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Arrival at Telos IV
Charlie_BrandrithDate: Thursday, 15 Sep 2011, 9:32 AM | Message # 1
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Charlie Brandrith arrived at Telos IV, having been due to be shipped from where he had been made a slave on Deralia (under the Administration of Former Governor Ribaldequin). He was a native of one of its moons and had grown up on the meagre living his family could gain from the growing of potatoes in that damp soil of his homeland. Still, the "Emerald Moon" as it was nicknamed was a fair location which he wished he might see one more time before he died.

His little babbies had been taken from him by the Imperial Government when they had accused him of killing a tax collector. He suspected they were now (if they had not already died) starving to death in the hideous labour camps which had been an experiment by the Governor. On the flight he had managed to unlock his restraint and (along with his fellow compatriots) overwhelm the crew of the transport.

The crewmen had not been killed but had now been beaten severely and locked in the very manacles they had locked others in. Harper, the only man able to fly a ship (thanks to his stint in the Deralian Army some years ago) was able to bring the ship down from hyperspace with a crash exit, just happening to be at the edge of the Telos IV gravity well.

The Action III freighter then floated limply in deep space, transmitting a distress signal. "Thank the Gods" said Brandrith as he turned to one of the other escaped slaves "This is Telos IV boys! Theyre good men here, I know they will look after us".

Little did they know an emergency alarm had been triggered and news of the mutiny was beaconing its way to Anaxes.

Charlie Brandrith
Indented Slave to House Ordan
Convicted of Larceny, Second Degree Murder, Disrespect of a Noble.
Rhygar_ValenciaDate: Thursday, 15 Sep 2011, 9:54 AM | Message # 2
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There were others near Telos IV; certain members of Rhygar Valencia's slaving guild that had returned from a rather successful mission, so to speak, in the Rya Sector. Passing through the system where Telos IV resided, it was hoped to thumb their noses at the planet, whose senator was anti-slavery, while they were empowered by all the correct documents to allow them those who were presently in holding cells. As such, it was something of an oddity when they emerged along normal lanes; a pair of KR-TB Doomtreader transports, a pair of PB-950 patrol boats and a pair of TL-118 StarHammer fighters, as well as a single Pursuer-class enforcement ship. The ship not far ahead of them was broadcasting a distress signal.

From the Pursuer, James Tarrington was not above piracy, especially of a disabled vessel. For now though, he was content to open a channel to the ship. "Vessel transmitting the distress signal, this is James Tarrington, independent trader. Do you have need of assistance?"

The Dragon of Zonju V
Tremaine_FowlkesDate: Friday, 16 Sep 2011, 6:41 PM | Message # 3
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A recently-upgraded space fleet of Telos IV had been commissioned. Their Senator decided that the Citadel Station would be put to a better use as an example of Telosians' proud history. The government, with the cconsent of Telosian Security Forces, went ahead and constructed a Golan-I space station. They also went on to commission several squadrons of Planetary Defenders and Y-wing bombers, and purchased a couple of CR-70s from the Galactic Empire. The CR-70s themselves were upgraded each with a Vanguard c20 retrofit suite in order to stay in-date and be more capable of combating newer warships.

The authorities on the newly-constructed Golan dubbed Glory of Onasi were the ones responsible for monitoring the background checks and transmitting information to the small Telosian fleet. In addition to that, they would have a temporary prison should something go awry in the traffic lanes to get to the surface. The corvettes were the ones keeping the traffic in check, and the fighters reinforcing their larger counterparts.

All but three of fighter squadrons would be out patrolling the traffic lanes. Two of the squadrons are inside Glory of Onasi's hangar bay, and the third one is landed inside a landing bay occupied by Telosian Security Forces outside the capital, Thani. Both bomber squadrons were docked at the same location as well, seeing how patrolling the traffic lanes doesn't usually require the presence of bombers. Instead of wearing Imperial colors, the fighters and corvettes would be seen displaying the yellow stripes on their hulls to represent their homeworld proudly.

Indeed, it was somewhat odd when a small and strange choice of a convoy would emerge among the common traffic lanes. Some of the Doomtreaders were known to be in possession of smugglers. While the PB-950s were outdated ships and were seen being employed by the Empire, this is not a usual role of a such ship. If they were property of Imperial Starfleet, the TSF would have been informed of this. The patrol boats were also known to be in hands of pirates. The StarHammers were a little different, but still somewhat odd. The product were usually sold to local militias and private security.

The odd convoy could simply be on a business trip. One of the retrofitted corvettes, dubbed Pride, happened to be patrolling at the edge of the lanes when the Action III had been broadcasting a distress signal. It wasn't that far from the Telosian corvette. The captain of the ship, Captain Martin, would order the crew to move themselves closer to the disabled transport. But not before opening a channel, "This is Pride of Telosian Security Force. Identify yourselves immediately."

There would be fighters around should any troubles arise that the corvette would be in need of assistance, but for now, they would be wary of the disabled vessel.

Tremaine Fowlkes
Senator of Telos IV
Charlie_BrandrithDate: Saturday, 17 Sep 2011, 3:29 AM | Message # 4
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Brandrith was confused by the signals coming in on the comm, so just clicked to broadcast on all frequencies. "This is Charles Brandrith, so it is. We here people onboard this vessel been taken from our homes and made slaves, we broke free and have locked up the slavemasters good and proper in our hold. Can you Telosians help us out? Gods damn it, but I am parched, Y'don't have a drop of best brandy do ye?"

The vessel hung limp in space, making no effort to defend itself. Several of the slaves managed to break open the storage lockers, variously finding themselves arms and food, as well as clean clothes to help replace their own soiled rags. Brandrith, in the interim, had seized the hat of the ship's captain and had dressed himself in a dress uniform he had found in the man's cabin, making himself look like a right officer.

Charlie Brandrith
Indented Slave to House Ordan
Convicted of Larceny, Second Degree Murder, Disrespect of a Noble.
Rhygar_ValenciaDate: Saturday, 17 Sep 2011, 6:35 AM | Message # 5
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By the time the Telosian vessel hailed the slaver group, the pair of Doomtreader vessels were already flanking the damaged Action III vessel, initiating scans and checking for life-sign signatures. Hearing the transmission from the Action III, Tarrington snorted in amusement. Poor slaves supposedly escaped. More than likely they'd taken over the ship. Nonetheless, Tarrington was obligated to reply as well. "Pride, this is Lieutenant James Tarrington. My independent space force and I happened upon this disabled vessel on our way to Telos IV for fuel and thought to give assistance. However, if these men are escaped slaves, it brings up some legal issues. I know you Telosian men are good, Imperial citizens and these slaves would by necessity need to be returned to their master. We'd do such for you, seeing as how we're impartial."

The Dragon of Zonju V
Tremaine_FowlkesDate: Saturday, 17 Sep 2011, 7:59 AM | Message # 6
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The Pride would be able to notice from scanners and from the crew's own eyes that the Doomtreaders were hovering over the Action III. Something was fishy about those convoy that had just appeared. It didn't help when the damaged ship admitted that they were slaves taking over the ship. This situation was making things a little uneasy. Telos IV certainly have made laws against slavery. It created complications because Imperial laws would have to override theirs, due to their authority. Once both parties had identified themselves, Captain Martin had made sure to have one of the crewmembers send a secure channel to the Golan battlestation to do a background check up on both Lieutenant James Tarrington and Charles Brandrith.

The CR-70 would move little bit more to display who was the authority in this sector of the galaxy. The Captain decided to respond to Tarrington first, "This is Captain Martin of Pride. Thank you for your offer, but you don't need to do a such thing. The TSF will be taking them into custody. That is our usual procedures for dealing with situations such as this. As of legal issues, our Senator will deal with those. You don't need to be worrying about this. Go about your business, Lieutenant."

The next thing the Captain did was to order a squadron of Planetary Defenders to be assigned to escort the transport. He had the channel opened once again, this time to the slaves. "Mr. Brandrith, please follow the designated coordinates for the assigned landing vector. Thank you for your cooperation." The Captain would have a crewmember transmit the designated coordinates to the Action III, of which would be the coordinates for a landing bay on the surface outside of Thani.

Tremaine Fowlkes
Senator of Telos IV
Charlie_BrandrithDate: Saturday, 17 Sep 2011, 8:06 AM | Message # 7
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Brandrith begal to sweat when he was asked to pilot the vessel. He roughly knew how to fly one of these old crates but was by no means an expert. He put his hands on the controls and the vessel began to shudder as he attempted to steer it towards Telos IV, it became obvious though that as the vessel hurtled forward in a wide circle at full sublight throttle and made a crude circle the pilot didnt know what he was doing.

The sweating man spoke over the communicator "This here is Cap'n Brandrith.. I'm piloting this here vessel and perhaps I had a bit o the gift o the gab.. but I sure could do with a pilot aboard here to take us in for any fine moves so I would. I have no idea how to find a vector or coordinate if I am honest."

Charlie Brandrith
Indented Slave to House Ordan
Convicted of Larceny, Second Degree Murder, Disrespect of a Noble.
Rhygar_ValenciaDate: Saturday, 17 Sep 2011, 8:17 AM | Message # 8
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Tarrington had a clean record, so to speak. A single charge of accusation of smuggling would be found, but with no proof to back it up, Tarrington had been acquitted. His apt ability to stay off the radar was what made him one of Rhygar's favored men; he could get in and out with little fuss from a number of places. The pair of transports continued to shadow the circling Action III, which was either badly piloted or badly damaged; likely both.

Tarrington was amused at the protectiveness of the Telosian captain and as such, attempted a different tactic. "Captain Martin, I bear on my person legal documentation of both Imperial Decree A-SL-4557.607.232. You or may not be aware that this allows myself and my men the acquisition of and capture of slaves under Imperial law, as well as an Imperial Peace Keeping Certificate, allowing me to hunt bounties. Likely all men aboard that vessel are criminals and wanted men. If any of them have a negative background check for crimes committed, they are free game. I don't mean to be rude, Captain, but Imperial law supersedes Telosian law, unless I am incorrect. There's no need to involve your Senator; we are licensed and able to apprehend these men and return them to their rightful... home."

The Dragon of Zonju V
Eli_FitzgeraldDate: Saturday, 17 Sep 2011, 8:52 AM | Message # 9
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The Broadside-class cruiser Clement emerged from hyperspace over Telos IV on the same vector that Tarrington and his ships had come. It was some distance away however, the warship registered to the government of Ralltiir taking care not to appear to be making a hostile overture to Telos IV. It announced its presence to ground control and its purpose, too; to refuel its gunships on Telos IV as it shadowed a group of suspected slavers from the Rya Sector, who were believed to be passing through. The Clement also signaled Captain Martin of the Pride, the nearest Telosian warship, offering its greetings and reiterating that its purpose here was a peaceful one.

With its shields up as a matter of procedure, the Clement began to settle into a commercially approved orbit of Telos IV, passively scanning the surrounding traffic for the ships it had trailed here—Lieutenant Tarrington's ships.

Eli Fitzgerald
Senator of Ralltiir (10 BBY—Present)

"I was elected to do some flamethrowing in the Senate. To a light a fire under those Senators and make it hot for them."
Tremaine_FowlkesDate: Monday, 19 Sep 2011, 5:53 AM | Message # 10
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The captain of the escaped slave ship had requested a pilot be brought on onboard. It would take some time to do so. Something the TSF might not have. Lieutenant Tarrington seemed insisted on taking the slaves. Captain Martin, along with several other Telosians, doesn't like the idea of simply handing slaves over to someone that might take an opportunity to take the profit for themselves. This was the Outer Rim, after all. That, and Tarrington had said he was a part of Independent space force. In some regions of the galaxy, they aren't that different from pirates and smugglers.

It was the reason why the captain of the Pride couldn't hand the slaves over, but also wouldn't defy the Imperial authority if they were to be taken into custody. Tensions would begin to be felt, rising a little bit surrounding the circumstances. Because of this, the Captain decided to send a message to the escaped slaves first. "Captain Brandrith, you already have the coordinates. Because of that purpose alone, it is far easier to set the ship to autopilot. When the computer realizes it's on the surface, the ship should be able to begin the landing process on its own. Captain Martin out."

That was the moment when a Broadside-class cruiser emerged out of hyperspace. This was a heavily armed warship, something that might be needed in this region of the galaxy. However, the type of role a Broadside has is probably more useful for combating rebels and separatists than it is toward the pirates and smugglers. It did attract the attention of the TSF. It was likely to be property of the Empire, and was proved half-correct. The ship was under jurisdiction of the Empire, but it was property of Ralltiir.

The Captain had breathe a sigh of relief when the ship had identified itself. He would acknowledge the presence of the Clememt in his response. He would wonder why the ship was in the vicinity. By then, the Blue Squadron of the TSF would be seen flying around the Action III transport. "Lieutenant Tarrington, you may have a legal document to retrieve any runaway slaves, but the TSF have the proper authority to take those men into custody. If they are wanted men as you say, then they must be in proper hands. I am not in habit of saying this twice, but go about your business. The TSF can handle this."

The Pride would remain in their stance, watching the Independent Space Force carefully.

Tremaine Fowlkes
Senator of Telos IV
Charlie_BrandrithDate: Monday, 19 Sep 2011, 11:32 AM | Message # 11
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The crudely piloted vessel zoomed towards Telos IV, after being guided by a helpful local on the communicator how to activate the autopilot it was set on its correct coordinates and moved towards the planetary atmosphere.

Charlie Brandrith
Indented Slave to House Ordan
Convicted of Larceny, Second Degree Murder, Disrespect of a Noble.
Rhygar_ValenciaDate: Monday, 19 Sep 2011, 11:53 AM | Message # 12
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Upon note of the Broadside, which was hard to miss and spotted on sensors as soon as it showed up, Tarrington utilized the internal comm channel, notifying his men of the intended plan. Any vessel registered to Ralltiir was not a welcome sight, especially after the planet's senator and Valencia had exchanged words. Before the Pride's captain even instructed Tarrington and his men to go about their business, they'd broken away from the Action III and accelerated as quickly as possible on a vector that took them diagonal from Telos IV, though not so implausible that they could not achieve a different entry to still fuel their vessels.

"Captain Martin, we leave the matter in your hands. We'll refuel and then find our work elsewhere. Good day, Captain." Inside, Tarrington was seething. A Ralltiir vessel? It seemed unlikely such a warship would be out on its own, with no escort, and for no apparent reason. It could only stand that the ship was looking for something, and as Tarrington's vessels had holds full of slaves, and Fitzgerald didn't have any love for slavers, that they were what the ship was looking for. Tarrington had no urge to fight against a missile cruiser and as such, a quick escape into the atmosphere of Telos IV, where Ralltiir officials could hardly make an arrest, seemed the best course of action.

The Dragon of Zonju V
Charlie_BrandrithDate: Friday, 23 Sep 2011, 11:41 AM | Message # 13
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(Y'all can ignore me since I am off to Telos IV).

Charlie Brandrith
Indented Slave to House Ordan
Convicted of Larceny, Second Degree Murder, Disrespect of a Noble.
Tremaine_FowlkesDate: Saturday, 24 Sep 2011, 5:16 AM | Message # 14
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It had seemed unusual to the Captain that the Lieutenant would drop the matter and head for the surface. Especially when the slaves were heading for a landing and when that warship from Ralltiir arrived caused the Independent Space Force to make a beeline for the surface. The Blue Squadron of Planetary Defenders would be seen escorting the Action III transport to the surface. The Pride decided to have the sensors keep a track of both slaves and Tarrington's ships. However, they couldn't continue the pursuit because they couldn't find any evidences that Tarrington would attempt to do something that would break Telosian laws.

That didn't mean the Captain didn't send a message to the patrols zooming around the plains to watch for any signs of suspicious activity. Meanwhile, he had also informed the TSF to be prepared for the arrival of the slaves. Due to the recent attack on Thani, the alert had gone up to equivalent of Defcon-2. This meant everything was being closely monitored. It will go back to normal but that time isn't at this moment.

Tremaine Fowlkes
Senator of Telos IV
Eli_FitzgeraldDate: Wednesday, 28 Sep 2011, 8:57 PM | Message # 15
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(( Post incoming soon. Sorry gentlemen, I mistakenly thought the thread was essentially over but I see now I can probably add a bit more. ))

Added (28 Sep 2011, 9:57 PM)
Sooner or later the Clement's sensors would notice Rhygar's ships as they assumed an approach vector to the planet, especially as they did so en masse. The Ralltiiri vessel would do nothing, for now. There was a perception that idealists were naive, but Ralltiir was quite aware of the legal ambiguities on the issue of slavery—and were thoroughly briefed on the relevant laws on interstellar commerce, rights of passage, etc.—and knew how to take advantage of them; in this case, that meant no sudden moves against Rhygar's ships. It had shadowed the ships from the Rya Sector, and made no particular secret of doing so. That's all it intended to do until or unless they A.) led the Clement back to their base of operations, or B.) did something illegal that the Clement could use as a pretense to impound the ships and liberate their cargo.

For now, the cruiser remained where it was and began to make arrangements with ground control for the refueling of its gunships. Meanwhile, it made a point of explaining to Captain Martin that the Clement was here to follow Tarrington's ships, who were identified to the Telosians as suspected slavers. It was fortunate that this encounter had occurred at Telos IV, another world that tended to be anti-slavery in its policies—it was possible that Ralltiir could depend on their collaboration. Time would tell, and for now the Clement waited and stayed near enough to Tarrington's flotilla to keep a close eye on them.

Eli Fitzgerald
Senator of Ralltiir (10 BBY—Present)

"I was elected to do some flamethrowing in the Senate. To a light a fire under those Senators and make it hot for them."
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