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Orion Karath
Orion_KarathDate: Tuesday, 05 Oct 2010, 2:25 AM | Message # 1
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Imperial Personnel File KO-CR6041
Captain Orion Karath

"When the Empire needs a situation taken care of, we are the scalpel used when the sword is inappropriate. When certain, specific, complex tasks are required to be accomplished in a larger operation, we are called upon. We do a great many things in the name of the Emperor, worth being feted every day we go to work and do our jobs, and yet we are shadows. We are no one. We do not exist. We do not do what we do. None of it has ever happened... none of it ever will. We are Ghosts... "
-Orion Karath, on his new unit


Full Name: Orion Yusanis Karath

Alias: Yusanis , Boss, Rock, Monster, The Duke, Ghost, various cover names

Age: 26

Height: 180.34 centimeters (5'11")

Weight: 85.73 kilograms (189 lbs.)

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Birth Date: 16:2:14 BE

Birthplace: Coronet, Corellia

Residence: Special Operations Command Outer Forward Operations Base Borosk

Affiliation: Galactic Empire

Education Awards: Bachelor of Arts with honors in Defense and Strategic Studies from the Imperial Military Academy-Carida, Bachelor of Social Sciences with honors in Terrorism Studies from the Imperial Military Academy-Carida

Sexual Preference: Heterosexual

Distinguishing Marks: None, other than tattoos which are often covered up when necessary.

Tattoos: Stylized Grim Reaper on left upper arm, Skull on right upper arm, Battlefield Cross with name of fallen comrades on right ribcage, Officer's Oath on left ribcage, "Loyalty. Fealty. Fidelity." across inner right forearm. Imperial cog on inner left forearm.

Jewelry/Body Piercings: Imperial Signet Ring (right ring finger), Juggernaut Ring (left ring finger)

Blood Type: O+

Languages: Basic, Olys Corellisi, Huttese

Psychological Profile: Cocky, and a bit egotistical at times, he is known to carry the "invincibility" of youth...and military special forces. Some would say that his attitude is deserved, but this is debatable. Although fun loving and joking while off duty, in the field he can become strict, no non-sense, and at times, despises small talk. He tends to have an ear to the ground when it comes to his unit, and keeps an open door policy for those under his command, regardless of issue. While generally having high morals, he is someone that understands certain things must be done and when it comes down to it... the end justifies the means.


ID # TX-217

Location of Enlistment: Recruitment Sub-Station Coronet, Recruitment Station Corellia, 1st Recruitment District

Date of Enlistment: 2:1:15 AE

Academy Training Date: 2:8:1 AE - 6:5:1 AE

Academy Training Location: Imperial Military Academy-Carida

Special Missions Training Date: 6:6:1 AE - 6:7:6 AE

Special Missions Training Location: Camp Reaper, Carida

Commando Training Date: 7:7:1 AE - 8:7:24 AE (Selected for training on 7:7:24 AE)

Commando Training Location: Various

Training Completed: Imperial Army Basic Training, Imperial Army Officer Basic Training, Imperial Army School of Infantry, Imperial Army Close Quarters Combat System, Imperial Army Special Missions Trooper Training, Imperial Special Operations Officer Training, Spontaneous Protection Enabling Accelerated Response System Training, Expeditionary Warfare School, Imperial Commando Training, Imperial Special Forces Officer Training, Special Combat Aggressive Reactionary System Training, Imperial School of Stava, School of Advanced Warfighting

Martial Arts: Stava, Special Combat Aggressive Reactionary System, Spontaneous Protection Enabling Accelerated Response System, Tae-Jitsu, Imperial Army Close Quarters Combat System, Sera Plinck, Hijkata, Echani

Classification: Rifle Expert, Pistol Expert

Branch: Army

Rank: O-3 Captain

MOS: Special Forces Officer

Former MOS: Special Missions Officer

Position: Commanding Officer of Alpha Team, Company D, 1st Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group

Unit: Company D, 1st Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group "The Ghosts"

Previous Units: 4th Platoon, Aurek Company, 57th Special Missions Battalion; 1st Platoon (Assault), Besh Company (Heavy Weapons), 1/322nd Assault Regiment

Awards: Medallion of Service, Medal of the Emperor's Fist, Gold Star, Silver Star (2), Bronze Star (3), Obsidian Crescent, Imperial Academy Graduate with Honors, Training Graduation Award, First-class Corellian Bloodstripe, Second-class Corellian Bloodstripe

Campaigns: Dressel Campaign, Maridun Security Operation, Renatasia Campaign, Sartran Nationalization Operation

Length of Service: Four Years

Status: Active


Family Name: Karath of Corellia

Father: Drake Karath- Imperial Army General, retired Senate Guard, former Officer of Ranulph Tarkin's paramilitary surface forces (56)

Mother: Raskta Karath (Yusanis)- mercenary, retired SBI Special Operative (50)

Siblings: Ace Karath- Imperial Navy Fighter Pilot (22) [Brother], Cora Karath- Imperial Army Special Missions Trooper (20) [Sister]

Marital Status: Single

Spouse: None

Children: None


Clothing: Typically wears clothing associated with the mixed martial arts subculture of the galaxy when in casual situations. When in formal situations, typically wears suits of the Imperial chic style. Otherwise, wears the appropriate military uniform.

Issued Armor: Imperial Commando Armor

Personal Armor: Echani Heavy Armor, Echani Fiber Armor

Issued Weapons: Imperial Repeating Rifle, E-11 Blaster Rifle, 6 Concussion Grenades, 6 Thermal Detonators, 2 Imperial Combat Knives (sheathed on boots)

Personal Weapons: Yusanis's Brand, Echani Double-Brand, Echani Ritual Brand, 2 Echani Vibroblades, 2 Echani Foils

Issued Vehicles: Modified Nu-class Attack Shuttle Ghost

Personal Vehicles: BARC Speeder, AV-21 Landspeeder, M-31 Airspeeder, Twin-228 Airspeeder

Other: None


Born and raised in Coronet on Corellia. His father, Drake Karath, is a decorated and highly respected Senate Guard, who served in Ranulph Tarkin's paramilitary's surface forces and since the formation of the Empire has served as an Army Officer. His mother, Raksta Karath (nee Yusanis), is an Echani warrior, who is notable for fighting against the Mandalorians and special service in the SBI in the Clone Wars.

He is primarily raised by his mother, as his father is often away from home, serving in the Senator Guard. She raises him in the traditional Echani ways.

At the transition of the Empire to the Republic, the Diktat suffers an assassination attempt while walking the streets of Coronet. Being a loyal Corellian, he shoves the Diktat out of the path of the blast bolt that would have killed him, being hit and nearly dying in the process.

Through Senate appointment, due to his outstanding academic and fitness marks, father's connections, and saving of the Diktat, he is able to attend the Imperial Military Academy, being sent to Carida.

Is able to work hard enough to pull off a double major at Carida, and graduates as valedictorian of his class. Is able to secure a spot as a Special Missions Trooper out of the academy.

Following a year of service, and several notable operations, he is able to pass selection for training as an Imperial Commando.

Upon completion of training, he is assigned to an test unit, exploring the options of adding a specialized fourth company to the Special Forces Groups, being specifically added to the Fifth Special Forces Group. His first assignment as a Commando makes him a battle hardened veteran, on Renatasia.

Following an easy assignment on Maridun, is assigned to the Subjugation of Dressel.

NOTE: All information, with the exception of select items, are classified Top Secret, and only available to the appropriate personnel.

Major Orion "Reaper" Karath
Imperial Army
Special Actions Group

Hero of the Empire

Message edited by Orion_Karath - Tuesday, 05 Oct 2010, 2:29 AM
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