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Impatient Anxiety
KalThanatosDate: Wednesday, 12 Jan 2011, 1:40 PM | Message # 16
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He would watch her. She stated that it didn't matter right then. Of course it did, to him. He took a few steps towards her as she would continue on about he was the only one that she trusted and that there were those out there that wanted to stop what was going on in the Galaxy. He wasn't exactly sure what she was talking about, but he questioned her, "Who? The Jedi?" He hesitated for a moment before continuing on, "It is my job to stop them...the Jedi are out there, attempting to destroy the Empire that you and I work to defend...."

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Rath-DeschainDate: Wednesday, 12 Jan 2011, 1:46 PM | Message # 17
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Thanatos might well be reminded of the words of High Inquisitor Deschain, as well as the nameless Inquisitors who had been his torturers for so long: just because he had sworn an oath did not mean he was fully trusted yet. The Inquisitorious had placed a tracking beacon on Thanatos' vessel; something he'd not thought to look for, which, considering his wish to see his wife and what he'd been through, was understandable. The result though was that a rather well-trained member of the ISB had been sent to stake out his actions, a man by the name of Dawson. At present, the agent was sitting in the spaceport, watching Thanatos' vessel. His job for now was to ensure that if Thanatos brought others aboard his ship, their faces and identities be reported to higher ups.

He'd had a boring time of it for the most part, but the entry of a personal vessel belonging to an Ilanah Thanatos drew his attention. She was some kind of Senator, to Dawson's knowledge. He'd just shrugged it off as odd coincidence of last names and passed it up in his report.

Rath Deschain
High Inquisitor
Ilanah_ThanatosDate: Wednesday, 12 Jan 2011, 2:20 PM | Message # 18
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She rested her hand on the doorframe, and the ring on her finger caught her eye. "I've missed this place, Kal. We had a good few weeks here. Do you remember that?" Ilanah asked as she avoided his question for the moment. Of course she would answer him, but in time. Perhaps, she thought, she really was wrong to ask him to do this.

Not all of her memories here were good. But most were. It was the place she sought refuge when she left him, among other things. "So whaat do you tell them if they have you followed?" She finally asked as she pushed her thoughts away. "No one trusts anyone anymore, especially in this Empire. " A light sigh escpaed the senator. She was sure that, despite her hurry, there were those on Coruscant that knew she was gone and were already (more likely had already) finding her whereabouts.

"Would you still do anything for me, Kal Thanatos? Or have I already asked you for too much?" Ilanah asked as she turned to face him again.

Ilanah R. Thanatos
Senator of Chandrila
KalThanatosDate: Wednesday, 12 Jan 2011, 3:29 PM | Message # 19
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Kal took a deep breath in as he thought about what she had said to him. He did remember their time there on their honeymoon. He gave her a slight nod after she asked him. What she had asked next really made him wonder. What if he had been followed? What would they say? What would happen to him? He began to really focus on that. He looked into her eyes, "They would have followed me. The High Inquisitor that arrested me didn't trust me one bit. He would have had me followed no matter where I went...." He stopped as she turned to face him again and asked if he would still do anything for her.

He nodded his head, "I would..."

Service in the Galactic Empire (Current)
Service in the Grand Army of the Republic (Former)
Jedi Knight
Jedi General of the 608th Legion
Jedi Commander of the 608th Regiment & Hotel Squadron
Ilanah_ThanatosDate: Wednesday, 12 Jan 2011, 4:03 PM | Message # 20
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For the moment, neither of them were doing anything wrong or anything against the Empire. She had said nothing to Kal of it, nor would she for now. They were Harmless.

"You said, when you found me on Coruscant, that you would do anything to get back to the way we were. Back to what you saw on that holo and in the album." she had brought them with her just in case. "Absolutely anything....are you still sure?" Ilanah asked as she took a step closer. She didn't give him a chance to answer before she spoke again.

"I to have me as your wife again." The words were simple enough, and the request would end up alot less painful than her last had been.

Ilanah R. Thanatos
Senator of Chandrila
KalThanatosDate: Wednesday, 12 Jan 2011, 4:18 PM | Message # 21
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Kal stood there, looking into her eyes. He could feel the emotions radiating off of her. Once she had asked him if he was sure that he would do anything to get back to the way that they were, he gave her a firm nod and before he could respond she had told him that she wanted to be his wife once again. A smile came to his face. This was the happiest that he had been in weeks. All of the risk that he could have been taking by meeting her was all worth it at this point. He stepped up to her and wrapped his arms around her, "I'd love to have you as my wife again..." He would whisper into her ear. He couldn't stop thinking of what their life could become. This would give them a reason to be together while on Coruscant. Even though he didn't express it physically, he was excited for this moment. He didn't want to let her go again.

Service in the Galactic Empire (Current)
Service in the Grand Army of the Republic (Former)
Jedi Knight
Jedi General of the 608th Legion
Jedi Commander of the 608th Regiment & Hotel Squadron
Ilanah_ThanatosDate: Wednesday, 12 Jan 2011, 4:34 PM | Message # 22
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Ilanah smiled a little and slid the platinum band off of her finger before she pressed it into his hand. "You can give this back to me when you're ready." She murmured as she relaxed against him. "Don't wait too long." She murmured.

After several long, and lingering, and completely relaxed moments, she would finally speak again. "I can stay here a while...a few weeks at the most. I just need to be in contact with a few people at some point within the next day or two." She thought first of Artemis Vanden, Senator of Naboo and then of course her guard. There were others, certainly, but it was less important to her at the moment.

Perhaps the vacation off of Coruscant would do her some good.

Ilanah R. Thanatos
Senator of Chandrila

Message edited by Ilanah_Thanatos - Wednesday, 12 Jan 2011, 6:42 PM
KalThanatosDate: Wednesday, 12 Jan 2011, 5:01 PM | Message # 23
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Kal took the band as she handed it to him. He quickly slid it down into his pocket. He took a moment to look at her before replying, "I feel that I may only have a week or so too." He wasn't too fond of her having contact with people, but that was part of her job. He gave her a slight nod, "Just be careful with what you tell them. Don't want to give out too much information...can't be too careful with these things." There was something that he was feeling, but couldn't seem to place it. It was a feeling as if there were eyes on him at that moment, but there was no one other than Lana that was able to see him. If it was so, that he was being watched, he would have to shake them upon his departure. Maybe, he thought, that he would be able to hitch a ride with Lana back to Coruscant and leave the shuttle that he had used to get to Naboo right where it was sitting.

Service in the Galactic Empire (Current)
Service in the Grand Army of the Republic (Former)
Jedi Knight
Jedi General of the 608th Legion
Jedi Commander of the 608th Regiment & Hotel Squadron
Ilanah_ThanatosDate: Wednesday, 12 Jan 2011, 5:07 PM | Message # 24
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She shook her head. "Just my guard that you met on Coruscant, and Senator Vanden. This is his planet. And of course I will need to send my replies to senate." Lana murmured. "But....I don't absolutely have to." She added. If he was feeling anxious about it, she wanted to do whatever it was she could to put him at ease. Especially after everything she had already put him through.

"Besides, we're here for a reason, right? And you need time to heal...." She just assumed the last part to be true. Lana didn't know what all had happened to him, nor was she sure she wanted to. "And rest...." She smiled up at him as she rested her palms on his chest gently.

Ilanah R. Thanatos
Senator of Chandrila

Message edited by Ilanah_Thanatos - Wednesday, 12 Jan 2011, 6:42 PM
KalThanatosDate: Wednesday, 12 Jan 2011, 5:15 PM | Message # 25
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As she listed off the people that she would like to keep in contact with, he nodded to each of the names, "They should be fine...." She was correct though. Kal did need some time to heal and rest. His body was still recovering from the torture that he had endured. He took a deep breath, "I should go rest. It has been a while since I've gotten a good restful sleep." He started off from the balcony to the bedroom where he had already placed his things. If she wanted to contact any of the people that she needed to keep in touch with, now would be the time. If she didn't, she knew that she was welcome to join him.

Service in the Galactic Empire (Current)
Service in the Grand Army of the Republic (Former)
Jedi Knight
Jedi General of the 608th Legion
Jedi Commander of the 608th Regiment & Hotel Squadron
Ilanah_ThanatosDate: Wednesday, 12 Jan 2011, 5:32 PM | Message # 26
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She lingered there for several moments and watched him. "I'll be there in a few minutes." She said after him before he vanished into the bedroom. Lana let out a deep sigh and watched the sun dip completely behind the treeline. Lana would pull the balcony doors shut behind her before she went downstairs and retrieved her things.

Using her datapad, she sent a message to her guard to tell him she was fine and that he just needed to stay away for a while. Before she went back upstairs, she fixed a cup of tea for Kal (a kind she remembered him liking before....or at least he pretended to) and took it with her.

Once in the bedroom, she let her suitcase fall to the floor near to the dressing table, and then laid her work bag on the desk. That left her both hands to hold the warm cup in her hands before she offered it to him. "It'll help you sleep....I hope. Or just help you relax a little." she said before her gaze trailed around the dim room. She wasn't tired, but if he needed to sleep, she wouldn't do anything that would keep him awake.

Ilanah R. Thanatos
Senator of Chandrila

Message edited by Ilanah_Thanatos - Wednesday, 12 Jan 2011, 6:43 PM
KalThanatosDate: Thursday, 13 Jan 2011, 3:01 PM | Message # 27
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Having already found the bed, he took a moment to pull the covers back. It was then, that Kal heard her come into the room. He turned to look at her, noticing that she had a cup of tea in her hands. He gave her a smile as he took it from her, "Thank should help..." He took a few sips, then upon realizing that it was one that he liked, he took larger gulps and finished it off. He set the cup down on the side table before climbing on up into the bed. He looked at her, "How are we going to pull this off with us being married again and the jobs that we both have?"

Service in the Galactic Empire (Current)
Service in the Grand Army of the Republic (Former)
Jedi Knight
Jedi General of the 608th Legion
Jedi Commander of the 608th Regiment & Hotel Squadron
Ilanah_ThanatosDate: Thursday, 13 Jan 2011, 3:24 PM | Message # 28
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Ilanah paused for a moment before she helped him pull the covers back before he settled down and she pulled the covers back up for him. His question was valid, but she hadn't had the time to think about it yet. Or think about anything for that matter. Lana sat down on the edge of the bed next to where he was and reached up and brushed a lock of his dark hair back from his eyes.

"I don't know. I don't know why it should even be an issue....having a private life. But...I know there are people on Coruscant that absolutely have to know everything about anyone, and will go to any lengths to get it." She wondered just then if he had changed his mind. "You know...." She paused a moment as she took in a shallow breath. "We don't have together....anymore know, you're worried." She forced a smile.

"Do you want another tea?"

Ilanah R. Thanatos
Senator of Chandrila
KalThanatosDate: Thursday, 13 Jan 2011, 3:31 PM | Message # 29
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As he sat there, she made the remark that they didn't have to be together. Hearing that made him a little heated under the collar, not from her, but the fact that he was worried about it. He shook his head, "Your right. We don't have to make this into an issue. We can live our lives the way we want. We both can have a life of our own. I will tell the entire Empire of us if I have to..." Now that this was on his mind, he wasn't sure if he was at all tired anymore, but he did need to rest his body.

"I'm fine on the tea, though. Thank you so much for the first one..."

Service in the Galactic Empire (Current)
Service in the Grand Army of the Republic (Former)
Jedi Knight
Jedi General of the 608th Legion
Jedi Commander of the 608th Regiment & Hotel Squadron
Ilanah_ThanatosDate: Thursday, 13 Jan 2011, 3:39 PM | Message # 30
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She nodded in agreement as his words. "I am not sure that the entire Empire would take kindly to it, then again, I could care less." She was only actually worried about telling one certain person, but that would come in time. "Anyway...what can I do for you?" This exhaustion and pain he had was her fault, so she would do anything he asked to help him.

Ilanah fussed with his dark locks again, brushing the strands back from his face before she let her palm caress his cheek before lithe fingers trailed his jawline tenderly. "Maybe I should let you be?"

Ilanah R. Thanatos
Senator of Chandrila

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