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Ethics Committee Meeting With Verilia
Slai-FonDate: Monday, 31 Oct 2011, 10:15 AM | Message # 31
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I've been taking down notes throughout this entire investigation. Seeing as my Protocol droid wasn't here. Think I'll have the damn thing scrapped. After you answer Senator Ordan's question, Moff Verilia. We will begin to vote on a verdict. At that time I will polity ask for you to step out of the room, you will be escorted by two senate guards.

((Edited for grammar)

Slai-Fon Youngblood, Senator of Anobis, and the Bright Jewel sector
Chairman of ISEC (Imperial Senate Ethic's Committee.)
Chairman & CEO of K/Y deep.

Message edited by Slai-Fon - Monday, 31 Oct 2011, 10:17 AM
Johannes_OswaldtDate: Monday, 31 Oct 2011, 10:53 AM | Message # 32
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For Force sake man, give it a rest. We understand that he's your nephew-in-law, now will you please understand it's easier to say "nephew" than it is to say "nephew-in-law" every damn time? This hearing is taking long enough as it is and I don't want to be here all day with your formalities. So let the record show if it must that when I say "nephew" I'm referring to the Moff's "nephew-in-law" Senator Zarcaine. And speaking of him, I have more questions. But because this is taking so long as I said I'm going to put all my questions to you at once so hopefully you can answer them while we're young.

    Did you or didn't you meet with your nephew a couple weeks ago here on Imperial center? Is your memory deceiving you or are you deceiving us when you say you "don't remember" this?

    Have you done or do you do drugs, Moff Verilia? Would you submit to a drug test to find out?

    Who was the Zabrak individual who was present in your nephew's home when you met with him? What is his relationship to your nephew? Is he a drug dealer?

Returning to my earlier line of questioning...

    Do you think it's appropriate for a Moff to advocate in the Senate on behalf of his nephew?

    Do you think it's appropriate for a Moff to use his position to advocate on behalf of a company he owns?

    Do you govern Eos, as Moff of its sector, or does your company govern Eos?

    Have Imperial funds been spent on this pirate "rehabilitation" program of yours? If not, how is it paid for with your company's notoriously poor finances?

That is all.

Johannes Oswaldt
Senator and Governor of Eriadu
Darres_VeriliaDate: Friday, 04 Nov 2011, 0:02 AM | Message # 33
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Senator Ordan, any answer I give for your question will not be satisfactory to you, as you've already shown a dislike of those with cybernetics. To imply that the cybernetics has anything to do with my actions would be just as asking if Senator Oswaldts personality has anything to do with the loss of his leg and replacement of it with a cybernetic. Unless you are of course suggesting that I put to memory trival days, rather than the many codes and conducts of the Emperor's vessels that are constantly being resupplied at Gall, by which your unannoucned arrival disrupted as we had to hold off Imperial vessels just to allow your own to land.

Senator Oswaldt, I've already answered your first question, trival days are of nothing to note for my memory, as such, it is not important if I remember or not if I've visited my family on Imperial Center. As for your other questions involving my nephew-in-law, it is saddening that you would believe such slanderous words from an article. Although it would seem that any veteran taking any prescription drug, from any licesened physician is too much work for a reporter to look into to find the truth. As for the Zabrak, he is also a veteran, there as support as he had served with Zarcaine during the Clone Wars, and currently acts as a bodyguard. It would seem though that some over zealous humans decided that they didn't like the fact that a Zabrak saved human lives during the Clone Wars and saw it fit to wipe out a Veterans savings as well as any form of information pretaining to said Veteran.

As for your remaining questions Senator Oswaldt, I sincerly suggest that you first think long and hard if you wish to open anything that would point out actions of the Moffs, after all, I am not the only Moff that has his hands in politics or companies.

I would also suggest that Senator Slai-Fon carefully rethink his wording of what he has said. From my understanding this is a hearing and not a Trial, unless you'd like to openly state that it is a Trial, in which case I will be filing a motion to have the Ethical conduct of the Ethics committee looked at by a proper judge and trial, as I'm sure they'd like to know why the Ethics Committee lied to an individual on why said individual was to appear before the Committee, why the Committee chose to state that a "trial" was a hearing, as well as why the Committee prevented an individual from a proper trial, with a proper jury, and proper legal advisement. With that I believe as Senator Slai-Fon has said, we are done here and that you've a busy day ahead speaking on the hearing, that is unless you've already made up your minds on what will happen, although I must remind the Committee that this was a hearing and not a trial.

Now then, as I am a very busy man and it would appear by the words spoken by Senator Slai-Fon that this hearing is over, I will be returning to the Cadavine Sector, and Senator Slai-Fon, I wont be needing that Senate Guard escort.

With that Darres straightened up the papers before him as he handed them to the protocol droid, which had recorded the hearing for Darres' own records. Darres turned and stepped out of the room, followed by the protocol droid and the legal representative which had also accompanied them. In a few minutes Darres was already on a vessel that would return him to the Cadavine Sector.

Darres Verilia
Baron of the Empire
Moff of the Cadavine Sector (Retired)
Senator_OrdanDate: Friday, 04 Nov 2011, 4:19 AM | Message # 34
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When he walked out, Ordan would turn to Slai Fon "The man just wantonly refused to answer Governor Oswaldt's reasonable questions and then stormed out without a word of permission. This is an outrage, I believe we are now entitled to have the Senate Guards arrest him before he leaves the building on contempt of Senate, refusal to answer questions such as these is hugely unreasonable and it is clearly contempt to leave without permission."

He then handed over to Slai Fon and Oswaldt a copy of the document he had just made up. Once voted on by the Committee, Slai Fon could present it to the Senate to sum up the conclusions of the investigation. "I think this about covers it Chairman, Governor." he said while Verilia was outside.

"The Ethics Committee finds that Moff Verilia to be an unethical individual, through manifold actions he has proven this. He claims his memory does not extend to a few weeks ago - clearly a man who can't remember a couple of weeks ago cannot be trusted with the heavier duties of office. We find this claim to be hugely dubious and feel that it would not be unreasonable to rule it as dishonest.


Here he promise to trade in classified information.
Here he attempted to bail his nephew out of the censure he got for his atrocious behaviour, acting nepotistically.
Here he attempted to influence an Imperial Security Bureau Officer to gain the classified information he promised.
Here he lied to the Grand Vizier about the message he earlier sent to try and bail out his nephew in law..
Here he attempted to bribe Senator Ordan to change my vote to bail our his nephew.
Here he agreed to use his corporate military to attack a member world of the Empire.
Moff Verilia also ran a complete debacle at Monor II, breaching a contract with no legal reason to do so (suspicion) and almost causing a disruption of the Cirrifog mining there.
Furthermore, he has failed to answer the reasonable questions posed by Senator Oswaldt regarding the ethics of his business dealings, storming out of the committee without leave to do so, equally, throughout proceedings he was rude and abrasive to the committee, failing to comply usefully with its queries.

Thus the Ethics Committee proposes to the Senate:

- The Ethics Committee humbly submits to the Senate and the Emperor that Moff Verilia may well be unsuitable to hold the office of Moff and so entreats the Emperor to consider the removal of Moff Verilia from the office of Governor of the Cadavine Sector and that his Majesty considers the retirement or discharge of Moff Verilia.
- The Ethics Committee also suggests that Verilia, as owner of "E.P.I.C." be fined a sum of 1,000,000 Credits for its misdealings with Monor II.
- The Ethics Committee calls upon the Commerce Committee to investigate the relationship between Darres Verilia, the Sector Government of the Cadavine Sector, the Government of Eos and E.P.I.C to discern the exact relationship between these bodies and if Darres Verilia acted in a manner inconsistent with good business practice in establishing said relationship. The Committee is to be empowered to fine up to 25% of annual income from E.P.I.C if its business dealings regarding its attainment of exclusive governance rights to Eos are anything less than exemplary, the Committee shall not require a court hearing to impose such a penalty.

The Ethics Committee also notes that Senator Zarcaine said (in open Senate)
the Moff is an uncle-in-law one whom I've not had the pleasure of speaking to in a few months now

And that developments since have proven that this was a lie to the open Senate by the Senator. Thus the Ethics Committee calls for a full and frank apology for this unethical conduct."

Senator Hubert Ordan

Senator of the Azure Sector
Foreign Minister of Anaxes
Captain-General of the Azure Interest Protection Squadron
Deputy Chairman of the Ethics Committee
Worshipful Master of the Most Loyal and Honourable Company of Blockadeers
Archtreasurer of the Vault of Pols Anaxes
Autocrat of Selgon
Owner of Azure Durasteel
Systems Admiral (Ret)
Order of the Canted Circle

Message edited by Senator_Ordan - Friday, 04 Nov 2011, 4:51 AM
Johannes_OswaldtDate: Saturday, 05 Nov 2011, 3:03 PM | Message # 35
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I'll be honest with you gentlemen, I didn't want to be here today either. There's a restaurant on Eriadu called Hulo's that gets a shipment of cured hides from Dantooine once a month and Hulo beer batters them and works some other culinary magic of his and the taste is to kill for. That day was today, but I'm here instead of at Hulo's where I'd prefer to be. I don't know where Verilia would prefer to be but apparnetly not here either. But I showed up and I put some work into this, and the thing is, Verilia's a military man and I was prepared to cut him some slack here today as long as he showed up and put up with my questions and answered them best he could. But now that he's refused to answer the softball questions I pitched to him, I'm pissed. And I agree with Hubert on this and vote in favor of his statement.

I think the Senate and the Emperor will support this because:

    Verilia has refused to say whether or not he's spent the Emperor's money on his own company.

    He's refused to say whether or not he, as Moff, gave one of the Emperor's planets to his own company.

    He's refused to say whether or not he's used his position as a Moff to advocate on behalf of his company or his nephew.

    He's refused to say whether or not he's done or does drugs.

    He's indicated that he knows who his nephew's suspected drug dealer is but has refused to identify him, and also criticized the Emperor's policy on aliens.

And he refused to answer Hubert's questions too. Throughout this hearing he tried every possible trick to avoid answering the committee's questions and now that he failed he's stormed out of the room in violation of the law. I agree the sergeant at arms should be notified at once to stop him from leaving the building until he's been notified that he's legally required to answer the Senate's questions and will go to jail if he refuses to do so. Honestly I don't get why he won't just answer the questions and clear his name..... Unless he's hiding something.

You need to be firm on this, Sly. Can't have people disrespecting you and your committee like this.

Johannes Oswaldt
Senator and Governor of Eriadu
Slai-FonDate: Sunday, 06 Nov 2011, 9:31 AM | Message # 36
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Indeed gentlemen, Indeed. Send word to the Grand Vizier giving him our verdict. Disobeying a direct order from the Vizier would be foolish. Also, senator Ordan You'll be promoted to Deputy Chairman and will take care of things in my absence. I know this is important to do, gentlemen, but I've just received word that my son was in a accident and he could possibly be dying, so I must leave for my home planet. Also, alert the guards to bring him back, if he refuses well... tell that to the grand vizier as well. Good luck gentleman.

(sorry guys, still got a lot of crap to deal with, had a few spare moment's so I figured I'd post this real fast.))

Slai-Fon Youngblood, Senator of Anobis, and the Bright Jewel sector
Chairman of ISEC (Imperial Senate Ethic's Committee.)
Chairman & CEO of K/Y deep.

Message edited by Slai-Fon - Sunday, 06 Nov 2011, 9:43 AM
Senator_OrdanDate: Sunday, 06 Nov 2011, 9:54 AM | Message # 37
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Ordan smiled, oh how he would take such exquisite pleasure in this. The pleasure would be ridiculously good, better than sex, better than any rush one could have, dragging the Moff in and forcing him to answer would be supremely fun! He slipped his hand silkily across the desk and pressed the "Guard" button as Verilia was walking down to the exit. "Guards, Moff Verilia is in contempt of the Ethics Committee and has refused to answer its questions, please escort Mr Verilia back to the Committee room."

He then turned back to Slai Fon before he left "Thank you for unanimous support Chairman, I hope to prove a worthy deputy to you in this time of crisis for yourself, I hope your family recover swiftly from the affliction you have mentioned them falling for. I run a tight ship, but a fair ship, and I look forward to running this committee along similar principles.

Governor Oswaldt, I hope you will not oppose me calling the guard to bring Darres back up. As Acting Chairman I intend to take a firm stance on disrespect of the Committee and especially such flagrant breaches as exiting without permission, absolutely atrocious. This is a man who is supposed to be a role model for people to aspire to, to see an Imperial Moff act in such a manner truly sickens me as it shows not only disrespect for this Committee and its dignity but also for the senior and elite office which he occupies."

Senator Hubert Ordan

Senator of the Azure Sector
Foreign Minister of Anaxes
Captain-General of the Azure Interest Protection Squadron
Deputy Chairman of the Ethics Committee
Worshipful Master of the Most Loyal and Honourable Company of Blockadeers
Archtreasurer of the Vault of Pols Anaxes
Autocrat of Selgon
Owner of Azure Durasteel
Systems Admiral (Ret)
Order of the Canted Circle
Captain_TancredDate: Sunday, 06 Nov 2011, 10:07 AM | Message # 38
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"Guardroom.. yes Sir... message received." the operator would reply. Captain Tancred happened to be in the Control Room and saw the message register, and moved around to the control table. All exit points were alerted to watch for Moff Verilia and prevent him leaving. A pair of Senate Guards, lead by a senior Sergeant moved to the Moff's position as the Captain sent updates on his position from the Cameras directly to their earpieces and helmets. Being acutely aware of the building and routes, the two NCOs approached the Moff quickly, from the front, blocking his path but making no aggressive moves.

"Halt Sir." spoke the Sergeant, holding one hand out upraised to the Moff, stopping a few paces ahead as he was leaving an elevator "It is my duty to warn you that by leaving an Imperial Senate Committee without answering legal questions put to you and without permission to leave, you are in breach of Imperial Law and will be arrested for Contempt of Senate if you do not immediately return with us to the Committee room now. I am authorized to detain you should you be unwilling to comply, Sir. Come on Sir, let's have no trouble." the Sergeant would gesture back towards the elevator Moff Verilia had come down.

As the Sergeant spoke, the Corporal remained motionless, but also kept his arms tense, either to go for his cuffs or his blaster pistol quickly if needed.

Captain Achilles Tancred

Captain of Imperial Senate Guard, Warden of the Senate Plaza.
Johannes_OswaldtDate: Sunday, 06 Nov 2011, 12:12 PM | Message # 39
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I vote against. Not that I disagree with you, but I find it incredible that the man who proposed this committee in the first place, whose idea it was and whose idea it was for a deputy chair, isnt chosen as the deputy chair. You'd be a fine chairman too Hubert, dont get me wrong. But fair is fair and this isnt. I'm taking my leave of the committee for today gentlemen. Good day.

Johannes Oswaldt
Senator and Governor of Eriadu
Senator_OrdanDate: Sunday, 06 Nov 2011, 8:23 PM | Message # 40
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*Before Johannes left, Ordan cut in quickly, with a politic statement. This was also while Verilia was out of the room.*

Governor Oswaldt, I have no particular wish to run the Committee, and I must defer to your experience on this matter. I would be curious if you would accept the position of Vice Chair (which the Committee will vote to confirm) and I am sure will be ratified by Chairman Youngblood on his return.

Thus as Vice-Chair I would be more than happy to have you to continue as Acting Chair (rather than myself) until Senator Youngblood's return.

Senator Hubert Ordan

Senator of the Azure Sector
Foreign Minister of Anaxes
Captain-General of the Azure Interest Protection Squadron
Deputy Chairman of the Ethics Committee
Worshipful Master of the Most Loyal and Honourable Company of Blockadeers
Archtreasurer of the Vault of Pols Anaxes
Autocrat of Selgon
Owner of Azure Durasteel
Systems Admiral (Ret)
Order of the Canted Circle
Johannes_OswaldtDate: Tuesday, 08 Nov 2011, 12:06 PM | Message # 41
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I'm willing to be reasonable on this. If I'm Vice Chair I wouldn't mind you continuing on as Acting Chair, Hubert. Reasonable compromise?

Johannes Oswaldt
Senator and Governor of Eriadu
Senator_OrdanDate: Tuesday, 08 Nov 2011, 12:08 PM | Message # 42
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"Naturally old boy, Naturally." said Ordan, turning to check the progress of the Guard in apprehending the loon known as Verilia.

Senator Hubert Ordan

Senator of the Azure Sector
Foreign Minister of Anaxes
Captain-General of the Azure Interest Protection Squadron
Deputy Chairman of the Ethics Committee
Worshipful Master of the Most Loyal and Honourable Company of Blockadeers
Archtreasurer of the Vault of Pols Anaxes
Autocrat of Selgon
Owner of Azure Durasteel
Systems Admiral (Ret)
Order of the Canted Circle
Johannes_OswaldtDate: Tuesday, 08 Nov 2011, 12:34 PM | Message # 43
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Either way, I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be back. Might stop by the pretzel place downstairs, though. You want anything?

Johannes Oswaldt
Senator and Governor of Eriadu

Message edited by Johannes_Oswaldt - Wednesday, 23 Nov 2011, 12:01 PM
Darres_VeriliaDate: Thursday, 17 Nov 2011, 11:01 PM | Message # 44
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As Darres walked down the hall to the turbolift he did notice that Senator Oswaldt was stepping into the restroom, before his own protocol droid spoke up. "Sir, it would appear that the chairman of the committee has also left the room with plans on leaving." Darres nodded as the group stepped into the turbolift, waiting quietly as it slowly descended through the building, stopping at the lobby. When he stepped out, only to be stopped by the guardsman Darres shook his head. "I wont be returning, there isn't a Quorum to continue as the Chair and Vice Chair have both run out of the hearing." Darres stepped forward as two stormtroopers approached, escorting him out of the lobby and into a waiting speeder.

Darres Verilia
Baron of the Empire
Moff of the Cadavine Sector (Retired)
Senator_OrdanDate: Friday, 18 Nov 2011, 1:20 AM | Message # 45
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"Of course, I'll have a bready one. Let us have a ten minute recess while Verilia is dragged back" Ordan sat back in his chair and looked over his paperwork on the matter.

Senator Hubert Ordan

Senator of the Azure Sector
Foreign Minister of Anaxes
Captain-General of the Azure Interest Protection Squadron
Deputy Chairman of the Ethics Committee
Worshipful Master of the Most Loyal and Honourable Company of Blockadeers
Archtreasurer of the Vault of Pols Anaxes
Autocrat of Selgon
Owner of Azure Durasteel
Systems Admiral (Ret)
Order of the Canted Circle

Message edited by Senator_Ordan - Wednesday, 23 Nov 2011, 12:03 PM

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