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Ethics Committee Meeting With Verilia
Captain_TancredDate: Friday, 18 Nov 2011, 1:37 AM | Message # 46
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Verilia was not allowed to leave. The Senate doors would remain firmly barred to him. Senate Guards would stun and detain any stormtroopers who attempted to "escort" verilia out.

The two guards were rather exasperated at the lack of respect that Verilia was showing both them and the chamber. The Corporal pulled his stun baton from its holster and the Sergeant his cuffs. Striding up to Verilia as he steamed past blathering about Quorum he spoke in firm, dead set tones that Verilia could not help hearing, he had offered Verilia the easy way, now he would have the hard one "Moff Darres Verilia, you are under arrest for contempt of Senate. You do not have to say anything, anything you do say will be given in evidence. It may harm your defense if you do not mention when questioned, something you later rely on in court."

The Sergeant would reach for Verilia's neck as he attempted to continue towards the door, pushing down on a pressure point, attempting to push him to his knees to make restraint easier as he moved the cuffs up, attempting to clip them on Verilia's hands.. The Corporal moved up on the other side of Verilia, ready to strike him with his baton if necessary.

Captain Achilles Tancred

Captain of Imperial Senate Guard, Warden of the Senate Plaza.
Dorian_CovellDate: Tuesday, 22 Nov 2011, 11:56 PM | Message # 47
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A nearby elevator opened up. Within, only two men stood. While offered several times due to the nature of his work, Vizier Covell refused the Emperor's selected detail of Royal Guardsmen. Primarily, it merely sent the wrong image to the Senator who were supposed to trust him, and should. His secondary concern was, in the event of the Emperor's displeasure, something he was yet to witness but still greatly feared, the Guards could enact Palpatine's retribution before he was ready to receive it. Instead, he was accompanied by an equally menacing, but singular, individual; an Inquisitor. A High Inquisitor to be precise, one that had been present at Senator Oriel's arrest earlier in the year. When they walked out into the scene before them, the Inquisitor became alert, while he was aghast by the spectacle, which was now gaining notice, and a crowd.

Despite the damage that may be done to his workings in the Senate, even further and more drastic damage would be done within the public eye if he didn't act soon. He walked up to the Senate Guards restraining, with rather efficient albeit brute force, and called out to them "Release him, now!" came the instantly recognizable voice of the Vizier. Once he was upon the Moff and subduing Guardsmen, which, if they knew what was good for health, would have Verilia released by now, his usually calm and pleasant demeanor had returned from the shocked and, rightfully, angry moment mere seconds ago. "That is quite enough Captain Tancred. You are, as ever, efficient and direct in your methods, however... I'm afraid we must not leave the impression that the Senate can arrest the Emperor's Moffs." he said, helping Moff Verilia to his feet.

"Now then," he said with a smile "Darres, shall we return to the Committee Chambers and conclude this nasty mess? No need to worry, I will be present for the remainder to ensure the Committee behaves in a fitting manner. I believe only a few more questions are needed to be answered. Once this is over, I will speak to you in private about a message the Emperor himself has for you!" he said, becoming slightly excited. Obviously, it was good news. While he awaited Verilia's response, he turned back to the Senate Guard Captain. "Captain Tancred, could you please inform the Ethics Committee that they are not allowed to recess until the conclusion of this hearing, and that they are now under my direct supervision."

Dorian Covell
Vizier of Government Affairs
Darres_VeriliaDate: Wednesday, 23 Nov 2011, 0:10 AM | Message # 48
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Darres brushed himself off as he was helped to his feet, those Stormtroopers with him weren't as easy to take down, and many of them already had their weapons leveled at the Senate Guards that were even close to touching them as others waited outside, their own weapons leveled and aimed to fire straight through the windows before the Moff spoke up. "I have no problem with hearings, as long as they are done properly, and not an attempt at a mock trial for a vendetta of a petty man." Of course he only spoke loud enough for himself and the Vizier to hear before he turned to the Stormtroopers as he motioned with his hand, the commanding officer nodding as they lowered their weapons, the others outside doing the same in a similar fashion, yet kept their guards up and their fingers on the triggers in case one of the Senate Guards got uppity and had to be put down. He was already growing tired of this entire thing as he looked back to the Vizier.

"I serve the Emperor. Although I do find it trying to have a Senator with a petty vendetta being allowed to stall and prevent me from continuing my work." He brushed off his uniform as he walked towards the turbolift, passing within ear shot of Captain Tancred. "Expect to have a dry cleaners bill arriving in your mail." Moff Verilia then stepped into the turbolift, the protocol droid he brought with him coming along as did the legal assistant.

Darres Verilia
Baron of the Empire
Moff of the Cadavine Sector (Retired)
Captain_TancredDate: Wednesday, 23 Nov 2011, 11:55 AM | Message # 49
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Tancred was not there, he was off in the Senate Guard Command Centre. He did however open his communicator to the Vizier when he approached. "I am afraid a request to cancel the right of a committee to hold breaks would have to come down from the Chair of the Senate, Sir. I will however request that they return presently as Moff Verilia is headed up. I do have instructions from the Grand Vizier which indicate that arrest of a Moff is within the power of the Senate Guard, justice applies to all."

The Sergeant and Corporal would back off as requested by Covell, giving a respectful salute. Waiting for Verilia to go back to the elevator (wondering why he was on the ground, as they did not push him to it, just his knees).

Accordingly he sent a request to Ordan and Oswaldt that they return to the Committee room. The dry cleaner comment was ignored. The Sergeant would move towards the troopers, speaking in a calm voice. "Lower your weapons, this is a public hallway! And take your hands off the triggers. You will behave with the proper dignity in the Senate or be removed."

Captain Achilles Tancred

Captain of Imperial Senate Guard, Warden of the Senate Plaza.
Senator_OrdanDate: Wednesday, 23 Nov 2011, 11:57 AM | Message # 50
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Ordan waited in the Committe room, going over some of the data with his lawyers for charges which would be filed through the courts at the conclusion of proceedings. He tapped his fingers on the desk and smiled at the news that Verilia was to be brought back.. The man would answer the questions then face whatever justice the Senate saw fit to impose upon him.

Senator Hubert Ordan

Senator of the Azure Sector
Foreign Minister of Anaxes
Captain-General of the Azure Interest Protection Squadron
Deputy Chairman of the Ethics Committee
Worshipful Master of the Most Loyal and Honourable Company of Blockadeers
Archtreasurer of the Vault of Pols Anaxes
Autocrat of Selgon
Owner of Azure Durasteel
Systems Admiral (Ret)
Order of the Canted Circle
Johannes_OswaldtDate: Wednesday, 23 Nov 2011, 12:31 PM | Message # 51
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Oswaldt's mood was somewhat improved as he returned to the committee room a moment later with a jumbo-sized pretzel in each hand. "Some kind of scuffle out there," he said, handing Ordan's pretzel to him as he shuffled past the Senator and took his seat once more, the smell of parmesan filling the room. His protocol droid filled him in on what he'd missed, and he laughed. "So that was our friend then," he noted, shaking his head. "Piece of work, that Verilia. I think we have all we need on him, but even so I'd like to hear him answer my questions before we wrap this up. It's the principle of the thing. You're going to get all this down, right?" he asked the droid.

"Yes sir."

"Stupid droid" Oswaldt explained as he sunk his teeth into his doughy delicacy.

Johannes Oswaldt
Senator and Governor of Eriadu

Message edited by Johannes_Oswaldt - Wednesday, 23 Nov 2011, 12:32 PM
Senator_OrdanDate: Wednesday, 23 Nov 2011, 12:37 PM | Message # 52
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Took the pretzel and had a bite of the bready dough, wishing he had some mustard or something to condiment it, waiting for Verilia to come back in. "Absolutely, I think we're essentially done but if we get those answers we can then file our findings with the Senate. I think the evidence so far speaks for itself. Trying to bribe Imperial officials indeed!"

Senator Hubert Ordan

Senator of the Azure Sector
Foreign Minister of Anaxes
Captain-General of the Azure Interest Protection Squadron
Deputy Chairman of the Ethics Committee
Worshipful Master of the Most Loyal and Honourable Company of Blockadeers
Archtreasurer of the Vault of Pols Anaxes
Autocrat of Selgon
Owner of Azure Durasteel
Systems Admiral (Ret)
Order of the Canted Circle
Dorian_CovellDate: Friday, 25 Nov 2011, 2:15 AM | Message # 53
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"Indeed, Sergeant, justice does apply to all... however, what kind of justice, or level of severity, must be kept relevant to the individual. Grabbing a Moff by the neck... perhaps not so relevant. An 'educated' but jobless, and idealist protestor, with no idea of what he speaks of and whom will unwittingly cause anarchy of a level unknown to the Galaxy should he get his way... much more relevant." he said, patting the man on the shoulder. "Regardless, good work gentlemen. Carry on." he said to them, now walking with the Moff and entering the turbolift with his entourage. It was surprising the level of loyalty the clones displayed towards Verilia, as most were knowledgeable of the various jurisdictions and authorities of the Empire and would dictate they not be bearing arms in this instance; something he would perhaps have to look into.

He turned to the Moff, to address his concerns. "I'm sure your Adjutant is highly capable and able to handle taking care of your Sector for you for a couple of days. If not, then I believe you need a new one, and I question your appointment of him into his duties. If you refer to your corporate endeavors, I remind you that you are, first and foremost, a Moff of the Galactic Empire, which is paramount to any concerns your private life may have." he said, taking a moment to let that moment sink in. "I believe the reason you find yourself in this mess, Darres, is that you have lost sight of that, in some sense. No matter their nature, the questions asked of you, are just that... questions. You answer them, you leave. It is a truly painless process, unless you make it out to be more than it is." he said, turning back to face the doors, stretching his body through small movements as he did so.

"The fact of the matter is... the Senate can not touch you. For all they think they can, they can not. Ordan, despite his high sense of self-worth, is a good man who wishes to advance the ideals of the New Order, and Oswaldt is one of the most reverent believers in the New Order I have ever had the privilege to meet. They may lack basic social skills, or seem to at least, but they are powerful men, favored by the Emperor, much like you. They are useful, whether or not they are idiots remains to be seen. You must, however, keep in mind when interacting with the Senate, to play against them... keep in mind their personalities. You tell them what they want to hear, while remaining truthful. Don't lie, but spoon feed them an idea rather than dropping bombs as much as possible. Senators don't like to be surprised, nor do they like to be told they are wrong or hear things they don't like. Keep that in mind... but don't lie." he said, trying to mentor the man in the turbolift ride. Once it was over, he went about exiting first, and taking a seat in the vacant gallery behind the table at which Darres would retake his seat.

Dorian Covell
Vizier of Government Affairs
Darres_VeriliaDate: Wednesday, 30 Nov 2011, 8:50 PM | Message # 54
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Darres would walk down the hall and into the room, ignoring for the moment the self centered and blow hard that was Senator Ordan as he took a seat at the table he had been sitting at before, the droid and legal assistant also joining him as they sat down.

Darres Verilia
Baron of the Empire
Moff of the Cadavine Sector (Retired)
Johannes_OswaldtDate: Friday, 02 Dec 2011, 10:18 PM | Message # 55
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Oswaldt glared disdainfully at Verilia as he returned to the room. He might have smirked if his mouth wasn't already hard at work on his pretzel. He saw Covell file in behind Verilia. Angrily, one assumes.. Since Verilia had apparently blown off the Vizier and his offer of help, turning his back to Covell without a word and stomping back to the committee room. Oh well, Oswaldt thought. Another bridge burned. What a f#$%ing child. Oswaldt swallowed, wiped his mouth with his sleeve, and cleared his throat as he looked to Ordan. "I ask that the Deputy- and Acting-Chair resume the hearing so Moff Verilia can answer the questions I asked him. I'd be glad to repeat them if he wants. I also welcome Vizier Covell to these proceedings. Good to see you, my man." He took another bite as he awaited the proceedings to begin.

Johannes Oswaldt
Senator and Governor of Eriadu
Senator_OrdanDate: Saturday, 03 Dec 2011, 11:40 AM | Message # 56
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"The hearing is so resumed. Mr Verilia, as you will no doubt remember, Governor Oswaldt asked the following questions:

Quote (Johannes_Oswaldt)
Do you think it's appropriate for a Moff to advocate in the Senate on behalf of his nephew?

Do you think it's appropriate for a Moff to use his position to advocate on behalf of a company he owns?

Do you govern Eos, as Moff of its sector, or does your company govern Eos?

Have Imperial funds been spent on this pirate "rehabilitation" program of yours? If not, how is it paid for with your company's notoriously poor finances?

" He clicked a couple of buttons on the desk, ready for the next salvo he had to fire.

Senator Hubert Ordan

Senator of the Azure Sector
Foreign Minister of Anaxes
Captain-General of the Azure Interest Protection Squadron
Deputy Chairman of the Ethics Committee
Worshipful Master of the Most Loyal and Honourable Company of Blockadeers
Archtreasurer of the Vault of Pols Anaxes
Autocrat of Selgon
Owner of Azure Durasteel
Systems Admiral (Ret)
Order of the Canted Circle
Darres_VeriliaDate: Tuesday, 06 Dec 2011, 2:30 AM | Message # 57
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"I will not answer those first two questions as they may or may not cause me to incriminate myself. As for the pirate "rehabilitation" I've already answer this. These men served their time in prison, those with the lowest risk of becoming repeat offenders, and having shown to be able to once more integrate themselves into the Empire as citizen where hired. No Imperial funds, nor funds from Eos where used. As for the world, Eos is an Imperial world, governed by an Imperial Moff. The company happens to be the only one on the world, as no other companies have come forward seeking to open their own facilities."

Darres Verilia
Baron of the Empire
Moff of the Cadavine Sector (Retired)
Senator_OrdanDate: Tuesday, 06 Dec 2011, 4:30 AM | Message # 58
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"While our legal expert examines if hypotheticals can be considered self incrimination. If you will endulge me, perhaps you will not mind hearing your peers opinion? before I press one final question" he clicked on a communicator signalling the preprepared witnesses he had.

"Summon Moff Brandt, Moff Levi, Moff Hong, Moff Cole and Moff Winder, Gentlemen, from the content of the investigation so far, how would you characterise the conduct of Moff Verilia? Do you believe it to be appropriate to the dignity of the positions you all hold? If you were sitting in judgement of him (which you are not, but this is a hypothetical) how would you judge his conduct?"

Senator Hubert Ordan

Senator of the Azure Sector
Foreign Minister of Anaxes
Captain-General of the Azure Interest Protection Squadron
Deputy Chairman of the Ethics Committee
Worshipful Master of the Most Loyal and Honourable Company of Blockadeers
Archtreasurer of the Vault of Pols Anaxes
Autocrat of Selgon
Owner of Azure Durasteel
Systems Admiral (Ret)
Order of the Canted Circle

Message edited by Senator_Ordan - Tuesday, 06 Dec 2011, 4:55 AM
Simon_LeviDate: Tuesday, 06 Dec 2011, 4:36 AM | Message # 59
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Moff Simon Levi appeared in the room on a holopad, sitting in his desk chair aboard his flagship, he had been watching the proceedings. "Gentlemen, is this really in question? We have seen such a staggering volume of corruption that I do not believe even the most corrupt authority would turn an eye to it! And we are not a corrupt authority, we are the Empire, one based on virtues and good conduct.

From reading the process of the Committee hearing he is clearly also wasting time and attempting to obstruct your progress. His refusal to "self incriminate" implies to me there is something incriminating there, something which is a huge concern.

I expect the highest conduct from my peers, and it is apprent we have not seen it. The issue with the Hutts is not one which concerns me, it could well be a simple bungled attempt at a covert operation - however, I do believe the attempts to corrupt Imperial officials on behalf of his nephew is unacceptable and corrupt.

I do not believe Moff Verilia is suitable for any office, especially the one he holds."

Moff of the Tammuz Sector
Moff_HongDate: Tuesday, 06 Dec 2011, 4:37 AM | Message # 60
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"Unsuitable for office, perhaps unsuitable for freedom" replied Moff Hong, appearing, on a holopad which flicked on quickly.

Moff Hong
Thanium Sector

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