

Height: 5" 9

Weight: 145 lbs.

Eye Color: brown

Hair Color: light hazel

Skin Color: Tan

Parents: deceased (he never really knew his parents,he knew he was different then all the rest of the other kids but he didn't know why)

Siblings: n/a

Affiliation: Jedi Order

Force Sensitive: Yes

Force Group: Order of the Jedi

Rank: Jedi Knight

Apprentice: none

Master: Jinta Jidan

Lightsabre: (1) single black/gold hilt

Light-saber Color: Red

Weapon(s): none

Clothing: Crimson Robes and tunic black boots and wrist protection

Ship(s): none

Crew: n/a

Traits: Taizen is an upstart he has always wanted to know why he had these abilities his biggest trait is that he learns quite quickly.

Abilities: Levitation(able to more medium sized objects),Force Grip (able to choke and kill small animals but he is not recommended to do so)

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Early Life: his birth his life as a slave
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Taizen was born in a prison camp in the outer rim he never really knew his parents all he could think about was what it must have been like if he was free in his early youth he knew he was different as other kids were scared of him it wasn't so much for his strength he really didn't have that but he was able to pick up objects and toss them some thought he could be picked up by the Jedi but no one came,when he turn the ripe age of nine he was sent to a different interment camp where it was higher security he didn't understand why or didn't he know why maybe it was due to the unusual powers he had maybe that had something to do with it in any case he lived their for about four years until one day someone came to take him away from the interment camp a man dressed in all black carrying what appeared to be a laser sword of some kind he didn't know what a light saber was he only heard stories and bullshit rumor's about things like that but he was face to face with this man for several minutes the man never said anything except to the guard that he would take him. This was it he was going to die his fourteen years in this galaxy was up he must have made the wrong move when he moved those objects on the only other interment camp he called home and now he was going to die for it.

When Taizen got outside of the fences and walls of the interment camp he followed the black dressed fellow to his shuttle this shuttle was like the one he traveled in but was bigger in someway but he was small compared to this tall dark figure but before he could follow him into his shuttle two other men dressed in tan and brown robes with laser swords confront this man who was going to take me i was caught in some kind of battle i was thrown with some kind of ability and watched as the man who released me as a slave fled into the shuttle as it took off what was i going to do now who were these men who confronted this other black guy i was alone or was i these other men took me to an academy which was full of others who had the same abilities as me was this to be my new home but what was a freak of nature i had to know what i was perhaps these men were going to show me.
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Teenage Info : life as a Jedi Padawan,Jedi Knight
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My childhood seems like a memory ago but i now understand that i am no longer the freak i thought i was when i was a kid coming to this academy was probably the best way to find out that the abilities that i have can be used for good so i was given a master who trained me to be patient to use the force which in my years from being a kid of knowing nothing and now i have learned so much since i was a kid of about being around the age of 6 to now being a teenager in time i want to know all their is about this force in time i want to become more then just a padawan i wish to become a master.

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Adult Life: Life as Jedi Knight on the run from the Galactic Empire.
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I couldnt have imagined that while i was on Dantooine within a remote secretive academy i couldnt help but see the horror that was to unfold a good friend of mine who was like an older brother has turned his back on our brotheren i could never see Anakin Skywalker turn on us let alone kill younglings but it has happened and now i find myself with a different Master Jinta Jidan who is teaching me things far beyond the realm of my own life and exsistence but i find myself not only at a crossroads but in a struggle to stay alive to at least at somepoint to see this catastrophy come to an end to see the dreaded Galactic Empire to its knees but how is this going to happen theirs has to be a way.

Message edited by TaizenSai - Wednesday, 29 Sep 2010, 3:45 PM
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