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Motion for Neutrality in the Botor-Dawferim War
Bernard_OrielDate: Wednesday, 30 Jan 2013, 4:54 AM | Message # 1
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The Imperial State Neutrality in the Botor-Dawferim War

1. The Imperial Senate advises both sides in the ongoing Botor-Dawferim War (the ultimate causes of which are lost in the mists of time) to exercise all moderation, and if possible come to a ceasefire with a view to an amicable reconciliation.

2. The Imperial Senate furthermore humbly submits to the Emperor that it is not in the interests of the Imperial polity to use any means to assist either side in the ongoing conflict; it wholeheartedly endorses the current policy of Imperial state neutrality in the affairs of these two Client States. However, the Emperor is enjoined to police the border and prevent military ships of either the Botor Enclave and Dawferm Selfhood States entering Imperial space while facilitating the free exit of refugees.

3. The Imperial Senate advocates caution from Imperial Members, Corporations, Individual citizens etc when dealing with either party commercially, militarily or diplomatically.

4. The Commerce Committee is counseled to issue the following Statement: "The Commerce Committee advise against all travel to the Botor Enclave and Dawferm Selfhood States. Botor Enclave and Dawferm Selfhood States Government restrictions on travel may be in force. We advise that local media is monitored for reports of any new measures. The Imperial Embassies on both faction capitals will continue to monitor the course of the conflict and advise of any potential impact on Imperial citizens in the region. You can closely monitor daily developments in Basic through the Imperial Holonet News. If you decide to visit or remain in the region you should review your own security arrangements constantly and ensure that you are prepared to leave at short notice if necessary. The Imperial Embassies warn that it is unlikely they will be able to provide much in the way of Consular aid within this region and any travel or trade undertaken in the region is at the risk of the party choosing such a course of action."

5. The Planetary Defense Committee issues the following statement "The conflict between the Botor Enclave and Dawferm Selfhood States represents a sustained trans-generational feud and so discourages Imperial Members or Corporations from becoming involved in the area (although to do so would not be illegal). It should be noted that inside the space of the Botor Enclave and Dawferm Selfhood States the safety of Member or Corporate ships is not guaranteed by the Galactic Empire. For parties considering venturing into the region, be aware that both sides field relatively antiquated warships of various designs; do not underestimate a ship of indeterminate design or class or underestimate the power of either faction (both are well armed and determined). If conflict is not sought with either party, be obedient to all Governmental demands of the party controlling the territory your vessel(s) are within - common sense should be applied and peaceful ships should not be deployed near the front lines."

Bernard Oriel
Senator for the Planet of Vjun
1st Earl Malreaux (Second Creation)
Vjun Delegation to the Imperial Senate

Message edited by Bernard_Oriel - Sunday, 03 Feb 2013, 11:18 AM
LomenRyuunDate: Wednesday, 30 Jan 2013, 8:12 AM | Message # 2
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Druckenwell is in favor of this measure.

Lomen Ryuun
Senator, Doldur Sector
Senator, Druckenwell
Representative, Monor II (10 BBY - 9 BBY)
Representative, Geridard
Representative, Boranall
Representative, Therenor Prime
Vice-chairman, Defense Committee (Temporarily suspended)
Controlling Shareholder - Druckenwell Arms Corporation
Roman_LekpinDate: Wednesday, 30 Jan 2013, 9:02 AM | Message # 3
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There is no reason to oppose this. Lorrd sees no point in intervening in a localized conflict that does not seem as if it will spill over into the larger portions of the galaxy. In favor.

Roman Lekpin
Representative, Lorrd (11 BBY-10 BBY) (9 BBY-Present)
Chosen of House Garth
Draken_TurotDate: Thursday, 31 Jan 2013, 3:08 PM | Message # 4
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Acherin is in favor!!!

Senator_CambristDate: Sunday, 03 Feb 2013, 8:57 AM | Message # 5
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It's fair to say that this 500-year-old conflict shows little promise of resolution, in any sort of timely manner certainly. This war long ago did the worst of its damage to the Botor-Dawpherim economic zone, and in this day and age there isn't much worth salvaging. The repair of the Botor-Dawpherim economy is going to depend on renewed commercial activity between the warring factions, and that, obviously, will depend on peace. At this point, that's up to the Botori and the Dawpherim as far as I'm concerned. It's regrettable that both sides are lacking in mannish temperament.

The statement in Section 4 states accurately the position of the Commerce Committee on this issue (provided that what is surely a clerical error be corrected). I vote in favor.

Bernard_OrielDate: Sunday, 03 Feb 2013, 11:19 AM | Message # 6
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My Scribe is once again being flogged as we speak.

Bernard Oriel
Senator for the Planet of Vjun
1st Earl Malreaux (Second Creation)
Vjun Delegation to the Imperial Senate
Artemis_VandenDate: Monday, 04 Feb 2013, 11:04 AM | Message # 7
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I vote against this. There've been two enduring factors in this generations-old conflict; the inexhaustible resentment of each side for the other, and the steady flow of weapons of war into this war-ravaged region. When the Empire was founded on the principles of a strong, central government, I thought it would be able to put an end to hundreds-year-old, arms industry-enabled feuds such as the Botor-Dawferim war. And make no mistake, it is able. But not willing. Shame on all of you—Oriel, Ryuun, Lekpin, Tu'rot, Cambrist. The Botori and Dawferim blood of the ages is on your hands.

Artemis Vanden
Representative of the Naboo
Verence_TerrawinDate: Friday, 08 Feb 2013, 2:10 PM | Message # 8
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I agree with Senator Vanden, but also ask the Chair; is the Imperial Government disposed toward intervention or the sustained Republic-Empire noninterventionist policy regarding this dispute? I withhold my vote until hearing this.

Verence Terrawin

Senator of Alsakan
First Lord of the Foreign Office, Alsakan
Toben-DomonDate: Friday, 08 Feb 2013, 7:31 PM | Message # 9
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While this conflict is troublesome, it is still constrained. Nonetheless, Representative Vanden is correct. Sluis Van is against this measure.

Toben Domon
Senator, Sluis Van
Ilanah_ThanatosDate: Monday, 11 Feb 2013, 7:54 PM | Message # 10
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Chandrila is also against for the reasons given by Representative Vanden.

Ilanah R. Thanatos
Senator of Chandrila
Prince_ZaydDate: Tuesday, 12 Feb 2013, 0:14 AM | Message # 11
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As I am not yet a Senator, I am unable to vote on this myself. But I beg the Senate's indulgence to say, if I may Senator Thanatos, that you look enchanting today.

Prince Zayd
Senator of Falleen
Jason_BertumanDate: Wednesday, 13 Feb 2013, 11:38 AM | Message # 12
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Christophsis votes in favor.

~Senator Bertuman of Christophsis
Sate_PestageDate: Sunday, 17 Feb 2013, 8:47 PM | Message # 13
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In answer to your question, Senator Terrawin, the Empire remains committed to a policy of non-intervention with respect to the Botor-Dawferim war. The Empire has little interest in this resource-poor region of space. Personally, I would welcome the news that the Botori and the Dawferim had adopted the tenets of Human High Culture and put an end to this bloody, inter-generational ethnic squabble. Only then can the Botor Enclave and the Dawferim Selfhood States join the galactic community once more. This would be the ideal, if perhaps impossible outcome of this war, and not one that the Empire is going to waste its time and resources to bring about. The Empire's time and resources are necessarily spent on keeping the Imperial subjects safe from rebels, Separatists, Jedi, and so on.

Anything else, Senators?

Sate Pestage
Grand Vizier of the Empire
Assistant to Emperor Palpatine
Chair of the Imperial Senate
Sate_PestageDate: Monday, 11 Mar 2013, 7:12 PM | Message # 14
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The motion passes with 67% in favor and 33% opposed.

Sate Pestage
Grand Vizier of the Empire
Assistant to Emperor Palpatine
Chair of the Imperial Senate
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