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The Alien Mind Altering Excretions Act
Bernard_OrielDate: Friday, 15 Feb 2013, 12:24 PM | Message # 1
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The Alien Mind Altering Excretions Act

Several species of Alien are able to Excrete Mind Altering chemicals in order to disrupt the complex and subtle mechanism of the Human brain and thus influence individuals in an undue manner. This is an act to prohibit the abuse of such a chemical function and to monitor such individuals when in contact with officers of the Empire.

1. Alien Mind Altering Excretions may not be used upon any official or agent of the Government, Judiciary or Legislature of the Empire, or their various branches, agencies, bureaus etc.
- Use of a Mind Altering Excrescence within the presence of an the above shall be a criminal offense carrying a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.
    As a guideline for sentencing, lifetime imprisonment should apply to cases where the use of them was demonstrably intentional and malicious.Five years hard labour shall be a more appropriate sentence in the event of unintentional use.Intermediate punishments should be considered by the Judiciary.

2. Alien species capable of producing Mind Altering Excretions shall declare their ability to do so and it shall be marked upon their identification documents.
    Failure to declare this if not marked on identification to Imperial Officials or Agents during any encounter with them will be a criminal offense meriting one year's detention.

3. When within an Imperial facility, vehicle, compound etc any Alien capable of exuding a Mind Altering Excretion must wear a detector device, set to make an alarm if they issue mind altering excrescences, alternatively they may have a droid with the same function with them at all times.
    If neither is available, sealing the alien within a hermetically sealed suit or chamber shall be sufficient.
    If the building is fitted with sufficient detection equipment then the requirement shall be waived.

4. Use of Mind Altering Excrescences upon any Human Imperial Citizens shall be illegal unless duly ordered by an officer of the State or Law Enforcement (for use in interrogation etc - an officer of C-1 is required to be duly authorized to issue such an order), as part of a study recognized by the Imperial College of Medicine or unless the individual consents to being under the influence of such an excretion, in which case his conduct shall be the responsibility of the Alien.
    Life imprisonment shall be the maximum penalty, with judicial discretion on length of sentence.An exception shall be exist, where an alien uses a Mind Altering Excretion to cause a Human to come to harm, or where the excrescence is used to induce acts of a sexual nature then death shall be the penalty at the discretion of the presiding judge.

5. Any Alien who uses a Mind Altering Excrescence for pecuniary gain, and if such is demonstrated in court shall in addition to all other penalties forfeit all property and shall be indentured to work for the value of the gain.

6. If aliens are in the service of the state, they will be exempted from the requirement to carry or be in the presence of a detector in the event they have the organs which produce the Mind Altering Excrescence removed or take a treatment recognized by the Imperial College of Medicine that will suppress such an ability or remove it entirely. In the event the ability is suppressed the treatment must be regularly monitored for efficacy.


Mind Altering Excretion/Excrescence - Any chemical or other substance excreted from an non-human's body that has a tangible effect upon human mental or neurological processes.

Bernard Oriel
Senator for the Planet of Vjun
1st Earl Malreaux (Second Creation)
Vjun Delegation to the Imperial Senate

Message edited by Bernard_Oriel - Thursday, 21 Feb 2013, 3:39 PM
Artemis_VandenDate: Saturday, 16 Feb 2013, 4:12 PM | Message # 2
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Assuming this is directed at the new delegate from Falleen, I would point out the Senate did without any of these draconian rules for the thousands of years that Falleen was seated here during the Old Republic's reign. I hardly think this is necessary. If an Imperial agency is apprehensive about mind-altering secretions from aliens, could it not simply install the pheromone detectors in the building and ask a person to leave it in the event the detector is triggered?

Life imprisonment? Requiring innocent people to wear these detectors? These measures are laughably excessive and demeaning to races of people who, often, have no control over these secretions. What is "mind-altering," anyway? The pleasant smells in the Senate gardens have "a tangible effect upon human mental or neurological processes." I have to say this bill from Senator Oriel is uncharacteristically harsh, and additionally, it is poorly-conceived. I vote against.

To the extent these mind-altering secretions are a problem at all, there are far simpler and less draconian and demeaning ways to address it.

Artemis Vanden
Representative of the Naboo
Ilanah_ThanatosDate: Sunday, 17 Feb 2013, 1:19 PM | Message # 3
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I agree whole-heartedly with Representative Vanden.  Though I will point out that Senator Oriel did mention that he would be writing this during the discussion of Falleen's representation in the senate.  Regardless, Chandrila is against.  Your stipulations are -quite- a bit harsher than they need to be, Senator Oriel.

Ilanah R. Thanatos
Senator of Chandrila
Prince_ZaydDate: Sunday, 17 Feb 2013, 10:42 PM | Message # 4
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As it happens, I am not eligible to vote on this measure. But I want you to know, Senator Oriel, that were I eligible to vote on it, I would recuse myself nonetheless. I apply this same standard of propriety to the use of pheromones. Your thoughts are your own, Senator. I would do nothing to influence them. In truth, there isn't much I can do—Falleen pheromones are apparently known to induce feelings of warmth and comfort in Humans, among other species. I wouldn't know much about this, but I do know that the use of Falleen pheromones to sexually arouse Humans is something out of lurid fiction. There are those among your species who have a, shall we say, fixation on such things. But respectfully, I don't think it's worthy of the Senate's time. I remind you, good sir, that self-restraint is a virtue in Falleen culture.

Because I do understand your concern, I said that I'd be comfortable with a pheromone detector in this building. I think anyone who isn't satisfied with that and who wants a pheromone detector of their own should of course have one. But I do question whether the rest of your bill is necessary. I see no reason why I cannot or should not be as comfortable in your presence as you are in mine. I think we can come to an accommodation as gentlebeings without the threat of life imprisonment.

Prince Zayd
Senator of Falleen
Senator_CambristDate: Monday, 18 Feb 2013, 9:15 PM | Message # 5
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The bill does strike one as a bit over the top, I must admit.

Jason_BertumanDate: Tuesday, 19 Feb 2013, 3:35 AM | Message # 6
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While the Senator Falleen shows a little objection on this subject, and the fact that a detector may be necessary, the punishment is not appropriately fitting. There are a lot of nonhumans that do not pose a threat to the Empire, and some can't help with natural chemicals. Perhaps a little "altering" of this proposal would do all of us good. A life imprisonment is not necessary in most cases, rather it should only apply to the radicals such as a faction known as Anti-Human League or any other radical groups that seemed poised to attack the Human High Culture.

~Senator Bertuman of Christophsis
Bernard_OrielDate: Thursday, 21 Feb 2013, 3:49 PM | Message # 7
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To be honest, this isn't specifically directed at the Falleen Senator or the species in general. The Zeltron species is better known for exuding sexually stimulating pheremones, and also for their lack of restraint. Other species such as the Bith, X'Ting and Rodians have been known to exhibit the ability to exude mind altering chemicals.

All sentences stated herein are maximum sentences (and as the act states for the most severe infractions). This is a measure thus that prevents excessive sentences by setting the very maximum that might be laid down by a court while giving them the freedom to punish severe crimes. There are no "minimum" sentences imposed and thus an accidental or insignificant infraction might just warrant a small fine or community service...

Does anyone have any suggestions for how they'd do it better?

Bernard Oriel
Senator for the Planet of Vjun
1st Earl Malreaux (Second Creation)
Vjun Delegation to the Imperial Senate
Prince_ZaydDate: Friday, 22 Feb 2013, 10:06 PM | Message # 8
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Representative Vanden's idea seems quite practicable. Contract with a supplier of pheromone-detection equipment so that Imperial agencies may place an order for such equipment if they wish to have them present in their buildings. In the event that pheromones or other mind-altering secretions are detected, the agency can simply order the being or beings responsible to leave the building. If they refuse to do so, they can be forcibly-removed from the premises or detained if need be. None of this would require any changes to the current law.

My fear is that the use of pheromones and other mind-altering secretions to influence someone's thoughts or deeds in a criminal manner is hard to legally discern without broadly punishing any and all secretions, as this proposal does (even accidental secretions are punished with "five years hard labour"). Better, I think, to take steps to prevent it being a problem in the first place, not that it appears to have been much of a problem over the years as far as we know.

Prince Zayd
Senator of Falleen
Draken_TurotDate: Sunday, 24 Feb 2013, 3:11 PM | Message # 9
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The 'Old' Republic, that Vanden speaks off, was probably under the influence of these mind altering abilities!!! Probably one the reasons why it was crippled from the start, and why it was so corrupted!!! I vote in favor!!!!

Eli_FitzgeraldDate: Sunday, 10 Mar 2013, 10:38 PM | Message # 10
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Against. I agree with Representative Vanden and Senators Zayd and Thanatos. The Empire has enough humanocentric bureaucracy as it is.

Eli Fitzgerald
Senator of Ralltiir (10 BBY—Present)

"I was elected to do some flamethrowing in the Senate. To a light a fire under those Senators and make it hot for them."
Avram_KirkwoodDate: Sunday, 10 Mar 2013, 11:52 PM | Message # 11
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Would Senator Oriel indulge me and provide an actual list of species that would be effected by this bill?

The Honorable Avram W. Kirkwood
Senator of the Cygnus Star Empire

General, Imperial Army (Ret.)
LomenRyuunDate: Sunday, 07 Apr 2013, 7:52 AM | Message # 12
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Senator Oriel, will you answer Senator Kirkwood's question?

Lomen Ryuun
Senator, Doldur Sector
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Sate_PestageDate: Monday, 08 Apr 2013, 8:15 AM | Message # 13
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The Senator has had a long enough time to answer the question. If there is nothing further, Senators, the measure is defeated with 40% in favor and 60% opposed.

Sate Pestage
Grand Vizier of the Empire
Assistant to Emperor Palpatine
Chair of the Imperial Senate
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