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Presentation of Research Poll to the Senate
Senator_OrdanDate: Saturday, 09 Feb 2013, 10:50 AM | Message # 1
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Today I commissioned an independent poll held in various districts on Imperial Center (that sampled a wide mix of economic backgrounds, races, species and political affiliations). I should add that the sample collected had no prior knowledge of the Sluissi species or Toben Domon in particular.

The Question was simple and details will follow. I am a man of the people and naturally will always abide by the opinion of the Citizenry of the Empire on matters such as this.

How would you describe this creature?

1. Creepy looking lizard-snake-thing.
2. Horrific abomination better committed to the flames than allowed to live its disgusting existence.
3. Friendly looking alien who you would trust implicitly.

The results were thus

1. Creepy looking lizard-snake-thing. 53%
2. Horrific abomination better committed to the flames than allowed to live its disgusting existence. 31%
3. Friendly looking alien who you would trust implicitly. 16%

As recorded here, votes were cast by unaffiliated parties over the Afternoon.


May I express my warm satisfaction at being thus vindicated in the correct nature of my observations pertaining to Senator Toben Domon. He who the people consider at best to be a lizard-snake thing and at worst an abomination not worthy of life. Perhaps Senator Domon will consider in future before testing the will and fortitude of the Empire's citizens before he so rudely and unsubtly advocates un-patriotic causes?

Senator Hubert Ordan

Senator of the Azure Sector
Foreign Minister of Anaxes
Captain-General of the Azure Interest Protection Squadron
Deputy Chairman of the Ethics Committee
Worshipful Master of the Most Loyal and Honourable Company of Blockadeers
Archtreasurer of the Vault of Pols Anaxes
Autocrat of Selgon
Owner of Azure Durasteel
Systems Admiral (Ret)
Order of the Canted Circle

Message edited by Senator_Ordan - Saturday, 09 Feb 2013, 10:53 AM
LomenRyuunDate: Saturday, 09 Feb 2013, 11:01 AM | Message # 2
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Ordan, I am a firm believer of Human High Culture, but there are days you disgust me.

Chairman, I request that Senator Ordan be called to take down his poll from the Senate and apologize to Senator Domon. If the Senate is no place for name calling, then it is no place for insulting gestures such as this.

Lomen Ryuun
Senator, Doldur Sector
Senator, Druckenwell
Representative, Monor II (10 BBY - 9 BBY)
Representative, Geridard
Representative, Boranall
Representative, Therenor Prime
Vice-chairman, Defense Committee (Temporarily suspended)
Controlling Shareholder - Druckenwell Arms Corporation
Senator_OrdanDate: Saturday, 09 Feb 2013, 11:14 AM | Message # 3
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Yes, you are indeed a believer in High Human Culture. You know how I can tell that Senator Ryuun? Because you state the fact all the time... That's what being a believer is isn't it? Just occasionally stating a vague belief without ever following through on it.

Name calling? Pray this is nothing of the sort. This is simply revealing the scientifically measurable popular opinion toward the Sluissi in General and Mr Domon in particular. It is proper and right that research should be announced and it is not your place to attempt to stifle scientific progress. Even the Sluissi can take lessons from this.

This was a scientific poll, and it demonstrated more than 84% of people surveyed were ill disposed toward either Senator Domon or his people in general. Perhaps you should not consider this as some sort of insult or attack and rather consider that the people of the Empire have little love for the Sluissi and their Senator; and thus the Sluissi and their Senator must do more to win over public opinion.

This has the potential to be constructive for Senator Domon; perhaps he can realize he is steering toward the cliff edge and turn away? Perhaps he could do more to please the human citizens of the Empire rather than just spouting rather affected patriotism while never backing it up with any real moral fibre.

Senator Hubert Ordan

Senator of the Azure Sector
Foreign Minister of Anaxes
Captain-General of the Azure Interest Protection Squadron
Deputy Chairman of the Ethics Committee
Worshipful Master of the Most Loyal and Honourable Company of Blockadeers
Archtreasurer of the Vault of Pols Anaxes
Autocrat of Selgon
Owner of Azure Durasteel
Systems Admiral (Ret)
Order of the Canted Circle
Bernard_OrielDate: Saturday, 09 Feb 2013, 11:15 AM | Message # 4
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I wish no offense to Senator Domon when I say that the Sluissi are indeed a nightmarish species in appearance.

Bernard Oriel
Senator for the Planet of Vjun
1st Earl Malreaux (Second Creation)
Vjun Delegation to the Imperial Senate
LomenRyuunDate: Saturday, 09 Feb 2013, 9:10 PM | Message # 5
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A flawed poll, conducted based off of nothing more than an image. I believe I may take your image and conduct a similar poll among the alien districts of Imperial Center to see what the result may be.

Lomen Ryuun
Senator, Doldur Sector
Senator, Druckenwell
Representative, Monor II (10 BBY - 9 BBY)
Representative, Geridard
Representative, Boranall
Representative, Therenor Prime
Vice-chairman, Defense Committee (Temporarily suspended)
Controlling Shareholder - Druckenwell Arms Corporation
Senator_OrdanDate: Saturday, 09 Feb 2013, 10:18 PM | Message # 6
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What I wished to discern was the perception of the image. Thus making it abundantly clear that my opinion of Senator Domon's appearance and species is the average one. Thus as I am riding with the cultural zeitgeist the accusation of my being in any way unusually speciesist is a nonsense.

Senator Hubert Ordan

Senator of the Azure Sector
Foreign Minister of Anaxes
Captain-General of the Azure Interest Protection Squadron
Deputy Chairman of the Ethics Committee
Worshipful Master of the Most Loyal and Honourable Company of Blockadeers
Archtreasurer of the Vault of Pols Anaxes
Autocrat of Selgon
Owner of Azure Durasteel
Systems Admiral (Ret)
Order of the Canted Circle
Ilanah_ThanatosDate: Monday, 11 Feb 2013, 7:46 PM | Message # 7
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Perhaps the Slussi think the same of you, Senator Oriel. The attractiveness, or lack thereof, of a species has no place in any kind of senatorial debate. Was there a purpose to this, Senator Ordan, aside from belittling an entire race of Imperial Citizens just because they are not human?

Ilanah R. Thanatos
Senator of Chandrila
Jason_BertumanDate: Wednesday, 13 Feb 2013, 11:33 AM | Message # 8
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Now, now. There's no need to insult Senator Domon or any non-Human Senators and Representatives in the well as every non-Human sentient being in this galaxy. Perhaps, rather than belittling the other species, we should educate ourselves on species other than humans in order to understand our own Imperial citizens better?

~Senator Bertuman of Christophsis
Bernard_OrielDate: Friday, 15 Feb 2013, 11:53 AM | Message # 9
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Really I think the allegations of insult are unfounded here.

It is without debate that from their most primal fears, mammals are uncomfortable with giant reptiles of various varieties. There's suggestion this could be based on genetic memory from when our evolutionary ancestors were preyed on by such creatures or indeed a more cultural factor based upon various historical motives.

Either way. Sure; humans find Sluissi to be repugnant looking (in general) because they are rather scary looking and snakelike. This poll reinforces that and casts no aspersions as to whether it is fair or right; it just states that it's the public opinion of their appearance. Perhaps they're excellent contributors to the Empire etc etc and they're valued for that. They simply aren't all that to look at. Just as a Dianoga isn't nice to look at, nor many other species. Aesthetic commentary isn't in itself insult.

As Senator Domon pointed out in one of his more inappropriate escapades recently:

Quote (Toben-Domon)
I do not find Human females attractive. They are, one might say, as attractive to me as a Sluissi female would be to you.

I'm quite sure they may find us uncomfortable to look at too as Senator Thanatos points out. This is just a matter of fact that Bipedal species find non-bipeds to look peculiar and often gross or unsettling in appearance; that is not speaking for the merits of Senator Domon or his species rather asserting the root of this all.

So yes, the man on the street finds Sluissi unusual and perhaps even disgusting in appearance. That's all this establishes.

Bernard Oriel
Senator for the Planet of Vjun
1st Earl Malreaux (Second Creation)
Vjun Delegation to the Imperial Senate
Ilanah_ThanatosDate: Friday, 15 Feb 2013, 4:59 PM | Message # 10
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So basically this is a waste of the Senates time, Senator Oriel?  Discussing the appearance of another species just because you are uncomfortable with the way they look? Or is there another point you are trying to make?

Ilanah R. Thanatos
Senator of Chandrila
Draken_TurotDate: Friday, 15 Feb 2013, 5:32 PM | Message # 11
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EXCUSE me, Senator Ordan!!!!

You claim to be such a gentleman, however might I remind you there are ladies around?!!!!! My eyes BURN from such a disgusting image!!!! Have some consideration towards them next time!!!! GOD!!!! I won't be able to eat my lunch now!!!!

Sate_PestageDate: Sunday, 17 Feb 2013, 8:53 PM | Message # 12
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Senator Tu'rot, if Acherin wishes to have the Sluissi delegation re-assigned to a Senate pod farther away from yours, this can be arranged. Contact my office if you're interested. In the meantime, Senators, this discussion appears to have run its course.

Sate Pestage
Grand Vizier of the Empire
Assistant to Emperor Palpatine
Chair of the Imperial Senate
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